Venavine legs

With You Every Step Of The Way Venavine® Capsules and Cream

What fun things do your legs help you do?

When our legs are strong and healthy, we don’t give them a moment’s thought. But let them start being tired, heavy, crampy or swollen, then it’s time to give them special attention.

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Venavine Capsules and Cream

Turns out, caring for legs early when they first ache for help will keep them happily twinkling along while you walk, run, carry the children, load the car, swim, dance and … (add your favourite leg thing here).

Why would legs complain in the first place, we’re all having such a great time, aren’t we?

Well, if your working day keeps you seated for much of the time, or even if you are on your feet for most of the day, a medical condition can develop where the circulation of blood flow from the leg becomes impaired. The result is swollen legs, damaged veins, sensitive skin, and it can be painful.

Tips to keep legs happy:
Venavine Cream Carton 3d

  • When seated don’t ever cross your legs or scrunch them up, which puts pressure on veins and nerves.
  • Stretch them to promote flexibility and get up and walk about at frequent intervals if you have a sedentary lifestyle. That relaxing walk around the neighbourhood is also a great idea.
  • Here’s one from the professionals: Ballerinas lie down with legs raised to rest and drain them at the end of their day as part of their leg and foot care routine.

Something for you and your legs to enjoy together:

  • Soak in a hot bath. A scoop of Epsom Salts and some fragranced bath oil or foam adds to the feeling of indulgence and has a relaxing effect on muscles and veins.
  • After bath, or even without bath, massage your legs by rubbing in easily absorbed Venavine® Intensive Cream. Massage combined with this specially formulated product improves circulation while giving a cooling and relaxing effect.

Price: 125 ml around R117.

Add a daily leg pick-me-up:

  • Combine Venavine® Intensive Cream with a one-a-day Venavine® Capsule. It contains Red Vine Leaf Extract which has been well-studied for its use in supporting people with chronic venous insufficiency. The capsule should be taken for 12 weeks, but if symptoms do not improve after two weeks, consult a healthcare practitioner. Longer term use is possible in consultation with a doctor.

Price: 30 capsules around R212 and 60 capsules around R382.

Available from online suppliers like Takealot, Dis-Chem and Clicks and selected pharmacies nationwide.


Win one of two Venavine hampers

Win 1 of 2 Venavine Hampers Vouchers

Win 1 of 2 hampers:  Venavine® Intensive Cream, a massager and a R500 Takealot voucher – enter using the form below.

This competition is open for residents of South Africa.

This competition is open for entries from 15 March until 19 April 2021 – the winner will be announced on our competitions page.
T & C’s apply

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  1. Share this post on social media tagging @Kaboutjie and include the hashtag #WinWithKaboutjie – each share is an additional entry
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  1. I hardly ever if almost never give my legs a taught even though they pain all the time… for me I will only see to them when it hits that cramp and I need to rub them. my mother tells me that if I dont see to it now I will suffer later on when im older.

  2. Some Leg care would be awesome. Carrying a 17kg 20month old baby is no joke. No complaints though as this is the best Gym time I will probably ever get, but with all this caring for another Human and trying to be a good wife I sometimes forget about myself and my aches and pains that I need to care for as well.

    • Farhana Siddiqui

      Soaking my feet with water and Epson salt I normally do that it does help, but maybe it’s just me or menopause my feet heats up at night its just so uncomfortable. Reading and learning more thanks for the info.

  3. Having a job where I was standing on my feet whole day really took a toll on my legs. I only felt it when I got into bed at night, now they’re in constant pain as soon as I sit down. If only I knew these tips early on I could’ve prevented it.

  4. Follow the kaboutjie page on Facebook you will never go wrong. Especially the night chats when your little one is keeping you awake 😁

    • Danielle Roberson

      I have a nurse friend on her feet all the time, especially now with these risky days of Covid. She uses body foundation on her legs to cover the veins when she goes on date night or to the beach. I would love to win this prize for her.

  5. Would really to win, I have back issues and I always need a massage. This would be a great win.

  6. I would love to try this product. Thank you for a fabulous opportunity


  8. I’d love to own one☺️😌🥺

  9. I would really love to try I suffer with lower back and unable to stand too long I have also developed veins on my legs due to poor circulation

  10. I would love to try Venavine! I am a Registered nurse. I developed varicose veins, and gets embarrassed when I wear a dress.

  11. Estelle van Wilgen

    Sounds like something that could help me. Especially at night.

  12. My mom uses Venavine after suffering an almost fatal heart attack. The medication is making her legs feel like there is something chewing on it. The only thing that works for her is the Venavine cream. Its truly wonderful.

  13. I would love to win especially with my leg pain.

  14. I have suffered from terrible leg cramps for as long as I can remember. I have tried everything, but I am yet to try Venavine. Fingers crossed for this awesome win!

  15. I have constant leg ache and on chronic medication for my condition. I would love to try Venavine.

  16. Linda Achaje Balakasi

    I would love to try Venavine. Thank you so much for this opportunity 🤗🤗

  17. OhMi!!!! You won’t believe, I read about this and thought this is exactly what I need since recovering from an ankle fracture, I just came off the moon boot and this would be beneficial for my healing process.

  18. Jeanine Marshall

    I am an ex dancer and I battle with my veins at the back of my knees.

  19. My legs ache so much as I am always on my feet and I would love to try Venavaine.

  20. I love Kaboutjie page. Im always informed.

  21. i love this page. so much info and inspiration

  22. I love kaboutjie page
    I would love to try venavaine.

  23. I love this page so much, and oh my how I need and would love this hamper I suffer from restless leg syndrome and it is the absolute worst, dying to find a product that will help me sleep better at night, plus my poor 13 year old daughter is suffering from tendonopathy at the moment so she has constant knee pain and that amazing infrared massager would be amazing to try help her knees get better, so keeping my fingers crossed, extra tightly

    • Lynne Huysamen

      Hi Yolande – I used to have restless leg syndrome and it really is awful! I hope you and your daughter get some relief soon and good luck for the giveaway!

  24. Awesome prize!❤️

  25. Cornea van der Merwe

    This would make such a difference for me. I’ve developed some varicose veins which are so embarrassing sonce I’m only 35 – so I’d love to give it a try. Since lockdown, I haven’t been moving and walking around as I usually did so I’m so excited to see there’s a product that could assist with strengthening leg vein walls.

  26. Oh this would be really awesome to win!

  27. Awesome will love to win #winwithkaboutjie #kaboutjie

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