Panado sachets

Childhood Pain & Fever: Turn To Recently Launched and Convenient, Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Peppermint 5 ml Sachets

It’s true: Babies don’t come with manuals. So, if your baby spikes a fever and appears to be in pain, it’s natural for even the calmest of moms and dads to panic.

When your baby or infant has pain and fever, turn to recently launched and conveniently packaged  Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Peppermint 5 ml Sachets.

What Is Fever And Is It Dangerous To Children?

Throughout the ages, certain myths have caused an uproar… kiss a frog and get a prince, goldfish only have a three-second memory, and all fevers are bad for children.

Fever is defined as a body temperature of > (more than/equal to) 38 degrees C.1a  As strange as it may seem, fevers can be a good thing. A fever is your child’s body’s way of fighting off infections and helping speed up recovery.1b

What Causes Pain And Fever In Children?

Viral infections are common in infants and children, and most are not serious, including the common cold and a sore throat.2

Teething can be uncomfortable for young children as the tooth cuts through the gums,3a while in older children, cavities may also cause toothache.3b Childhood vaccinations can also cause fever and local reaction (pain, swelling and redness).1c

Headaches are common in children, affecting up to 75% of school-aged children,4a and are commonly caused by viral or an upper respiratory tract infection.4b

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Why Choose Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Peppermint 5 ml Sachets?

Recently launched and conveniently packaged Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Peppermint 5 ml Sachets have been made with little ones in mind.  It contains paracetamol, which boasts more than 150 years of clinical experience5a, and is a trusted choice for many South African families to treat headaches, pain and fever. It’s also gentle on little tummies.5b Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Peppermint 5 ml Sachets are great for on-the-go parents and super convenient for when you’re travelling those long distances!

Other Panado® Products Suitable For Your Child

In addition to Panado® Paediatric Syrup Peppermint 5 ml Sachet, Panado’s range for children include Panado® Paediatric Syrup Strawberry (50 ml | 100 ml),6 Panado® Paediatric Syrup Peppermint Alcohol and Sugar-Free (50 ml | 100 ml),7 and Panado® Infant Drops 20 ml.8

Make pain and fever care easy by shopping for Panado products from independent pharmacies and selected Clicks, Dis-Chem, and Pick ‘n Pay stores. For more information, visit and join the conversations on Facebook. #Panado #ADoseOfCare

1a,b,c: Green R, Jeena P, Kotze S, et al. Management of acute fever in children: Guideline for community healthcare providers and pharmacists. S Afr Med J 2013;103(12):948-954. DOI:10.7196/SAMJ.7207. [Cited 2022 March 29]; Available from
2: Tesini BL. Overview of Viral Infections in Children. Merck Manual Consumer Version [online] September 2019. [Cited 2022 March 29]; Available
3a,b: Hennessy BJ. Toothache. Merck Manual Consumer Version [online] September 2018. [Cited 2022 March 29]; Available from
4a,b: Bonthius DJ, Hershey AD. Headache in children. Beyond the basics [online] October 2019. [Cited 2022 March 29]; Available 
5a,b: 150 years of paracetamol. GP Pharma Update Mar/Apr 2019. [Cited 2022 March 29]
6: Panado® Paediatric Strawberry Approved package insert March 2002.
7: Panado® Paediatric Syrup Alcohol and Sugar-Free & Panado® Paediatric Syrup package insert. April 2010.
8: Panado® Infant Drops (Drops) approved professional information, August 1990.

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