Keep Calm

Keep Calm and Keep Going

Did you know that even happy and good changes cause us stress? Think of a new baby, a new house, a new job, a new year …

The arrival of the COVID-19 coronavirus is a huge stressor. We have had to make big changes to working conditions, home schooling children, staying in touch with loved ones via phone or digital platforms and managing tough economic challenges, among others. 

Keep Calm and Keep Going

Even so, South Africans are doing themselves proud and adopting mask wearing, hand sanitising and social-distancing. But isolation and fear of catching or passing on the virus do take their toll on our emotional, mental and relationship wellbeing. Healthy lifestyles can help us to manage this stress. Some are:

  • Eat healthy food. 

Because carbohydrates raise serotonin levels, they act like a natural tranquilizer so it’s competent to dive into bread or muffins when anxiety rises. No problem there but check that you are also eating proteins in meat, chicken or eggs, as well as vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts, as these are the building blocks of good health. 

  • Exercise two or three times a week.

Exercise has been found to decrease symptoms of depression.  While we do not always feel like it, just start, even if it’s a walk around the block 3 times a week. Enjoyment and motivation tend to follow once we begin.

  • Get a good night’s sleep.

Seven to eight hours is recommended as sleep is relaxing to both body and brain and has an important role in supporting our immune system. 

If you find yourself worrying instead of sleeping, and feeling on edge and overwhelmed during the day, there are two Nativa Complex® formulations which support emotional and mental wellbeing and a good night’s sleep.

Nativa Calm Complex®  can assist the body to cope with everyday emotional strain, tension and irritability. Its formulation of vitamin B, Native Calm Nativa NightGABA and herbal actives can help the body with anxiety support, promoting calmness and enhancing focus.

Oh for a good night’s restful sleep! Vitamin B, magnesium and herbal actives in Nativa Night Complex®  can support the body with restful sleep, undisturbed sleeping patterns, relaxation and reducing mild anxiety.

Available from Dis-Chem, Clicks, Takealot and selected pharmacies.

Prices: Nativa Calm Complex® around R120 for 30; Nativa Night Complex® around R124 for 30.

WIN a Fenn Handbag

Stand a chance to WIN a Fenn Handbag to make your wardrobe choices just a little less stressful!

Win a Fenn handbag to the value of R1200 from Nativa Complex – enter using the form below.

This competition is open for residents of South Africa.

This competition is open for entries from 01 February  2021 until 01 March 2021 – the winner will be announced on our competitions page.

This Competition Is Closed For Entries

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The only requirement for entry into this competition is via the entry form above. You have to enter your details into the form to enter this competition, however you can gain extra entries into this competition in the following ways:

  1. Share this post on social media tagging @Kaboutjie and include the hashtag #WinWithKaboutjie – each share is an additional entry
  2. Leave a comment on on this blog post – counts as one extra entry
  3. Leave comments on any other blog post on my website – every single comment received for the duration of the competition is an extra into this competition and into every other competition that is also currently running at the time!

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  1. Thank ypu for the tips. Noted.

  2. Since the Lockdown last year my emotions have been like a Rollercoaster… My stress levels sky rocketed. The worst was my sleep patterns changed completely….. I’m sure this happened to many people…. The news gave me more anxiety now I only watch the news once a day….. Life is slowly getting back to normal….

    • I love the tips. Its helpful and put me in a positive mindset!! I will definitely look into the Nativa Night Complex.

      Also the competition prize is sooo beautiful. Goodluck to all.


      • Very helpful tips to cope with the anxiety and stress associated with the Covid virus and lockdown.It is good to keep a positive mindset.

    • Thank you for the tips…..

  3. I believe that the lockdown has caused so much stress and anxiety for all people around us, some deal with it better than others. We just need to stay positive, calm and support one another. I know we as Mothers always put the family first, but you need to put your own health also as a priority. Love this saying “Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”-Eleanor Brown.

    • You are so right about that Celine! I have found more and more over the last year how I really need to look after myself so that I am able to look after my children!

  4. Thank you for this blog post. Definitely going to get me the Nativa Night complex

  5. I found the Money Saving blog very helpful. I need to shape up and follow these steps to start saving and ensure financial stability.

  6. I’m definitely experiencing higher stress. Third baby arrived in Dec 2020. My job in tourism isn’t well. Finances are an issue. Trying to balance kids and household. Worried I’m going to crack.

    • If it is any consolation Saskia you are not alone! We really need to be kind to ourselves and do the best we can.

  7. Estelle van Wilgen

    Nativa Night complex looks like something worth investigating. Thank you for a very informative blog post.

  8. This is great !

  9. What an awesome competition.
    Anyone would be blessed with this gorgeous bag.

  10. Great post, think there are way too many people under an enormous amount of stress at the moment.

    • Zoereena Matthews

      Thank you for sharing these great tips. My anxiety has returned leaving me awake late at night and unable to sleep. These tips come in so handy.

  11. Thank you for the tips! Pandemic fatigue is a real thing.

  12. Great blog! Good to know!

  13. Awesome blog! Exciting prizes!

  14. Thank you for important information

  15. I really need to work on getting enough sleep. And less carbs. Stress eating at the moment.

    Tips noted.

  16. Marcus Hendricks

    Lockdown has been difficult on us all and with these tips it makes it a little easier to manage having the house full all the time. Appreciate the advice. Definitely applying to my household.

  17. Thank you for this. I was looking for something for myself as I have recently started suffering anxiety attacks and really lacking sleep. Found myself offish to husband and my 2yr old. Nevermind all the weight I have packed on. Definitely going to try this.

  18. I knownit sounds insane. But i do not own a handbag! Great tips!

  19. Thanks for these great tips! Definitely going to try them

  20. This is great advice. Thank you for a very well-written blog post.

  21. Nobubele Sikosana

    Being unemployed is definitely stressing me out big time at the moment im hoping something comes up very soon.

  22. Lovely bag! I would love to win it!

  23. Such an informative article. Definitely sharing with my friends and family

  24. Absolutely amazing tips!!! Thanks so much and WHAT AN INCREDIBLE GIVEAWAY. WOULD love to win a Fenn bag and use it as a Nappy bag!!!! So stylish, just love,love looooove it!!!!!

  25. Beautiful bag, thanks for the article, it’s a great read – very informational

  26. Good idea, especially for a working mom who suffers with Trichotillomania after PND! sometimes you need something else to take the edge off in order to cope, while still being healthy.

  27. Thanks for the heads up. Must get some of this to help me relax. Lockdown has interfered with sleep for sure

  28. Being unemployed and having financial stress is really daunting. Worse is if the father don’t want to be involved in the upbringing or assist in any way but wants you to give him the child is really not good. Then you are deemed the villian

  29. Great read! Thank you for the advice!

  30. Thanks for the advice. As always, an interesting read and lots to think about and act on.

  31. Actually an awesome blog, unfortunate that I came upon it so late, I wish I’ve had seen this from its inception. So glad to be part of it now.

  32. Awesome prize!

  33. Tshegofatso Bopape

    I’ve had bad sleeping patterns since becoming a mom so I’ve been looking into how to cope with exhaustion, anxiety and lack of sleep, sometimes insomnia, thanks for recommending the Nativa Calm Complex and Nativa Night Complex, will definitely give them a try.

  34. I have gotten into the terrible habit of eating, especially carbohydrate foods to ease the stress levels that keep climbing and neglecting a consistent excercise routine. Thanks for the advice, and it reminded me that if I want healthy kids I need to lead by example.

  35. thanks for all the tips

  36. Thanks for all the tips.. covid has been really stressful.. I went back to the office in May and thank heavens my hubby had to work from home, so he could take care of the kids. Life is just sort of returning to a bit of normality now with the kids back at school everyday.. but sleeping properly every night would be a great help.. having said that, we just got a puppy lol so i guess i can forget that for the next few months.. its like having a newborn again.

  37. Quentin X. Viljoen

    My wife would be ecstatic if she could have this bag!

  38. Awsome advice keep up the good work

  39. #WinWithKaboutjie

  40. Can’t wait for the announcement.

    • Lynne Huysamen

      It’s coming soon! I’ve been so busy with finishing up some campaigns so I will get to it tonight or tomorrow morning!

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