Money Savvy Kids

Creating Money Savvy Kids

Promoting skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviour to enable financial independence amongst our youth.

Financial education from a young age provides a powerful head start in life. Not only the domain of adults, the importance of financial security and the ability to manage one’s finances is something that all children should learn about from an early age.

To this end, National Treasury, the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) and the National Consumer Financial Education Committee are rolling out MoneySmartWeek South Africa (MSWSA) this week, between the 22nd and the 28th March 2021. A national financial literacy campaign, the initiative aims to motivate and empower South Africans – and especially the youth – to become better educated about their finances.

As part of this year’s Money Smart Week South Africa 2021 campaign, Money Savvy Kids will be hosting an online event to get kids investing and teach them about creating passive income streams through savings and investment strategies. This event is being live streamed this Saturday , 27 March at 10h00 as part of Money Smart Week South Africa, a week-long financial literacy campaign with events being broadcast on throughout the week. This website has also been zero-rated for the duration of the week to enable as many people as possible to learn more about how to better manage their money.

Money Savvy Kids founder Kathryn Main is an author a multi- award-winning businesswoman with a passion to change the face of education on the African continent through financial literacy education and training. Her Money Savvy workshops aim to infuse children, from a very young age, with the problem-solving and critical thinking skills they need to make financial decisions now and in the future.


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One comment

  1. Farhana Siddiqui

    Teaching kids abt money is so important, so I don’t just give out money they have to earn their money like doing chores in the house or in the garden we all get together and at the same time they earn something and I have a clean garden and we all happy.

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