Tag Archives: injury

Treating Knee Injuries In Children At Home

Sore knee

Most children have high energy levels; hence you find them jumping, running around which leads them to experiencing many injuries in their childhood. Breaking a bone is a common occurrence for most children which becomes part of their learning process, parents try as hard as they can to keep their …

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How to Sue after a Birth Injury

Birth Hospital

Your child’s birth should be one of the best things for you to celebrate, but in cases of complications, you or your child can suffer injuries. A wide range of birth injuries especially the severe ones can result in disability, medical expenses, special care, or pain.  Some of these cases …

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Voltaren Gel – Know How It Works

Neck Back Shoulder Pain

Diclofenac (Voltaren) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medication available by prescription for use in treating inflamed muscles in the USA, and without prescription in Canada, it is useful in the management of low back pain and tennis elbow. This article examines the effectiveness of diclofenac for chronic musculo-skeletal (muscle) pain. …

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