Baby legs

Tips For Handling Your Newborn

Becoming a parent is the beginning of an entirely new phase of one’s life. Caring properly for your newborn is imperative for their healthy growth. Becoming a parent is a tough job especially if it is your first baby. However, once you are home, you might feel that you do not have any clue about what is going on and how you are going to do it. However, remember that this is what makes parenting so beautiful; learning to care for your little one.

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These useful tips will help you in raising your baby more efficiently:

Tips for handling your newborn

Keep the Baby warm:

Providing a warm environment to the newborn is essential. After the birth, it is advisable to keep the newborn covered from head to toe. Another great way of doing so is by holding the baby near the mother’s chest or abdomen.

Clean the Umbilical cord:

The umbilical cord is the connection between babies and mothers because during pregnancy it is the umbilical cord, which transports nutrients and oxygen to the baby. After delivery, the baby no longer needs the umbilical cord, so the doctors cut it off. Doctors leave only a little stump, which requires proper care before it falls off. Avoid cleaning the area near the umbilical cord every day. Doctors usually suggest swabbing the area with alcohol until the cord falls off. It is better to ask your baby’s doctor regarding this. Often, if you keep the umbilical cord dry, it will fall off faster. Moreover, with regular cleaning, the chances of infection can reduce mainly.

Clean the baby regularly:

Keeping your little one clean is vital for their health. Do not give a shower to your baby until their umbilical cord falls off. The best way to clean your baby is by giving him or her sponge baths until their umbilical cord falls off, and their naval heals completely, which usually takes 1 to 4 weeks after birth.

Giving sponge bath to your baby is quite easy. Follow these simple steps, and you can learn in no time:

  • First, select a flat surface that is comfortable for the baby. Unclothe your baby, wrap him or her in a towel, and place on the flat surface.
  • Second, fill a sink or bowl with Luke warm water, dip a cotton ball or soft bathing cloth in it and clean the eyes of your baby one by one. After this, repeat the same process to clean your baby’s nose and ears as well. In the end, wash the baby’s face gently and pat it dry.
  • Third, using any baby shampoo create lather and gently scrub your baby’s body and head, paying special attention to the skin creases behind ears, under the arms, legs and around the neck. Now, wash your baby with warm water.
  • Lastly, after properly drying your baby, diaper and dress him or her.

Feeding the baby:

Whichever way (bottle or breast) you are using to feed your baby, here are a few things that you should keep in mind. Doctors advise to feed newborns on demand. This means that never force-feed your baby, whenever he or she feels hungry, they will let you know by crying or putting fingers in their mouth, or by making sucking noises.

Usually, you need to feed a newborn after every 2 or 3 hours. Moreover, if you are breastfeeding the baby, then it is better to give your baby at least 10-15 minutes to feed on each breast. On the other hand, if you are using formula feed for your baby, then 2-3 ounces per feed would do the job. Monitoring your baby’s weight is a good way of ensuring that your baby is feeding properly. After feeding your baby, always remember to make him or her burp. Burping is essential for keeping the baby from spitting the milk out.

Handling a newborn:

Treating a newborn is a delicate job that requires lots of care and patience. You should take into consideration these things whenever you handle a newborn.

  • Wash your hands properly or use hand sanitizer before handling the baby. Babies do not have a sturdy immune system so, there is always the risk of getting infections. That is why doctors advise it to clean yourself before contacting with a newborn.
  • Support your infant’s head and neck whenever you are holding them. Always cradle the head properly.

Newborn sleeping blue blanket


No matter whichever technique you choose to diaper your newborn, always remember to do it regularly and in time. Newborns poop a lot about ten times a day or 70 times a week. It is essential to Clean properly while changing diapers to keep your child safe from UTIs. If your child gets a diaper rash here are some things that you should do:

  • Change the diaper often.
  • After cleaning the affected area, apply a thick layer of diaper rash cream.
  • Leave your baby un-diapered for some time. This will give some air, and the redness of the rash will reduce.

Putting your Baby to sleep:

As a new parent putting your baby to sleep is probably the most laborious task. A newborn usually sleeps 16 hours or more a day, with a period of 2-4 hours. They typically don’t sleep throughout the night because the digestive tract of babies is so small that they need feeding every few hours.

Babies do not have a track of day and night. Due to this, they are usually more active and awake at night than during the day. An excellent way to sort this out is by developing a proper sleeping pattern of your baby. You will have to restrict the sleeping hours of your baby during the day. Try playing and talking with your baby during the day and do not let him sleep for more than three hours. By doing so, your baby will sleep more soundly during the night.

However, if you are a working mom, do install a nanny cam in your bedroom through which you can observe your child in case you are not in the room. You can easily handle the nanny cam from your cellphone.  Many apps help in monitoring, for reviews kindly visit mSpy reviews.

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  1. Thank you for this awesome article.

  2. I remember the first day we got home. I have never been so careful. O there family members were offended when I asked the to wash their hands before they could carry her. You fall in love with the baby instantly. Oh it was such an amazing thing, which I will treasure all my life.

  3. Thank you very much for this, bathing a newborn is quite tricky lucky for mw my mom was around to bath the baby for a month while I was healing and resting,she really played an important role I’ll forever remain thankful after reading this article, I couldn’t have done what she did

  4. Very nice tips thank you. I used to hate cleaning the umbilical cord I was so scared that I would hurt him and got such a fright one day when it fell off lol.

  5. Very useful information

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