new speed laws for taxis

New Speed Laws For Taxis In South Africa

It has come with a relief that there are new speed laws for taxis in South Africa. We have found the article on that we thought you might enjoy reading and raising your opinions on:

As I understand it from the 1st of December 2016 all taxis, busses and public transport that are out on public roads that has cargo or passengers will be fitted with speedometers that do not allow them to go over the speed limit of 100km/per hour, for taxis and for bigger cargo trucks it will be 80km/ph. My personal opinion on that would be that I think our road will be a safer place not just for passengers that makes use of public transport but also for all other road users.

For more information and to read the article on News24 click here.

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  1. Speed laws are so important for keeping drivers and pedestrians safe. At some point during the 1970’s there were very few good speed laws on United States highways and many cars would zip along around 100 mph. That caused many deaths as a car becomes almost uncontrollable at those speeds and impossible to stop in an emergency. Lots of very unfortunate tragedies. I’m a huge supporter of any speed or traffic laws in city or highway that help us stay safe. 🙂

  2. I think this is a brilliant idea… I,m not sure though that it will be able to be implemented 🙁 I honestly don’t see taxi drivers volunteering to have such gadgets put in there cars. I honestly hope they can do this as it would be so much safer for everyone…. i constantly cringe when i think about the people who are in a taxi who is driving like he has no one in the car with him *shocked face*

    • Tamara, I actually took a video of taxis overtaking me yesterday on the way home. Both taxis overtook me way fast, on a white line and a corner where you could not see oncoming traffic.

      It really is sad that so many people are being injured and dying on our roads when people have so little regard for the rules of the road.So many of these accidents can be prevented.

  3. This is awesome means more safety and less accidents…its important for this to get implememted lets see how they will protest against they always do moam about everything but i think this a great idea.

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