6 Common Newborn Challenges And How to Overcome Them

6 Common Newborn Challenges And How to Overcome Them

It is normal to experience issues and battles with a newborn. Every baby is different and has unique needs. Don’t stress when things don’t go to plan, as it’s common for all parents. Today, we are going to share how to manage these common issues. From ways to stop biting while breastfeeding to getting rid of a diaper rash, here are the issues you might face with a newborn and how to manage them.

6 Common Newborn Challenges And How to Overcome Them

Baby Waking Up Too Early: Causes And Solutions

Your newborn can wake up too early, causing them to lack sleep. While this is frustrating, you must remain calm and take the right steps to help them sleep more.

Common causes for babies waking up too early is due to a too-early bedtime or too much sleep. If your baby has been sleeping a lot, it might be the reason they are starting to wake earlier. Or, you are putting them to bed too early. Try putting them to bed a little later and monitor their sleep so they get the right amount.

Practicing sleep training is a great solution for helping your baby wake up at the right time. Getting them into a routine and enhancing their sleep skills will help them sleep for the right amount of time.

Not Enjoying Your New Routine

You might notice that your routine has changed since having a baby. Your life doesn’t need to change too dramatically. If you are smart, you can make the baby fit into your usual lifestyle (with a few small tweaks).

As a new parent, you don’t need to neglect what you enjoy doing. Whether you love Pilates or reading, you can still do these things with a newborn. You can combine the routines and enjoy the best of both worlds if you establish a good sleeping routine so that you can enjoy these things while they are napping.

Further, you can still include them in your outdoor activities. Taking them shopping with you or out to meet friends will allow you to enjoy your pleasures without allowing the baby to completely overhaul your routine.

Newborn baby mom

Reducing The Risk Of Illnesses Caused By Germs

While adjusting to life with a new baby, it is important to keep the home clean. Your newborn can experience illnesses if you and the environment aren’t clean.

Germs and bacteria are invisible, so you need to keep on top of cleaning to get rid of them. While these might not be harmful to you, they can be harmful to your baby. Using antibacterial products on your hands and around your home will minimise the risk of illness.

Biting While Breastfeeding

For many mums, biting during breastfeeding can be an uncomfortable and upsetting problem. This frequently happens when a baby is teething since they may bite to ease gum pain.

To help with this, be mindful of your baby’s feeding cues and remove the latch as soon as it appears like they are almost done or starting to get restless. Before nursing, give them a cool teething toy to assist in easing their gums and lessen the chance that they’ll bite. Saying “no” and briefly stopping the feeding session will help deter your infant from biting in the future. By responding consistently, you can help your infant learn that biting is unacceptable.

Breastfeed newborn

A Lack Of Self-Nutrition

When you have a newborn, you might find it difficult to cook proper meals. If you lack nutrition, you might experience fatigue and brain fog, which isn’t good when you have a baby to care for.

You must make sure to eat properly while caring for your baby. Batch cooking before and during the first few months will help you maintain a nutritious diet. Loading the meals with health and goodness will guarantee you eat well while prioritising newborn care.

Eliminating Diaper Rash

Extended contact with damp or soiled nappies can result in nappy rash, a frequent condition that causes skin irritation and inflammation. Change your baby’s diaper frequently and make sure their skin is clean and dry before applying a new one to avoid diaper rash.

Your baby’s skin can be protected by using an ointment or lotion for nappy rash. Try letting your baby go without a nappy for brief periods of time if they get a rash so that their skin can air. See your paediatrician if the rash is severe since it requires a prescription ointment.

Change nappy newborn

Experiencing Jaundice

A newborn with jaundice has yellow skin and eyes as a result of elevated bilirubin levels in the blood. It frequently occurs in infants and shows up in the initial days following delivery. As the baby’s liver develops and becomes more proficient at processing bilirubin, mild jaundice frequently disappears. Make sure your baby is getting enough food to eat, as this will assist them in passing bilirubin through their faeces and urine, which will help manage jaundice.

Phototherapy, or light treatment, may be required in certain situations. This involves exposing your infant to a particular type of light that aids in the breakdown of bilirubin in their skin. To find the best course of action if you observe jaundice, speak with your paediatrician. It isn’t anything to panic about, but be sure to take the right steps.

Caring For The Umbilical Cord

Every newborn comes home with an umbilical cord stump, and proper care is essential for their comfort and health. Typically, the stump falls off within the first two weeks of life.

To avoid infection, keep the area dry and clean until it comes off. Gently clean the stump region surgical spirits and cotton wool. Contact your paediatrician immediately if you observe any infection-related symptoms, such as redness, swelling, or discharge.

Remember, every new parent faces challenges, but with the right knowledge and a little patience, you can navigate these common issues with confidence. By understanding your baby’s needs and adjusting as you go, you’ll create a nurturing environment where both you and your little one can thrive. Trust your instincts, and don’t hesitate to reach out for support when needed.

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