Behind The Scenes July 2023 – Plus Giveaway

I’ve been dreading my July 2023 monthly update and put off writing it. July was a terribly hard month since I lost my best friend, my soul sister. I’m sorry my update is late,  but I couldn’t bear facing it until now.

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Behind The Scenes July 2023

So Many Losses In July

This July 2023 was one of the hardest times I’ve ever had to face. My closest friend in the whole world, my soul sister, passed away in a sudden car accident. I got the news via Facebook messenger from her son, my godson, first thing on Sunday 09 July. My first thought was that maybe it was a sick joke, that someone had hacked his Facebook. I wish that was so. The shock and grief was intense.

I met Jana in 1986 and we were soul sisters until the day she died. We went through so much together, including her teen pregnancy and being a single teen mom. I became a godmother when I was a teenager and it was the most amazing and tough experience supporting her through those early years of being a mom. We were children ourselves.

She visited me with her son in psychiatric ward at Kenilworth Clinic when I was struggling in an abusive relationship, and supported me when I went into recovery from addiction. I can’t imagine facing life’s curveballs without her by my side.

Less than a week after she passed away my sister’s cat was run over and killed. Half an hour after receiving that news I found out that my close friend’s husband passed away leaving her a single mother of two teenagers and a 10 year old boy.

While I’ve had some losses in my life in the past that were tough to deal with it, those losses were elderly grandparents. People that I loved dearly, in particular my grandmother on my father’s side, but it is expected that elderly people will pass on. It is part of life. Losing young people so suddenly that are so close and dear to me has been devastating.

I felt so disconnected from my work and the people around me. I shut down completely for a while and avoided being online. My June blog update and live video were only done close to the end of July, and now my July update is also late. My aim is to have it done as soon as possible after the month has ended, but sometimes life gets in the way. Here’s hoping August is an easier month.


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Focusing On Things That Heal

It was imperative for me to focus on things that heal for the month of July. I cleaned my house, worked on my garden and spent a lot of time crying and connecting with mutual friends.

It was strangely healing spending time with my friend that that lost her husband. There was no need to put a smile on my face or hide my tears. We have both suffered a huge loss. It was comforting being in her presence and being able to cry and feel our pain together.

I have hardly been online over the last month and I’ve had to push paid collaborations to a later date. I will pick up again when I am able to, but I need to pay attention to where I am emotionally. As an addict in recovery, I have to focus on healthy coping mechanisms and make sure I don’t slip.

Coupon Codes And Competitions

I’ve got a few competitions running on my blog, you can check them out here. I’ve also got some discount codes from companies that you can access here. You can also access both these pages from my website’s main menu.

August 2023 Top Fan

Win August 2023 #KaboutijeTopFan Hamper

The August 2023 hamper for the #KaboutjieTopFan competition includes the following items:

  • Journal from The Papery
  • Therific Ideas – jelly foot treatment
  • Hada Labo eye & mouth corrector cream
  • Happy Event firming cream
  • The Wolftrap Chenin Blanc
  • Foam bath
  • Cadbury rum & raisin
  • Nescafe Gold cappuccinos

Steps To Follow To Enter This Giveaway

Make sure to follow both steps below to enter this giveaway. The more you engage the better your chances of being chosen as my #KaboutjieTopFan for this month.

  1. Enter Your Details Into The Form Below
  2. Engage on Kaboutjie website
  • Comment on this blog post
  • Comment on at least one other blog post - the more blog posts you comment on the better your chances of winning!

This competition is open for residents of South Africa and Terms and Conditions apply.

The winner will be announced on our competitions page - this competition is open from:

09 August to 31 August 2023

This Competition Is Closed For Entries

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Lynne October 2023

Behind The Scenes September 2023 – Plus Giveaway

September 2023 was an awesome month, with many amazing memories, but it has also been …


  1. my week has been super busy at work. otherwise all is calm and good on my side. thank you for all the tips you give us, sending lots of love to you

  2. My week was good i was busy on my hustling so that i can put a bread on the table for my family. I really like all your pages on Facebook and following you on Instagram all tips that you give is very helpful and you are my inspiration woman, my mentor and role model by the way “lots of love and Happy Woman’s Day “

  3. Losing someone is very hard…

  4. my week has been hectic.Really went into a state of depression.Financial burdens are heavy when you are a single parent with a teenage child going to school.Life can really bring you to an all time low.Losing your life partner due to illness and not have a back up is bad.Life for me is a storm in a teacup each week but i thank God that He gets us by through each week.

    • I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve had a rough week Jesserine, I can only imagine how hard it must be to be a single parent. I’m married and find it plenty tough as it is. I hope things get easier for you!

  5. Sending lots of love

  6. Ruweida Muhammad

    Sending hugs.
    Take it slow…
    Hope you feel better soon.

  7. Natalie Jansen van Vuuren

    Aaawww Lynne my deepest condolences on your losses, it is never easy and it hurts a lot!! I pray for healing for your heart and your beautiful soul. People always say it gets easier, it doesn’t, you simply learn to live with that loss, but something may it be a song, a flower or something small will always trigger a memory. I lost my dad at 20 and I am now turning 43 and I still find a tear running down my cheek every now and then. Stay strong my friend and know that it is OK to cry every now and then! Thinking off you and sending up a special prayer for you.

    • I’m so sorry you lost your dad, I can’t even imagine what it must feel like to lose a parent, I’m hoping it won’t happen for a very long time to come. Yep I’m finding the strangest things set me off with emotion still, so many things suddenly remind me of her and it hurts so much.

      • losing people are so mentally exhausting ,you never know which days are gonna be good and which days will be bad . sometimes the smallest things can take you back and you can just lay in bed and cry but what we have to remind is that it’s all part of Gods plans .we can’t question his timing . It may feel early to us by God knows why he takes away people that are needed here .it’s such a blessing having this group of people to converse with on a regular basis .sending lots of love to all the strong willed mums and women here ❤️????

      • I have really experienced that Samona, I have a few good days and think I am on my way to healing and feeling better and suddenly something sets me back and I’m right back crying and not able to cope. I’m trying to be kind to myself and allow myself the time to heal, but on the other side I have to get back into my work properly and get on with things. It is such a careful balancing act. Thank you for your kind words.

      • Marcus Hendricks

        suffering a loss in any form is so hard and for all if you don’t have a support system it can be harder. We all need support no matter the struggles we facing.

  8. Absolutely Wonderful website. Can’t stop reading. Amazing. Super helpful information.

    Great job Guys.

  9. SUPER sorry for your losses. Keeping you in my prayers.

  10. Chantel Van Aswegen

    Absolutely Amazing Community to be part of.

  11. I’m so sorry for your loss! It will take time to heal. I lost my closest friend a few years back to cancer and I still feel the pain. Good luck with your course you spoke about in your live video!

  12. I would love to win this amazing giveaway.

  13. I really love your work and you are an inspiration ❤

  14. love your blog and all the information us mom’s need to survive!
    keep up with the good work

  15. I would love to win this amazing giveaway!

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