Tag Archives: postnatal depression

Postpartum Depression: An Overview

Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression affects approximately 10 percent of new mothers, according to the Mayo Clinic. Postpartum depression should not be confused with the “baby blues”, a period of anxiety and depression that affects many women in the days after childbirth. While the baby blues resolve on their own, postpartum depression symptoms …

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5 Top Benefits of Babywearing

Top Benefits of Babywearing

One of the greatest feelings for a mother is to keep her baby close to her heart and in sight always. We carry our babies in the womb for nine long months and know that they are warm and safe in there. But, once born, the little child has to let …

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Post Natal Depression (PND)

Postnatal Depression PND

Post natal depression can be confused with Baby Blues. Baby Blues affects about 80% of mothers and this is when you feel weepy, moody, tired and/ or anxious during the first week after giving birth, these feelings usually disappear within a few days. According to PNDSA (Post Natal Depression Support …

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