CBD oil bottle and leaf

Pros And Cons Of Using CBD

CBD has its cons just like it has its pros. Cannabidiol is one of the cannabinoids that are found in cannabis. It not only has therapeutic attributes but some other advantages as well that have become of interest in recent years. The compound does not produce the high that is associated with cannabis use, and that makes it a relatively safe option for some patients. There are still some side effects of this substance as well, and when you think of using CBD, you should be aware of both sides.

What you need to know is that what CBD is used for and for what reasons you should avoid it. We have got you covered. Look at the following pros and cons of using CBD that you should know about.

Pros and Cons of using CBD

Pros of CBD

  1. Good For Acne

CBD can be called as a safe way to treat acne due to its remarkable anti-inflammatory qualities. Acne is a common skin condition that almost everyone suffers from, especially women. Many of the women spend their teens fighting the acne, and after that, acne scars. If they are lucky, they can get rid of them, but there is a small percentage that still continues to suffer from this skin condition. Some acne can be cured with medication and other herbal compounds, but sometimes nothing else works.

Even if your medication is effective, taking it for a longer time is not advised. So, if by any means you are looking for a solution to your acne problem, you can start digging in and research on how CBD can help you. CBD oil can treat your acne because of its anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to reduce sebum production. One test-tube study said that CBD oil exerted the anti-inflammatory actions and prevented pro-acne agents like inflammatory cytokines from activating.

  1. Relieves Pain

An important health benefit of CBD is its pain-relieving effect, whether it is in your back or your head. CBD is thought to interact with receptors in the brain and our immune system, and reduces inflammation and alleviates pain. Some studies have so much as said that CBD reduces inflammation in animals like mice and rats and there have been studied that have proven CBD’s pain-relieving effects.

  1. Anti-Seizure Properties

Seizures occur because of dangerously high fluctuation of the electrical activity in the brain. Over many years, some cases have raised awareness on how CBD has anti-seizure properties. It has not been long since the scientists have been able to confirm this with the help of studies and experiments done.

  1. Increases Appetite

People who want to gain some weight because of little or no appetite is becoming dangerous for them, CBD may be seen as useful. People lose appetite for a lot of reason such as heavy medication or just in general. The consumption of CBD oil releases some hormones that are responsible for controlling the hunger.

  1. Anxiety

CBD is normally considered to treat physiological symptoms, but not many people know that there is research indicating its use in therapy of mental health conditions, such as stress and anxiety. According to one study, CBD reduces a lot of anxiety disorders.

  1. Less Risk Of Diabetes

Diabetes still does not have a cure and the best one can do is avoid it. A lesser-known health benefit of CBD is its help in reducing the risks of developing diabetes. In a study, researchers explored the effects of CBD and came up with promising results.

oil bottles

Cons of CBD

  1. Can Inhibit The Liver Enzymes

CBD oil has the tendency to block the production of liver enzymes that are responsible for metabolizing chemicals and drugs. This can be considered useful in canceling out the effects of THC inside the CBD, but it can also prove to be harmful. If you are taking some over the counter medicine, taking CBD is not recommended without consulting your doctor.

Another thing you should know is that mixing CBD oil with any drugs is a bad idea. You can try to use CBD oil to treat your medical ailments respectively and see how it has made your illness better. However, if you have a serious condition that requires special medication, taking CBD on your own is a highly risky business.

  1. Dry Mouth

Feeling thirsty after taking CBD oil is common but definitely not something that should be taken for granted. It occurs because of the herbal extract that reduces the production of saliva in the mouth, and that can lead to your mouth getting dry. In case you do feel that your mouth is getting dry, you can remedy that by drinking water and a lot of liquids.

  1. Drowsiness

While CBD is effective for people with insomnia, it can also have the complete opposite effects. A side effect that comes with taking the CBD oil in higher dose is your blood pressure being dropped, which can cause you to feel lightheaded and for you to become sleepy. When you take CBD, you should give it some hours to settle in. Taking it before work or driving a vehicle is not a good idea because you will need to stay awake and CBD in higher doses is going to be a problem.

  1. Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

When CBD oil is taken in a higher dose than it should normally be taken, you will put yourself at risk of nausea and vomiting. Vomiting violently is one of the side effects of CBD and can point to a bigger problem such as cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome or CHS which is a rare medical condition. In case you are throwing up after taking the CBD oil, you should stop using it until all the symptoms of CHS have subsided.

In short, CBD oil is a very valuable medicine that is used by people in the treatment of a range of health conditions. While it makes many lives better, it has its disadvantages, and one should have full knowledge about them.

About the Author:

This article was written by Joseph Martin who regularly shares advice on our physical health. In particular, natural remedies and therapies for aches, anxiety and every day induced stress. You can find more about him on Mellow By Design.


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  1. I’m using cannabis at the moment. Never had pain again.. Been using it for 3 months. The best

  2. Love this but never tried it only been using essentiall oils

  3. I have never used this but i heard its great but also very addictive as well. Its hardly ever mentioned but I have seen people and how they react when they dont get the dose at the time they supposed to. After a while it gets worse and that a major Con

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