Tag Archives: teething

Myth: Teething Causes High Fevers…

Mother kissing baby

A popular myth suggests that teething babies often have fevers. However, this isn’t accurate and can be potentially risky. If your baby has a fever, it’s essential to address it properly and not assume it’s due to teething.1a Turn to Panado® to break your tot’s fever. Teething is a natural process that typically …

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6 Best Baby Teething Remedies

Teething and crying baby

A teething baby is no joke and you will find out very early on that you need the best baby teething remedies on hand to ease your baby’s teething pain and symptoms. Babies usually start teething around 3 months of age, however some babies have even been born with teeth, …

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Teething Symptoms and Teething Remedies

Before giving your child any teething remedies, first make sure they are in fact suffering from baby teething pain. It’s not always easy to distinguish teething pain from other aches, but these obvious signs of teething can be helpful: • A lot of drooling, more than usual • Chewing or …

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10 Best Infant Teething Products

Baby tummy time smiling

As any mother with a teething baby will tell you, the teething process is no joke. Some babies teeth relatively easily while other babies struggle the whole way through making it van incredibly hard time for mommy and baby. When babies are teething they can be niggly and irritable, their …

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Top 3 Benefits of Amber Teething Necklaces

Benefits of amber teething necklaces

Firstly we apologize that we are no longer stocking amber teething necklaces! Amber teething necklaces have always generated so much interest on our website and our social networks so I have written a number of posts on various topics already, I’ll give you a run down of these posts with …

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6 Natural Teething Remedies To Soothe Your Baby’s Pain

Teething Baby

Teething can be a difficult time for both babies and parents. As teeth begin to emerge, babies may experience discomfort, irritability, and trouble sleeping. While there are many over-the-counter remedies available, some parents prefer to use natural methods to soothe their little ones. Here are six natural teething remedies to …

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What Is Baltic Amber And How Does It Work?

Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces

In recent years, Baltic amber has gained immense popularity among parents, especially moms, who seek natural remedies for their babies. But what exactly is Baltic amber, and why are so many moms turning to amber teething necklaces? What Is Baltic Amber? Baltic amber is the fossilised resin of ancient pine …

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Do Amber Teething Necklaces Work?

baby wearing amber teething necklace

Do amber teething necklaces work is a question I hear often, here is my personal experience: Up until my daughter was 3 months I had never heard of baltic amber teething necklaces. To be honest when I did hear about them I was sceptical and didn’t even think of buying …

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