Pregnancy & Birth

Our Birth Story Youtube Video

Our birth story youtube

This is a beautiful birth story Youtube video showing Nicole giving birth to her daughter Eden. A natural birth with an epidural. I especially loved the hubby that was so supportive and involved with everything. I love the way he decided to leave out filming here in pain and instead …

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10 Things To Expect When Pregnant With Triplets

Pregnant with triplets - what to expect

When I found out I was having triplets, I was shocked, I’d never been pregnant before, so I really didn’t have any idea what things to expect in pregnancy.  I’d trained as a nurse, did my bit on the obstetric wards and delivery suite but to be honest, whilst it was part of …

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How To Make A Diaper Stroller

How To Make A Diaper Stroller

Ok so this video showing how to make a diaper stroller is both absolutely brilliant and one of the most stupid things I have seen when it comes to diaper gifts. The thing is that when you make a diaper cake or a diaper stroller or any other type of …

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Six Tips to Getting Pregnant While Breastfeeding

Getting pregnant while breastfeeding

If you faced challenges while trying to get your last baby, it might be more challenging if you’re attempting another pregnancy, especially if you’re still breastfeeding. Maybe you didn’t struggle to have your past baby, but you should bear in mind that getting pregnant while breastfeeding might not be as …

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Best Baby Shower Gift Ideas

Best baby shower gift ideas

Buying a baby shower gift for someone special can be lots of fun and you have a really awesome opportunity to make a lasting impact on that special mommy to be. The first thing you need to do is decide what type of gift you want to buy your loved …

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13 Signs You Are Having A Boy

13 Signs You Are Having A Boy

This video shows some really interesting signs you are having a boy. I have to agree that I had a lot of these signs, especially carrying my baby low and only carrying weight in my stomach! It was such a different pregnancy to my daughter where I carried my weight …

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Emotional Live Birth

Emotional Live Birth

What an amazing video of Ellie giving birth to her second child. I can’t believe how calm and collected she is all the way through her labor and birth. Witnessing this live birth is such a beautiful experience.

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How To Get Your Baby To Drop During Pregnancy

Baby pregnancy

Baby dropping refers to a medical term called lightening. Lightening is one of the major signs that occurs when labor is approaching. According to the American Pregnancy Association, lightening suggests that the mother is about to go to labor. It commonly occurs several weeks or even few hours before you …

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JWOWWS Natural Remedies for Morning Sickness

Natural remedies for morning sickness

I love this video about natural remedies for morning sickness. Jenni was pregnant with her second baby when she did this video and once again she was suffering with very bad morning sickness so she tries out 5 different natural remedies for morning sickness and shares about them all. You …

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Baking Soda Gender Test

Baking Soda Gender Test

Trying out old wives tales to guess the gender of your baby is loads of fun. I tried the ring and hair gender test with both my children and it was correct both times which was interesting and lots of fun. Another fun way to try and predict the gender …

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