Parenting & Family

Buckle Your Kids…It’s The Law!

Buckle your Kids

I can’t say it enough, please buckle your kids up! If a child lands up underneath or next to a motor vehicle, that determines if a child was restrained or not, so buckle up your kids as you would hate to be in an accident and blame yourself for the …

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What Car Seat To Use For Your Baby’s Age Group

Rear-facing Car Seat

Using the correct car seat for your child is essential when driving. I constantly see parents driving with their kids either not strapped in at all, or using the incorrect car seats for their children. Please look after your children by following these guidelines. Birth To 9 months Or 9kg Babies …

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How Long Should My Baby Sleep?

How much sleep does baby need

It is every mom’s question: how long should my baby sleep for? Your baby’s needs are constantly changing as he grows, find below a guideline for how much sleep your baby needs at his age. How Long Should My Baby Sleep? 0 – 3 months old baby: A baby of 0 …

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Make Your Own Playdough


Make your own playdough with simple ingredients already in your home. Kids just love playdough and it can keep them entertained for ages. Ingredients 1 cup water 1 tablespoon vegetable oil ½ cup salt 1 tablespoon cream of tartar Food colouring 1 cup flour Directions Warm water, oil, salt, cream …

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7 Signs Your Baby Is Tired

Yawning baby

Getting to know your baby and his body language is going to help you know when your baby is tired, hungry, sick, needing some quiet time, or ready to play and engage with you. Understanding your baby’s sleep cues will make things much easier for you to get your baby …

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Lollos & Lettie

A few months ago my daughter kept saying the word lollos and I had no idea what it meant. Chatting to another mom I found out that Lollos is an Afrikaans set of characters that the toddlers and young kids go crazy for. When I heard that Lollos was going …

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5 Signs That Baby Is Constipated

Constipated Baby

It is quite common for a baby to strain to make a poop, this does not necessarily mean that your baby is constipated. If your baby’s poop is soft it probably isn’t constipation and there shouldn’t be anything to worry about. Formula fed babies usually have a daily bowel movement, …

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Kids Activities: Make Your Own Paint

Girl with paint on face

Most kids love nothing better than painting, making a mess, and making things. So why not make your own paint? It’s cheaper than buying it in stores and it is made from only four ingredients that you will already have in your home. It is a fun activity that you …

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Should I Have A Baby?

Should I Have A Baby

For all Mother’s (including soon to be Mothers) – I found this online and found it really hit the spot with with, so I thought I would share it with you. Should I Have A Baby? We are sitting at lunch one day when my daughter casually mentions that she …

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5 Remedies For Constipation In Babies

remedies for constipation in babies

Having a baby with constipation is absolutely awful. Before you give your baby anything for constipation first make sure that your baby does in fact have constipation by looking for signs of constipation. It is also important to remember that breastfed babies can poop 10 times in one day or …

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Almost There – Potty Training

Almost There Potty Training

It has been just over a year since I wrote the blog on my daughter’s first potty achievement. I always assumed potty training was faster. I suppose it is all about the method you choose to use. When posting on my facebook page on this topic a lot of moms …

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Dealing With A Lying Toddler

lying toddler

I have now had my first experience of a lying toddler and as usual these things took me by surprise. It was a normal morning driving to work. Just as I was about to arrive at the day care to drop off my nearly 3 year old daughter I had …

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The Angry Toddler

angry toddler

Suddenly I have an angry toddler on my hands. I always thought the Terrible Two’s started at 2 years old. Much to my horror my daughter started with tantrums at about 1 year old and they have just been building in ferocity ever since and she is nearly 3 years …

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Witnessing A Little Person Develop


Witnessing a little person develop is one of the most amazing experiences in the world. I have written a lot of articles and a lot of them have been focused on being so tired and the struggles I face. However I do love being a mom and I often look …

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