Easter family fun

Tips To Have A Great Easter Holiday and Not Blow Your Budget

As the first holiday of the year takes many of us by surprise (seriously, how did it arrive so quickly) we find ourselves scrambling to get it together. Make a plan. Get some rest and relaxation so we can recharge for the rest of the year. The problem is that kicking into gear for some much-needed time off can sometimes… If we’re honest… Result in a little bit of overspending because of the lack of planning.

Look, it happens to the best of us, even those of us who had already planned our April holidays. And boy do our wallets notice. So, to help you, we thought we’d remind you about some good tips that you can use to try and keep your spending under control. Don’t worry, we promise that we’re not starting this list with a holiday budget tip. By now it’s way too obvious (and we’re convinced that it’s already occurred to you) to check how much you have available to spend on your holiday.

Let’s crack onto the tips that will make a big difference to the state of your finances during, and after, your time off.

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Intentional spending

It’s easy to give into a holiday spoil, a big treat for the kids, and extra chips, sweets, and braai meat. But the fact is that now more than ever it’s important to weigh up your purchases. Consider everything that you’re going to buy carefully and evaluate whether it makes sense to buy a new bicycle for Tommy Junior or 5 extra bags of chips every other day. If it’s in the budget, then go for it. If it’s not, then don’t buy it. And if you’re not sure, then think about it and run the numbers to make sure it’s a yes or no. Simple advice that’s easier to say than do, but we believe in you (and us).

You can’t do everything and neither can your money

There are only so many play dates, dinners, and events that you can afford during this time. To protect the money you have for the holidays, be realistic and intentional (there’s that word again) about what you’re going to say ‘yes’ to. If it’s not in your budget, then just say ‘no’. People will understand, trust us.

Don’t go far, enjoy a ‘nearcation’

It’s lovely to go away. But it’s also expensive. What you could do instead is plan a day trip to save on accommodation costs while still enjoying an escape from home.

Mother and daughter Easter fun

Forget the extra gifts

Everyone is feeling the strain on their budgets lately, so no one is going to feel sour about not getting gifts and surprises that need to be bought. This might even be the perfect time to create little extras that make this time together more special. Like baking biscuits or making jewellery out of clay. It’s fun, the outcome is (often) brilliant (give or take a few burnt batches of biscuits) and it’s cheaper than stepping inside the shops and giving in to temptation.

We hope these holiday budget tips do the trick for you, but if you’re still looking for extra ways to cut down on expenses then 1 way that proves helpful is switching to cheaper car and home insurance. For instance, there are newer car insurance products on the market that make it more affordable to maintain your cover, like comprehensive chilli cover that could cost as little as R299pm if you drive a little less (around 100kms per month) and your car is worth less than R500,000. There’s also a comprehensive car insurance option that comes with super cheap premiums that decrease every month as the value of your car depreciates.

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  1. Not to mention you can also make it loads of fun my doing a family outdoor fun Easter egg hunt! we do this at home it it saves a lot of money because instead of being bored wanting to go out putting that R500 fuel and then eating out and drinks its fun and at home so no stress about spending over the budget.

    • Yes we also usually have our Easter at home! My father in law comes over for a big breakfast then the kids have their Easter egg hunt 🙂

  2. We went to a friend who lives in an estate and spent time in the estate park! The entire day outside! Picnic for the 3 girls.. And 2 Mommies… Was bliss under the trees and the girls loved the play area. We then did a small Easter egg hunt too!

    The next day was spent at home all day with them sorting out their toys and then a bunch of arts n crafts!!

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