Wriggle & Rhyme music classes

Wriggle And Rhyme Celebrates Its 16th Birthday

It’s got to be one of the top karaoke songs of all time!  ABBA’s “THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC”.  How often haven’t you heard it and found yourself singing or humming along to those famous words?  “Thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing, thanks for all the joy they’re bringing”.

My name is Kirsty Savides and I’m the Founder and Programme Director of Wriggle and Rhyme, a music and movement programme for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers.

ABBA’s words have been ringing in my ears recently.  You see, October 2024 marks Wriggle and Rhyme’s 16 th  birthday.  And boy, it is sweet!

Wriggle And Rhyme Celebrates Its 16th Birthday!

Celebrating 16 Years Of Music

It’s been 16 years since I ran the first ever Wriggle and Rhyme class from the lounge in my home in Fish Hoek. Since then, the business has grown and evolved.  I’ve gone through all the stages of motherhood with the business – from exciting conception to a crying newborn, to a demanding toddler, to a feisty tween, to a maturing teenage.

Music For Babies, Toddlers, Pre-schoolers And Beyond

In 2011, we branched out into PRE-SCHOOLS in Cape Town.  We extended the programme from babies and toddlers, to include children up to Grade R level.  We now have hundreds and hundreds of children
participating in our music and movement classes in pre-schools each week.

In 2013 the BABY and TODDLER programmes were licensed to allow other women to run classes from their venues too.  We now have Cape Town branches in Meadowridge, Rondebosch, Claremont, and Melkbosstrand. We also launched our first National branch in Gqeberha earlier this year, with classes running in Fernglen.

In 2017 we partnered with Lifeline Energy to bring our music to children across the African Continent.  Lifeline Energy distributes solar-powered radios and MP3 players to prisons, refugee camps and schools across Africa.  These children are now also singing our songs each week!

You can read more about Lifeline Energy’s work here – https://www.lifelineenergy.org

Wriggle and Rhyme 16 years

Music At Home

We’ve also created a range of unique and fun musical stories to enjoy.  Originally available on CD, these can now be accessed through your favourite music streaming platform – Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, and Amazon.

The Highs And Lows

Running a business in South Africa has not always been easy.  We’ve had to weather global recessions, the really difficult COVID season and intermittent loadshedding.

Sometimes the song in our hearts has been upbeat and full of joy, sometimes it’s been melancholy and slow.

These are still challenging times that we’re living in.  With the rising cost of living, wars and rumours of wars across the world, pain and suffering all around us.  It’s easy to become despondent and feel anxious.

But, I wake up every single morning saying “thank you for the music”.  Not just for Wriggle and Rhyme, but thank you that I get to be part of something that contributes so beautifully to the lives of children.  Thank you that Wriggle and Rhyme assists our family and many others financially each month.  Thank you that I have the flexibility to spend time with my children each day.

Celebrating With Gratitude

So, as we celebrate Wriggle and Rhyme’s 16th  birthday, I’m resolved, more than ever, to live in gratitude for all that life brings – the ups and downs, the highs and lows.

My song today and every day is, “thank you for the music!”.

Come And Join Us!

If this resonates with you, come and sing along with us.  Join our team and discover the joy of adopting Wriggle and Rhyme into your own family!

For more info about the W&;R business opportunity, have a look at www.wriggleandrhyme.co.za/join-the-team

For more info about the W&R musical stories and online resources, have a look at www.wriggleandrhyme.co.za/our-music

Find us on Facebook and Instagram @wrigglerhyme or our Youtube channel Wriggle & Rhyme SA

Win Wriggle & Rhyme goodie bag

Win A Wriggle & Rhyme Goodie Bag Valued At R1000

Goodie bag includes:

  • W&R notebook
  • W&R Kooshty water bottle
  • W&R Kooshty cosmetic bag
  • Cute board book
  • W&R CD “Growing Together”
  • Musical shaker instrument
  • Gorgeous turtle crocheted toy
  • All packed in a W&R drawstring bag

Enter your details into the form below to enter this competition.

This competition is open for residents of South Africa and Terms and Conditions apply.

The winner will be announced on our competitions page - this competition is open from:

18 October – 15 November 2024

This Competition Is Closed For Entries

Click here to sign up for my newsletter so you don't miss another competition! 

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  1. I would to win this for my son

  2. what a nice prize for my boy who is turning 1 in November
    fingers crossed

  3. Marieta Snyder's Matthews

    this is a very nice giveaway a educational giveaway to help a toddler I need n to keep them busy would love to win this for my daughter 2year old as my daughter stil in school n can’t afford it

  4. I ve beem super excited to win the price to entertesin my grand
    child it was his bday16th

  5. I don’t have Instagram 😭

    • You don’t need Instagram Natasa! That is only to get extra entries, it is not required to enter and won’t prevent you from winning if your name is drawn.

  6. Done I would like to win this for my son

  7. Marlene Thompson

    would love to win

  8. I have a grandson turning. 1 next month would love to win. Actually have 7🙈🥰

  9. would love to win for my 2 year old grandson

  10. My smallest nephew would absolutely love this for Christmas

  11. I would love to win this, I’m holding thumbs !!

  12. this looks like a great prize to win. keeping fingers crossed and definitely putting in all those extra entries. love…love…love ❤❤

  13. My firstborn was at Wriggle & Rhyme and loved it! My newest little one will join when he’s a bit older. Thank you for the music 🤗

  14. I would love to win it will be lovely for my baby he is now 10 weeks @Kaboutjie #winwithkaboutjie

  15. I would love to win this for my son this would so amazing for him

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