People With No Kids Don’t Know

This funny comedy video by Michael McIntyre is hysterically funny, he nails it when he says that people with no kids don’t know. People with no kids may think they know, but they are in fact clueless.

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  1. That’s funny and very real to live a house with a kids it’s not easy At all

  2. Great stuff what an awesome video this was so funny i had a good laugh now and enjoyed this so much he have 100% yes they think they know but infact they dont.

    • Also agree Lynne when he says that people with no kids don’t know. People with no kids may think they know, but they are in fact clueless its always like that those without kids give the most advice what the hell they dont know what they talk about and every child is different so no one can actaully give you advice or let me refrase that tell you what to do or how to do it guides and tips are so helpfull but every mom figures out whats the best for their kids.

    • Totally

  3. @lindafourie @zheunez lool at this i found it so funny but true you will have a food laugh at this video.

  4. That really funny though

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