Body Stress Release West Coast

Body Stress Release Review – Sciatica And Pelvic Pain Relief

Body Stress Release has been a lifesaver for me. For the last 9 years I’ve been having sessions with Norah from Body Stress Release West Coast and I cannot rave enough about her. Read my body stress release review for more info.

Body Stress Release Review - Sciatica and Pelvic Pain Relief

What Is Body Stress Release

Body Stress Release (BSR) is a natural and safe technique for pain relief. It is suitable for everyone, including the elderly, infants, and pregnant women. The body stress release practitioner ascertains where the body is storing stress and releases it through precise, gentle movements stimulating the nervous system to activate a self-healing response in the body.

My Body Stress Release Review

Body Stress Release has become an essential treatment for me since I started in 2013 when I was pregnant with my second child. During my first pregnancy I struggled with severe sciatica, pelvic pain, and back pain. When I was 7 months pregnant with my second baby and just starting with pelvic pain I was introduced to Body Stress Release.

Honestly, I never thought it would make much of a difference but I decided to give it a go and much to my surprise one session cleared up my sciatica and pelvic pain completely and I did not have any more issues for the rest of my pregnancy.

After the birth of my baby I had an embarrassing problem, I did not poop for a long time after birth and when I did manage to go I did not stop going for weeks. When my practitioner heard about it she said she might be able to help. I went for a session and it cleared that problem up immediately!

I’ve struggled on and off with sciatica since my first pregnancy, every time it flared up I had a session and it kept it at bay for months at a time. There have been a number of times where I’ve put my back out quite badly and Body Stress Release sessions have always managed to help me heal quickly.

A session is one hour long and currently costs R350 at Body Stress Release West Coast, it is a cheap, natural, and effective option for pain relief.

If you are struggling with pelvic pain during pregnancy, sciatica, back pain, migraines, sports injuries, or any other physical pain or discomfort I highly recommend that you give Body Stress Release a go. Click here to search for a practitioner in your area, however, if you are in the West Coast contact Norah for a session, she is amazing.

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  1. I must try this hey definitely

  2. wow this sounds so amazing! would love to try this someday

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