Cremora Fridge Tart Recipe – Super Quick And Easy Dessert

Looking for a quick and easy dessert recipe? Try this delicious Cremora Fridge Tart recipe that will satisfy your sweet tooth in no time!

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Cremora fridge tart recipe

For the base, you can either line your dish with whole Tennis Biscuits to save time, or make a homemade biscuit base by crushing the biscuits and mixing in melted butter. I recommend the latter, as it will hold its shape better when serving. Simply line your dish with the mixture and compress it down before adding the creamy filling.

For the best results in this recipe, I recommend using fresh lemon juice instead of bottled lemon juice. Fresh lemon juice tends to help set a fridge tart better than bottled lemon juice. Additionally, grating the lemon rind and sprinkling the lemon zest on top of the pie can add a pop of colour and flavour. While some recipes suggest using crushed biscuits as a topping, using lemon zest can be a more visually appealing option.

Cremora fridge tart ingredients


  • 1 pack Tennis Biscuits
  • 100g melted butter
  • 2 cups Cremora Milk Powder
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tin condensed milk
  • 150 ml lemon juice
  • lemon zest


  • Crush the biscuits, add the melted butter and mix thoroughly.
  • Compress the biscuit mixture into a pie dish.
  • In a separate bowl mix the water and Cremora, then add the condensed milk and lemon juice. Beat with an electric beater until thoroughly mixed and the mixture thickens a bit.
  • Pour the mixture over the biscuit base.
  • Grate the lemon rind and sprinkle the lemon zest over the top
  • Put in the fridge to set for at least 2 hours, although overnight is best.

This dessert is absolutely delicious and takes hardly any time to prepare. I really suggest you give this Cremora fridge tart recipe a go. Our favourite is to have it as dessert after a family braai.

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  1. Yummy so going to make this when I get home today….I have all the ingredients @ home!!!

  2. Pleasure 🙂 I love this because its so quick and easy and always a hit

  3. That looks divine! Might go well with our Xmas lunch 🙂 Will give it a try this weekend.

  4. How can I email this to print it, I want to give it a try on pay day weekend, as cremora is not cheap nor is Condensed milk LOL

  5. My parents are visiting us over the weekend.
    Excellent idea to make this one tomorrow!

  6. They loved it!
    Definitely going in my recipe book!!!

  7. Definitely going to try this!! It looks and sounds delicious!

  8. Love how simple the recipe is and it’s ingredients that I have in my cupboard too.

  9. So going to try this sometime!

  10. This is my absolute favorite tart just need to add pineapple pieces

  11. Natasha Stewart

    It’s that simple to make wow and with only 5 ingredients that’s a bonus☺ Thanks for sharing I will also make this for my family ????

    • Natasha Stewart

      ???? I am not sure how my picture turned into a few question marks

      • Lynne Huysamen

        I’ve noticed a lot of comments having loads of question marks the last few days, it must have been some WordPress update, I will take a look at that and see if I can figure it out 🙂

  12. Shihaam Smith wilson

    favourite ????????????

  13. Wow this is so easy and can’t wait to try it ????????????

  14. Julia Ramaphakela

    i can’t bake to save my life but I’m gonna rry this 1

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