Pregnancy Hip Pain

Tips for Relief from Hip Pain and Pelvic Pain during Pregnancy

Pregnant women undergo a lot of hormonal and physiological changes which may also affect their psychology. However, as part of the changes comes certain development such as pain in certain areas of the body. If you are pregnant and experiencing certain pain around the hips, you may be in search of effective pregnancy hip pain relief options to help better deal with the pain associated with the pregnancy symptoms.

If you are experiencing hip pain as a result of pregnancy, there is the need to know that you are not alone in this as it is common with most pregnant women. Most moms report the experience to begin as early as 20 weeks into pregnancy. If you have started experiencing such symptoms, there are certain tips that can be adopted to guarantee pregnancy hip pain relief.

Below, we have explored some of the ways to address this issue while also touching on the root cause of the pelvic and hip pain in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Tips For Relief From Hip Pain and Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

Why Am I Experiencing Pain In My Hip, Pelvic Area, And Back?

The second and third trimester of pregnancy is often times associated with conditions such as hip pain, back pain and pain in the pelvic area. However, due to this pain, you may find it harder to lay on the side. During the last two trimester of the pregnancy, the body begins production of a hormone known as Relaxin which enables the ligaments loosen. Relaxin enables the pelvic ligaments and the pelvis to spread wide enough to enable the birthing process. When the ligaments start to loosen, the alignment if the nerves can get out of hand and cause certain irritation or cause the nerve to get pinched.

For Relief from Hip Pain, Below Are The Following Recommended Tips

  1. Place a body of pillow and situate it in between the knees and a bit under the belly. After about a week of active engagement in these practices, the pain in the hips should begin to subside ad disappear as the spine and spinal cord recovers from the poor alignment. The pillow placement can also relieve the pulling effect that has developed in the belly and ensure the replacement of the hip and back ligament.
  1. Physical therapy and targeted exercises can also help in pregnancy hip pain relief. Through physical therapy, some women may be able to restore their tiled or rotated pelvis which causes pelvic pain. Working with a physical therapist will help you identify the anatomical issues associated with the pelvic pain and develop effective strategies which are based on years of practice and experience to ensure that the condition is properly treated and dealt with. Through therapy routine, pregnant women can also learn a lot about their bodies, and positions which best favors them while causing lesser negative effect on their overall health and physical fitness. A good physical therapist should be able to show you how to get your pelvis back in place, whether at home or at your office space without necessarily needing their help thus minimizing discomfort from day to day activities.
  1. Basic lunges and stretches can also be used as an important tool in dealing with pain in the hips, pelvic area and back region. Lunges and stretches can help restore balance and strengthen the muscles that have been displaced or weakened due to pregnancy effects. Some of the exercises which are recommended to relive pain during pregnancy include:
    • Clenching of the hip and glute muscles of the leg when walking. For this exercise to be more effective, ensure that the muscles of the right butt-cheek are clenched when the right leg is pushed forward and the same repeated for the left leg and left butt-cheek. While this exercise may appear absurd, it can prove effective in strengthening the muscles around the hip joint.
  1. Seek chiropractic help. Chiropractors are trained to work with all kinds of pain to ensure that the victims get the relief needed to improve the quality of their lives. Pregnant women experiencing pain and seeking pregnancy hip pain relief can take advantage of chiropractic adjustments to help keep everything moving and properly aligned during and after pregnancy.
  2. Sciatic nerve pain can compound the amount of pain suffered in the left side during pregnancy. To better deal with this pain, it is recommended that pregnant women soak in a hot bath, or use heating pads as this can help release the tension in affected muscles and also relieve pain during pregnancy. Some pregnant moms have also reported cold ice packs to be effective in pain management.

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  1. Cheron Hercules

    Very important information. Thank you for sharing with us

  2. Shonisani Johanna Selona

    Pregnancies are the best feeling ever.. If it was possible to have 20 kids would have them now ♥

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