Teething Baby

The Teething Timeline: A Guide to Your Baby’s Toothy Grin

Watching your little one grow is a magical journey filled with countless milestones, and one of the most memorable ones is teething. It’s an exciting and sometimes challenging time for both babies and parents alike. Understanding the order in which those tiny teeth make their debut and how long the process takes can help ease the journey for everyone involved.

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Teething timeline

Teething typically begins around six months of age, although it can vary from one baby to another. The process of teething usually follows a relatively predictable pattern, although there can be some individual differences. Here’s a general guide to the order in which those pearly whites tend to appear:

Teething journey - when baby get teethTeething Timeline

Bottom Central Incisors (6-10 months)

The first teeth to emerge are usually the bottom front teeth, known as the central incisors. These little teeth often make their appearance between six to ten months of age, marking the beginning of your baby’s teething journey.

Top Central Incisors (8-12 months)

Following the bottom central incisors, the top front teeth, also called central incisors, typically come in next. This usually occurs around eight to twelve months of age, but again, each baby is unique.

Top and Bottom Lateral Incisors (9-13 months)

After the central incisors, the lateral incisors, which are located next to the central ones, usually make their appearance. These teeth tend to emerge between nine to thirteen months of age.

First Molars (13-19 months)

The first molars are the next set of teeth to emerge. These larger, flat teeth are located at the back of the mouth and are essential for chewing food. They typically come in between thirteen to nineteen months of age.

Canines (16-22 months)

Following the first molars, the canine teeth, also known as cuspids, usually emerge. These pointy teeth are located next to the lateral incisors and are used for tearing food. They generally appear between sixteen to twenty-two months of age.

Second Molars (23-33 months)

The last teeth to emerge are the second molars. These are located at the back of the mouth, behind the first molars. Second molars usually make their appearance between twenty-three to thirty-three months of age, completing the primary set of twenty baby teeth.

How Long Does Teething Last?

Teething can be a prolonged process, often spanning several years from the eruption of the first tooth to the emergence of the last. However, the most intense period of teething, when multiple teeth may be erupting simultaneously, typically occurs between six months to around two and a half years of age.

While every baby’s teething experience is unique, it’s essential to remember that teething is a natural and necessary part of your little one’s development. Providing gentle care and comfort during this time can help alleviate discomfort and make the teething journey a smoother one for both you and your baby.

Understanding the order in which baby teeth emerge and the approximate timeline can help parents navigate this exciting yet challenging phase of their child’s development with confidence and patience. Remember, those adorable toothy grins will soon be worth every moment of teething trouble.

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  1. Just check the toothbrush cause i`m able to steam mine. Also agree some parents give meds too quickly. I give prodol for gums you can test it makes my tongue numb. Nice article lynne nothing like a teething baba also did not know it would be like this.

    • Nice article…very helpful for new moms and the teething guide comes very handy. My little one has been showing symptoms since 3months old -now at 6months still no teeth. just a little vampire-wanabe

      I was told on your facebook page to try Prodol instead of Teejel…I first tested it on myself, my gum went numb and I drooled a little… 😉 works miracle

      Amber teething beads also working its magic…Ouma got her beads back and since wearing it she hasnt had any ‘rimitiek’ in her muscles

    • Ooo all the info I needed! My lg is 3 and ‘n half months and I am sure she is starting to teeth!! Will def have to get me a amber teething necklace!! Thanks for the great advise!!

    • Hi Lynne,
      Thanks so much for this! My lb has two of the symptoms… Guess that’s why he’s been crying so! Will soon order my Amber necklace

  2. my son is going through all that eina now. Been such a struggle today. I myself feel extremely emotional and overwhelmed today. Seeing him hurt and sick is really painful. I just pray he goes through this quickly . Thanks for the article 🙂

    • Shame Jeannie! Which tooth is he on? I found the first few teeth the worst so far, I think because it was all so new to her. Maybe you will be lucky too and the next ones won’t be too bad!

    • I get where your coming from we haven`t slept in threw in aleast two weeks and that also takes a toll but sick & sad baby is heartbreaking.

  3. Thank you for the helpful article Lynne. It’s not nice at all when you feel helpless.

    • It’s a pleasure. I focussed on the natural remedies as I really believe medicating is not the way to go! Yes you do need to give meds on occasion but I like to encourage other remedies. Hopefully more moms can comment and add their advice!

  4. thank u for this article- especially the hints. although this is baba #3 one tends to forget this:-) but with help like this it makes going through the teething pain do-able for baby and mommy

  5. My son breezed through getting his first 6 teeth in 7 weeks!! But over the weekend, the drama started. He is cutting his first back tooth. I have been up since 2:15am this morning. I will rather stay awake and help him where I can, than just medicate and leave him. Just thanking Kaboutjie for his teething necklace 🙂

  6. Thanks for the great advice. My lo should start teething in the next 4 months or so…so glad it’ll be closer to warm weather so she can use natural relief methods rather than meds 🙂

  7. Very nice article , it really helps new mommys like me and tells me a lot about teething! Thanks a lot… Xx

  8. Great article 😀

    Both my babies were late teethers and only popped their 1st tooth at 9 months and 10 months respectively. My son is now 22 months and still has 8 teeth to cut! The only thing that does work for him is his Amber teething necklace (reduces the drool) and also Prodol.

  9. Guess we’ll be soon there. Learned something about paining ears thanks so much

  10. Is it possible for my little boy of 3months to be teething now already? He is drooling and sucking on everything?

    • Yes it is very possible! They often start teething symptoms around 3 months, this is because the teeth are moving up. However the first tooth will often only appear around 6 – 7 months.

  11. thanks Lynne for the article! waiting patiently well not really patient lol for lil ones tooth to pop out! teething is such a trying time for both mom and baby, atleast for some I think. baba is so clingy these days, just gotta givem more love and hugs and kisses I guess 🙂

  12. This artical is sooooo helpful! My lg will be 11wks on thursday and has started drooling already! Midwife says her gums are hard and she’ll be teething early! *yikes* I’m dreading the teething journey, I don’t know what to expect and ill be back at work in a month! 🙁 I’d prefer being with her! Sooooo I’d better get prepared!…..thanks Lynne!

  13. 🙁 My little one is starting

  14. Those Amber teething necklaces are great for teething in little ones, they helped my teenage daughter get through the agony of cutting her wisdom teeth. Wonderful, natural and effective.

  15. olivia mortlock

    I find that with the drooling, if u dry the chin well and apply some vaseline, it helps prevent a rash.
    My little guy is going through it now and has his first bum rash, I wash the area well with lavendar soap and water, and wipe with cooled rooibos tea, then I take a hair dryer and dry it. I apply vaginal cream to the area and then his normal bum cream and sprinkle mazina – his rash started on sunday and today its almost gone!
    The chemist also told me his snotty nose is not from teething, but my dr says it is…
    Amazing how different healthcare professionals have different opinions

  16. Day 3 of teething!

  17. This article is very helpfull thank you lynn, i think our sons 1st tooth is well on its way.

  18. Thank you for this article 🙂 My little guys started teething at 3 months, they will be 6 months on 5 May and still not a single tooth for either of them. Thank heavens for their amber beads it has been amazing. The semi frozen cloth works miracles lol my babies love it. I guess my hubby and I are very lucky as we have been sleeping well along with babies, only 1-2 nights a week we operate on minimal sleep. So blessed. Having lots of fun with our little drooling vampire wanna-be’s (“,) #mommyoftwins

  19. My baby is teething at the moment and we are really having a rough time :'( He wakes up very early in the morning crying, and nothing I do calms him down, and this has been going on for a week now. He has already cut one tooth, and the next is on his way now. I think I will be trying Prodol now instead of Teejel, because it doesn’t really work in my opinion. Thanks for this article and all the mommies’ comments!

  20. Hi mommies. Is Prodol available over the counter or does one need a script for it?

  21. I stumbled upon this article at just the right time. My little boy is four months old now and has start drooling a lot… I love the handy guide you shared above! Very useful, thank you. I NEED to get an amber teething necklace… and soon!

  22. Thanks for the tips ladies! Has anyone tried chamomile teething powder?

    Mine just popped his first tooth 🙂 Hoping it gets easier!

  23. Teething is a very unpleasant process for parents and babies to say the least … One feels so helpless during this journey.

  24. Im heading for teething stage omw hope it does not make baby to sick and sore…his now 2 months 1 week old so we getting to 3-6 months old

  25. Awesome article have a 4month girl also didnt know the stages of teething thaught it was only at a later stage

  26. Hi all the mommies, my baby boy is 5 months now and also started showing symptoms of teething. Pediatrician suggested alegex (because it’s an antihistamine, which takes the “jik” and inflammation of the gums away) when it really get bad and the only way to go is medicine. But only from 6 months though.

  27. I was rubbing him with the powder i forgot the name,immediately when i saw that he was swollen i started to use powder on him it was helpful.

  28. Does anybody still give their babies biltong to teethe on or is that a big nono these days? I gave all of mine biltong to chew with various degrees of success and mess. Apart from how revolting the piece of biltong could become after a while, the only problem we had was keeping the dogs from stealing it.

    • Oh yes I gave both my kids teething biltong and they loved it. True it got really gross but it works! I have seen plenty of other moms still using biltong so I am sure it is still popular. I see it in the shops too 🙂

    • I never experienced any problems with my first 2 they just had a high temperature that was manageable with calpol and the last one is 9 months and he is showing me flames I have used Ashton powder and teething jels but he is still fussy

  29. Great article for first moms

  30. Very insightful thank you. I used teejel and teething cookies he also had teething rings as well as the Dr Brown teething pacifier but it still was a though journey

  31. Very useful information

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