Newborn baby photo

Why You Need To Have A New Born Photo Shoot

Our memories are full of all of the special occasions we’ve had. From birthdays, graduations to weddings, we want to remember it as it was and we do it by taking photos. Photography started as early as the 1830s. People used to take pictures only of landscape and portraits. Now, in the modern era, we give emphasis on the importance of photography in every aspect of our life, even if it’s just dinner.

Newborn photography has steadily become in demand in the new generation of parents. Before maternity photo shoots were all the rage, now it is centered on the angelic face of a newborn baby. If you are near your due or had just given birth, you might want to give it a shot.

Here are some reasons why you need to have a new born photo shoot:

Why You Need To Have A New Born Photo Shoot

Time to Show Off

Newborn photography is your first bragging right as a parent. You’ve spent nine long, uncomfortable  months getting ready for baby. Now that your sweet little baby has arrived, its time to show off.  You’ve pictured how their nose and toes will look and how cute they will be. Once they arrive, you will be excited to show off just how cute they are. Having them professionally done is a great way to capture the entire family too.

Times Goes By Fast

Newborn babies grow and change very fast. They go through rapid growth even when they are just 10 days old and can easily increase size within 3 weeks. In five months, they can double their weight. All these are changes that happen in a blink of an eye. Having professionally taken pictures of your newborn baby can help save the moments, emotions and feelings you have for the new member of your family.

Technically, it can freeze the time and preserve the happy thought that you have at that very moment. Having a keepsake like this will allow you to capture all of their different stages.

To Share

Who can resist the beauty of life when they see an image of an innocent angelic face of a new born baby. Another reason for you to book a professional photographer for your child is because it will be worthy to share. It may sound shallow, but sharing a beautiful picture of your baby with people around you, may it be physically or in social media, can make you a beam of pride. Receiving compliments about your child gives you the sense of outpouring love for the little one and in turn makes you a proud parent and inspired to be the very best person he or she can ever have.


Newborn photos can be used as a decoration for your house. Getting high-quality prints can give life to a wall. Make sure the backdrop of your photo is well within your taste and idea. Before you decide what items should used as a background or supporting decoration for the picture, decide what theme you are going after. If you want a countryside feel, add a cute country basket as a prop or even put the baby inside it for an even cuter look. If you want a plain, simple, and classic theme go for an all-white motif. This will compliment the softness of your newborn image.

Something to reminisce

These photos will be great in baby books and as heirlooms. Your children will look back at their baby pictures when they are expecting. High quality, professional pictures will last a lifetime. A good   tradition would be to take a photo every year around Christmas and put it into an ornament. Each year you will be able to see how much they changed.

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  1. Wow this is so cute I never consider of taking a photo shoot with my kids but I have lots of memories and photos of them on my camera

  2. If you’re worried about the hassle of a photo shoot, there are a few things you can do to make the whole process easier. Ensure that your newborn is comfortable and that you capture more of your everyday life by finding a photographer willing to shoot in your home. Also, try to schedule within the first two weeks after birth. They’re only little for so long, plus during this time the baby is still sleepy and less prone to fussing about being put in poses. How sweet!

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