Healthy spices for weight loss

Top 10 Healthy Spices for Weight Loss

When I thought of the word diet or weight loss I immediately mentally associated that with the idea of restricting myself from tasty food and forcing myself to do exercises that are no fun and put a damper on my day.

A while back I did some hypnosis for weight loss that completely changed the way I think about weight loss, I now have a positive outlook on losing weight and it has made such a change to my life.

I am now loving my cardio exercises that I do from home on a regular basis, plus I am looking at food in a whole new way too. It is really important to enjoy the healthy meals that you make otherwise the fact is that maintaining a healthy diet won’t be possible long term.

When you are on a healthy eating plan (I actually detest the word diet) there is no reason for your food to be bland and tasteless. Adding natural spices is one of the best ways to make your meal incredibly tasty without adding unnecessary calories.

In addition to that, many spices are well known to not only speed up your metabolism but also provide many other health benefits. I highly recommend adding some weight loss spices to your food as well as drinking herbal teas that aid weight loss.

10 Healthy Spices For Weight Loss

Here are some healthy spices that will help you to lose weight:


Turmeric  helps to prevent the accumulation of fat and also reduces fat in adipose tissues which is great for weight loss. Turmeric also boosts your metabolism through thermogenic action.


Cinnamon helps to control your insulin levels which helps to regulate your blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels fluctuate it causes excess fat to be stored.

Cinnamon also speeds up your metabolism which means fats are burned faster and it is also a natural appetite suppressant which makes you feel fuller for longer and helps to prevent you having a binge on food.

Cinnamon Sticks For Weight Loss

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne is a natural appetite suppressant which will reduce cravings for food which help to weight gain through overeating. It is also great for boosting metabolism so your body burns more fat.


Ginger helps your body with digestion and regulating your system. It is also known to boost your metabolism as well as decrease appetite.

In addition to its weight loss benefits ginger is also known to have many other health benefits and is great for natural remedies to combat colds and flu.

Ginger Root


Garlic is amazing for your health. It boosts your metabolism and helps to eliminate fat from your cells. Garlic also helps to regulate fluctuations in your blood sugar levels which in turn helps to reduce cravings for carbs and sugary foods.

It detoxifies the body and is as a powerful diuretic so it helps to cleanse the kidneys and bladder.


Cumin is great for boosting your metabolism and works best in curry blends. In addition to this cumin is packed with iron which will also boost your energy levels. More energy means that you will be much more likely to be motivated to work out and stick to your exercise program.

Many people are suffering from fatigue due to low levels of iron. Adding cumin to your diet will help prevent iron deficiency.


Caramon is also a thermogenic spice which means it helps to raise your body’s temperature and boost your metabolism which will burn fat faster.

Black Pepper

Black pepper has fat burning properties and is also known to stop the formation of fat cells.


Mustard is high in dietary fiber which aids digestion and keeps you feeling fuller for longer. It also increases your metabolism which will burn fat faster and assist with losing weight.

Chili Powder

Eating chili powder raises your body’s temperature which will boost your metabolism. Chili also reduces cholesterol and improves your circulation.

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  1. I eat most of those spices every day I cook my food with it but I never knew they have all those benefits. Thanks for the tips

  2. Me too @vhutshiloali1 so surprised lets use them when you done your delivery next year???

  3. @aasiya yes ma isa am telling you am going to use any tricks in the book am done making babies I have to go back to the old me and focus on my health and weight

  4. Elize Swanepoel

    This article is definitely worth the read.

    It was the same with me. I think mentally I was not ready to start eating healthy. The moment I thought about dieting or healthy eating it was as if I’ve already lost the battle mentally.

    Last year October I was just so fed up with myself. I hated looking at myself in the mirror.

    I had a completely different mindset and I was motivated to do actively change my lifestyle and to become more healthy.

    It worked. I’ve lost 12kg and quite a lot of centimeters during the course of six months. I haven’t gained any of the weight but I’ve let myself go a bit during the past few months.

    I’ve started eating more healthy since this week again. When I started my weight loss journey I became more aware of foods or spices that assist with breaking down fats and as a result losing weight.

    I’ve started eating my all bran flakes or granola with a teaspoon of cinnamon instead of sugar. I was surprised that I liked it. I didn’t even miss the sugar.

    We love cooking with garlic and ground black pepper. I’m glad to see that black pepper is on the list.

    I haven’t cooked a lot with turmeric, cardamom, ginger, cumin, chilli powder or cayenne pepper and it’s certainly worth looking into.

    I am adamant to lose more weight before we go on holiday in December. I still have a few months left. I must just get myself into gear.

  5. Patricia von Meyer

    This is a very good and insightful read. Thank you 🙂 I am trying to loze weight and I would like to get some recipes with spices enfused that will help me on my weight loss journey.

  6. Packed article I use about 6 of the above spices to cook because of how rich they make my food look and taste

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