Tag Archives: constipation

Kids Probiotics The Next Step To Regular Bowels

Happy Kids Thumbs Up

Depending on the age of your child, they have more than likely went through some sort of digestional discomfort or abnormalities sometime in their life. Babies are especially susceptible to intestinal discomfort that can manifest in various ways especially when consuming formula as opposed to breastmilk. Smaller kids and toddlers …

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5 Signs That Baby Is Constipated

Constipated Baby

It is quite common for a baby to strain to make a poop, this does not necessarily mean that your baby is constipated. If your baby’s poop is soft it probably isn’t constipation and there shouldn’t be anything to worry about. Formula fed babies usually have a daily bowel movement, …

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5 Remedies For Constipation In Babies

remedies for constipation in babies

Having a baby with constipation is absolutely awful. Before you give your baby anything for constipation first make sure that your baby does in fact have constipation by looking for signs of constipation. It is also important to remember that breastfed babies can poop 10 times in one day or …

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