Yoga classes

12 Yoga Benefits That Will Surprise You

The year of 2020 was not an easy one with many people facing the ongoing struggles due to COVID-19. Now more than ever it is essential to maintain good mental and physical health. Yoga is an excellent form of exercise to do just that. In our post today, we will be sharing amazing yoga benefits that you may not know about. 

Yoga is a tried and proven holistic health exercise that comes with several benefits to enhance overall wellbeing. Everyone knows about the more obvious benefits like toning your triceps or having flexible hamstrings, however, there are lots more. 

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12 Yoga Benefits that will surprise you

12 Yoga Benefits For Maintaining A Healthy Body And State Of Mind

Detoxing Effects

During any given dynamic yoga exercise session your body benefits because of the flow of oxygenated blood. Asana classes are excellent for digestive health since it involves specific postures that gently apply stimulation and pressure to digestive organs as well as the liver and kidneys that are key organs for detoxification. Twists like the bow pose are incredibly advantageous for increasing oxygen and cleansing your blood. 

Balancing Hormones

Yoga is a known remedy for getting your entire body back into symmetry, especially the glands of your endocrine systems that are responsible for secreting hormones in your body. Every time you do certain postures, you stimulate these glands energetically and physically which can have a potent healing impact on your body. The child’s pose, for instance, has a rejuvenating and calming influence on your adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are responsible for exuding several hormones, including the stress hormone, cortisol. Therefore, at the end of a stressful day, doing the child’s pose is a much more beneficial way of eliminating stress.

Enhancing Concentration Levels

Concentration involves shifting your attention to a singular point of focus. In today’s hectic schedules, it can be a challenge to prevent your mind from being distracted, therefore it can be tricky to concentrate and focus on getting things done. Yoga teachers keep encouraging students to return to their breath which is an effective way of concentrating your focus on a single point. It is relatively simple to watch your breath each time, irrespective if you are on the mat or not, to improve on your concentration skills. 

Woman with braided hair doing yoga

Learning To Be More Patient

Another fantastic side effect of frequently practicing yoga is teaching you to let go of whatever the outcome is and submit to the present. Impatience is not a healthy characteristic and the best way to counterbalance your impatience is by learning to hold your postures and keep focusing on your breathing. 

Helping You To Feel More Secure

The Muladhara (root chakra) is linked to your roots, your sense of physical wellbeing. When your roots are performing well, it helps you to feel more secure and connected to earth. The chakra which is found two inches below and in front of your tailbone is stimulated via the Warrior 1 poses which are wide legged asanas, and wide legged forward bends (Trikonasana) seated, or standing. By doing these poses, you will start feeling more grounded. These poses are particularly advantageous when you are going through times of physical change like traveling or moving to a new house.

Boosting Your Confidence

Yoga is an exceptional tool to help boost your self-confidence on many levels. It provides you with a practical means of developing both internal and external qualities like balance, strength, and focus. Once you start seeing progression in your practice, your confidence will automatically improve. As far as your energetic level is concerned, the Manipura (solar plexus chakra) is linked to confidence, therefore practicing postures that stimulate your chakra will help you progress through life. Try doing the plank and holding it for a few minutes every morning to start enjoying the benefits. 

An Excellent Method For Stimulating Creativity

Your Swadisthana (sacral chakra) is the centre of creativity in your body. It is found in the area of the sacrum/tailbone. Doing asanas will help with activating this region while stimulating your creative flow. Creativity is not just about making something beautiful like painting a picture. It also relates to your way of thinking and your ability to solve problems. This is advantageous irrespective if you are an artistic individual or not. We recommend incorporating the seated forward bend (Paschimottanasana), cobra (Bhujangasana), and head to knee (Janu Sirsasana) poses into your yoga session if you want to get your creative juices flowing. 

Standing on exercise mat

Honing Your Intuition

One should always trust one’s intuition since this is an aspect of the mind that is rarely wrong. Frequent meditation practices are an excellent way to help quieting and stilling your phobias, oscillating fears, and anxieties of your lower mind. At the same time, you are creating a space for your immeasurable wisdom and intuition to give you the answers you need to move forward in life and in general. 

Yoga assists with relieving back pain

Yoga is incredibly useful for easing pain and doing basic stretching which improves mobility in those that suffer from lower back pain. The Cat-cow pose is an excellent pose for relieving chronic lower back pain. 

Yoga can be beneficial for easing arthritis symptoms

Gentle yoga sessions have been used for easing the discomfort linked to tender, swollen joints for individuals living with arthritis.

Yoga is beneficial for heart health

Frequent yoga sessions can lower stress levels and inflammation that usually contributes to heart health. Many factors like high blood pressure and obesity are primary factors that cause heart disease. This can be addressed by doing yoga. We recommend doing the downward dog pose. 

Yoga is perfect for relaxation to promote better sleep

Research has shown that a constant bedtime yoga session can assist with getting into the right mindset, subsequently preparing your body to fall asleep and stay that way. We recommend incorporating the legs-up-the-wall pose into your night time yoga routine.


We hope you have found this post helpful and will consider all the valuable yoga benefits that could improve your overall wellbeing and quality of life.

WIN 2 months weekly yoga classes

WIN 2 Months Of Yoga Classes To The Value of R800

Win two months of weekly yoga classes from Jivana Yoga Studio in studio in Midrand, or online – enter using the form below.

Jivana Yoga Studio is situated in the beautiful Carlswald Valley in Midrand.  They have morning and evening adult classes, children’s afternoon classes, and they also offer the occasional weekend workshop.

Classes are also available online, so if you are not in the Midrand area you can still enter!

This competition is open for residents of South Africa.

This competition is open for entries from 04 January 2021 until 01 February 2021 – the winner will be announced on our competitions page.
T & C’s apply.

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  1. I love yoga, its not all about exercise but also breathing and big time stress release!

  2. Yoga has really helped me mentally and emotionally plus physically. 🧘🏾‍♀️

  3. Zoereena Matthews

    I cannot wait to start doing yoga at home. It’s so relaxing and provides relief to my sore back.

    • Oh yes for sure, I’ve also found yoga absolutely excellent for my sciatica and lower back pain. I need to pick this up again myself, I am just waiting for the kids to be back in school. I don’t find doing any home exercises relaxing when they are home disturbing me!

  4. Hi Lynne,

    Although I know some of the yoga benefits, it’s still nice to review all the yoga benefits again from you. I seldom practice yoga during the weekdays, but if I got some time on weekends, I would try to do yoga to calm myself down, which helps me focus on what really matters to my life.

    It’s just like what you mentioned that yoga helps relaxation and help you to sleep better, and I can totally relate. If I live in South Africa, I will take the opportunity for the 2-month yoga classes. Anyway, thanks for sharing today.


  5. I knew yoga had a lot of benefits but I did not realize the extend of it. Even different poses can help the glands it centers on.
    Getting back into fitness, I am definitely going to be including yoga into the schedule.
    De-stressing is something we should all do every now and then!
    Thank you for a great article!

  6. Hiya!

    Thank you for a lovely article!

    I love yoga and it became a huge focus point for me since the pandemic started.

    For months, when we were under the “stay at home” message, I dii yoga every single day!

    Can’t be without it now, even though I don’t do it every day anymore. I also have other workouts to do. But yoga has been a huge help before bed and after a run, to prevent sore muscles.

  7. I have done a few yoga classes, but I haven’t been consistent. I should get back into it. Is it a good idea to start online yoga clases now that we’re still staying home? How do you do the cat cow pose? I have some lower back pain and I would like to try the cat cow pose.

  8. I do practice yoga a couple of times a week and I know it really beneficial but benefits such as stimulating creativity I had no idea. That’s the first time I hear about it. Indeed, there are so many benefits, and it makes me think that I should do yoga every day. Do you do your practice daily?

    • Yes its fantastic – I try for every day but it’s probably closer to 3 times a week when I am in a good routine because I really love getting outside to walk too.

  9. Hi Lynne.

    I have practiced yoga for several years and just love it.

    While I knew it was good for me, I didn`t realize just how good until reading your article so thank you.

    I was amazed at how much of our body can be affected by yoga.

    Do you know if there is a specific yoga practice for women closer to 60?

    I have noticed I am struggling with balance for some poses more than I used to and was curious if this was age-related.

    I am quite active but admittedly I have about 20 pounds I’d like to shed.

    I also walk or run daily as well as free weights three times a week and Pilates twice a week.

    The balance thing is concerning me a bit.

    Great information and please keep up the great work.

    • I’m not an expert in yoga Deb but I’ve even found a decline in my balance and I’m just over 40 🤣

      My mom is in her late 60’s and she told me that she is losing balance now and she said its a natural aging thing. She also loves yoga and pilates!

      • Ok, thank you Lynne. It is actually comforting to know I am not alone in my balance issues. I will continue and just be cautious so I don’t take a serious tumble.

  10. I think Yoga is such great exercise overall. Not only does it help with stretching, but also strength as well. I think overall, it’s so beneficial for overall health.

    I love going to classes when I do yoga. Overall, it seems to motivate me to have others surrounding me doing it as well. It’s just not the same in the home by yourself.

    Thanks for sharing this information!


  11. I had no clue that yoga could balance your hormones! I started doing yoga in 2019 and it REALLY helped with my stress and winding down my days in 2020. I wanted to try yoga mainly because my job at the time was very high level stress. But you pointed out so many other things that it did for me that I didn’t even think of. It definitely made me more confident, patient and I felt more at peace with myself and connected back to my roots.

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