How To Become A Fun Mom – with Judy MacGregor from Fun Mamma SA

Last Friday I went live on Facebook and Youtube with Judy MacGregor to talk about how to become a fun mom – my kids have told me that I am most definitely NOT a fun mom, but Judy is very much a fun mom. It is always fantastic collaborating with Judy, she is not only a fun mom but a fun person overall.

**Check out my live videos schedule to see what live videos are coming next**

How To Become A Fun Mom

Judy MacGregor - Mommy BloggerAbout Judy MacGregor

Judy MacGregor is a mom of seven children and granny of one. She has taught extensively. She currently writes for a living on her mommy blog Fun Mamma SA. She blogs about parenting, life and being a mom.

Most of all she identifies as Hamish’s mom. Hamish is her laat lammetjie.

What Is A Fun Mom?

According to Judy’s son Hamish a fun mom is magic.

A fun mom is a mom that is always ready for an adventure. It can be a real adventure like climbing in the car to go on a road trip, or it can be turning supper into a Friday night picnic under the stars.

A fun mom is someone that is not afraid to be silly. Meet your child in play wherever you are and take the time to connect on your child’s level.

Meet your child’s love language. The type of fun mom you are will depend on your child’s personality and love language.

Some children, like Judy’s son Hamish, just love painting themselves but to other kids it may be a huge cause for anxiety and stress.

Get your child’s input and find out what they enjoy and want to do and what they don’t like. Each child is going to have very different ideas on what is fun!

My Kids and Judy
My kids doing crafts with Judy

How Can I Be A Fun Mom?

Anyone can be a fun mom, it is not about being fun every single second of every day but rather finding moments in every day to be spontaneous and add in a bit of fun and adventure.

  1. Be adventurous – try new things
  2. Don’t be afraid to be silly
  3. Meet your child in play – find your inner childlike spirit
  4. Meet your child’s love language and personality
  5. Get your child’s input on what fun looks like.

The biggest secret to being a fun mom is simple – play!

Fun Mamma SA fun mom certificate Lynne Huysamen
Judy has awarded me a fun mom award – so now I can prove to my kids I’m a fun mom!

Fun Things To Do With Your Kids

While many moms think that they need to be creative or spend loads of time and effort planning and implementing things to be fun sometimes it is a lot more simple than that. Not everything has to cost a lot of money or take a lot of effort.

Here are some ways to be have more fun with your kids:

  1. Always put in bubble bath and never be afraid to put in extra bubbles.
  2. Always have loads of food colouring on hand and remember you can add food colouring to any food and many activities too! You can make foam bath paint, foam dough or your own paint.
  3. Never be afraid to make a mess. Messes can be cleaned up and your child will have amazing memories of childhood.
  4. Do scavenger hunts on walks.
  5. Create treasure hunts for your kids.
  6. Take advantage of free resources such as the free resources on Judy’s blog.
  7. Take advantage of free things that you can do on your birthday – check out this list of free things to do on your birthday in Cape Town.
  8. Bake together.
  9. Accept all invites to parties and playdates where possible.

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  1. When my daughter was smaller I use to be a fun mom always having fun bath time and adventures, and everything was a treat until she got bigger and started school… She now 9 years old and its just to stressful you have to be on top of everything with school and house work and also teaching her values, helping her choose and understand the right friends to be with and it just becomes to much even with homework it never ends so i overnight became a strict mom! started saying NO to everything no friends, no Phone, No TV, no laptop and eventually it became lets not ask mom for anything she is just going to say NO!! so ya its not easy at all…

    • Naomi my daughter is 9 years old now and I totally get what you mean! I’ve been so stressed out this term with the Grade 4 work that she is doing, so grateful that I just found out from the school that they pushed all the kids extra hard this term to get ahead just in case there is another lockdown! So they said they are going to go a bit easier from term 2… phew! I am so looking forward to these school holidays!

      But back to the topic of being a fun mom, I am really trying to loosen up a little and have more fun with my kids so I challenge you to do the same!

      • Great advise and I look forward to being a fun mom!

      • Zahara and zia are 11 and 9 we love spending girl time with each other from manicures to pedicure aswell as doin fun stuff together like 3 sisters, we even made a tradition of baking cakes on our birthday s together aswell as movie nights

      • I love that Sanya, we also bake cakes together every time any of us have a birthday! It has become a fun family tradition for me and my kids 🙂

    • Thank you. I want to start baking with my son.

  2. This would be amazing wow

  3. Thuliswa Phaliso

    These are great ideas that I can’t wait to use in the future.

  4. This is amazing I.will surely try these

    • My daughter will be turning 5 this coming July, the journey has been worth it.. I am super fun mum, whenever my baby is taking a bath, I always make sure that there are bubbles in her water so that she can enjoy bathing and she loves bubbles so much. I will definitely try out these great ideas as my daughter is always up for new games and more fun, she loves to play and try new fun things. Thank you.

  5. Cleopatra Lephelo

    Doing fun things with your child gets you more involved and makes them feel more comfortable around you. 😍

  6. Love it 💕 we all try our best to be good moms and build connections with our kiddos

  7. This information will definitely come in handy when I become a mom. Love it. ❤️

  8. I hope to win a competition for once in my life so i can spoil myself for a change..

  9. I hope to win

  10. Having fun with your children doesn’t have to cost a thing. It’s the little things that satisfies and makes them happy.

  11. Thanks for this!
    I think we forget how to be fun moms. Thank you for the reminder.

  12. Also have random and undistracted conversations about whatever they bring up.

    Would love to win !

  13. Would be awesome to win

  14. Angelique de Swardt

    Awesome article,love reading your blog!

    • Marcus Hendricks

      Definitely a good read love the insight it gives in being the best you even if you a man it applies

      • Oh for sure Marcus, that totally applies to dads too! In fact I envy a lot of dads because often they are able to be the fun ones while many moms juggle being fun with being care-giver and disciplinarian.

  15. Thanks for the great fun mom tips

  16. Basetsana Tsotetsi

    I wanna be a fun mom when I have kids. I feel like it’s also the best way to connect with your children and ultimately become their bestest friend!

  17. Thank you for these great tips

  18. Bianca von Meyer

    Last Friday was amazing Lynne. The whole conversation and the sense of community amongst the women during the live online session was really lovely. Thank you Judy and Lynne for the advice and guidance. I’m definitely a fun mom 🙂

    • I’m so glad you enjoyed the live video Bianca! We also had loads of fun, it is always wonderful being able to connect with everyone 🙂

  19. Thanks for all your amazing tips and advice. It’s is always nice to read them.

  20. I love that, with kids, it’s actually quite simple to be a fun mom. We just need to be more attentive and more present. My son told me that he loves baking with me and making fun stuff…. I’m not SO much fun though, because I really don’t enjoy playing with his toys with him 😄🙈 I just honestly can’t … I’m not sure why and I know it might make me sound weird or a bad mom. 🙈

    • Not at all Nabilah, I also found that really hard with my kids! But find things that both you and your son enjoy (like baking) and focus on that 🙂 There is nothing wrong with doing that.

  21. Thank you for the blog. I am a fun mom to my son, though sometimes he would complain that we no longer play together. Thanks for the tips .

  22. I had my precious boy when I was 46 years…!!! And he is a blessing keep me on track and we do all fun things together!!!! He is the love of my life and so active. Because of him I am who I am today!!!!

  23. Fingers crossed! 😁

  24. Linette de Bruin

    Nice tips and awesome giveaways

  25. I would love to do more with my daughter .you have given me more fun ideas.

  26. I spend as much time as possible with my kids. We bake together, We cook together, We go out, We laugh together.

  27. I love the heartfelt articles, tips and giveaways as I’m mom to a 2 year old son and 8 month old daughter so I need all the help I can get 🙂

    • I’m so glad you are enjoying the articles Alison! And wow that is a seriously close gap between your two. I have 26 months between my two kids and that was so tough the first few years! The good news though is that the close gap is awesome when they are older. My two are now 9 years old and 7 years old – they play so nicely together!

  28. This is great. Kids need to grow up in healthy environments

  29. Thank you for amazing content. I try to use as much as possible.This article in particular will be used this weekend to keep my boy busy over easter.

  30. This is a great I enjoy following you and your advices make me to be close with my kid more than I was before thanks.

  31. This content was for me. I really need to work on being a fun mom and gonna be trying these ways. I’m that uptight mom with a busy 5 year old, and another 5 month one. Thanks for the article.

  32. Thanks for this I’m fun mom to my 2boys

  33. Deborah Letlape

    I have 3 girls and I enjoy being with them and having fun so I have to say I’m a fun mom

  34. I’m a fun mom to a fun and smart 1 year old little girl.

  35. we love a fun mom!

  36. I love this article I’m a fun mom too

  37. Ndivhuwo Mammburu

    Entered, I’m crossing fingers

  38. I want to be a awesome mom and to be there for my daughter when she was born I almost lost her

  39. Will love to win #winwithkaboutjie #kaboutjie

  40. Oh i so want to be a fun Mom. Work life is busy and I fear I dont have enough of myself to give to my 3 kids. I’m always stressed or tired. But I need to make a way and the tips here have helped so much. Thank you.. Bubbles in the bath tonight! EXTRA Bubbles!

    • Extra bubbles are always a winner! And Robyn if you are so tired why not take some time out for yourself first and then try to give your kids a good time? It is not easy when you are so overtired and stressed all the time.

  41. I’ve never considered myself a fun mom. I’ve always been the strict parent. In this day and age it’s important to maintain a balance of friendship and parental relationship with your children.

  42. I am a first time grandma of a very busy 2 year old boy… thanks for all the tips…

  43. I need to learn how to be a fun mom with my daughter. Often my work and social media takes over my life that I forget my little one wants to play and be a child

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