mother smiling baby in brown wrap

Things Every Soon-to-be Mom Should Be Prepared For

Motherhood is the happiest chapter in a woman’s life. Nothing can match the level of happiness a woman has when she knows that she is going to be a mother. A new, cute little member is going to be added soon in her family.

However, being a mother is not a simple job; you have to be fully prepared and organized with your arrangements to welcome your little one. From scheduling medical tests to ensuring a good living place for your kid, you have to look at everything.

With a little planning, you will be ready for motherhood, and you will be prepared for the challenge of providing for your child. Here are some of the things soon-to-be moms should be prepared for.

Things Every Soon To Be Mom Should Be Prepared For

Comfortable House
Though it’s not really just the mom’s responsibility to provide her child with a comfortable house, it’s a no-brainer that infants need it. If you are thinking of owning one for your family through a loan, you must first know the best credit scores to buy a house as they can affect your chance of having an approved mortgage loan, but in case you are not planning to buy one, you can also consider renting an apartment, but make sure it’s safe and comfortable because it is for you, for your husband and most especially for your baby.


Before going on a maternity leave, it is best to budget your money. Make a budget so that you can figure out how much cash you will need in your pregnancy days for your checkup and maintenance. Sorting your budget will make buying things for you baby easier for you.

Maternity leave

Whether you are self-employed mom-to-be or you are planning to return to your work once the baby is born, it is very much important to know where you stand on your maternity pay and what benefits you will enjoy from your maternity leave. Most especially, this thing is important in order to spend quality time with your baby.

Birth plan

A birth plan will make it easy for your doctor and for your medical team to know what you want to happen on that special. You can choose the type of labor and birth, pain management, etc.. In other words, birth plan lets you suggest things and control some aspects of delivery.


Find a good gynecologist for your baby so that your delivery would not be that complicated. The doctor may be a family doctor or a renowned physician. You can also talk to your health insurance provider to add your baby to your health policy. Understand your insurance plan’s working process, especially in the area of labor benefits, delivery and maternity care.

Newborn car seat

An infant car seat is one of the most essential things you should buy as it will provide your newborn baby a comfort and cozy spot for napping. Before the arrival of baby, make sure to know the adjustments of car seat straps and install the base in your car before you leave for the hospital.

A breast pump and baby bottle

It is always recommended to merely breastfeed your newborn baby for about 6 months, and for this, you need a breast pump to help you in stimulating the milk production on the first few days of postpartum so that you can get rest and let your husband do the job. He can just feed your baby using a bottle with your milk.


Purchase sufficient quantity of baby diapers so that it will be easy for you to face countless changes in the first few days. If you are confused about the size of diapers, then prefer buying small packages of newborn-sized diapers.

Swaddle Blankets

Most babies get comfort when they are swaddled. You can buy swaddle blankets which are designed for this.

Baby Girl in Cot

Burp Cloths

Nearly after every meal, newborn babies spit up. For this, a burp cloth is an appropriate thing which you should buy to be prepared for babies burping. Buy a sufficient quantity so that you will always have one whenever you need. Keep those cloths near the spot where you usually feed your baby.

A water bottle and some fruit

You need to drink plenty of water if you have a plan to breastfeed your baby. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Keep a water bottle with you and add some sliced fruit in that so that you get some flavors.

Maxi pads and ice packs

You may experience heavy bleeding for two to five days after you give birth to your child; this postpartum vaginal discharge is known as lochia. The bleeding depends on the mother and her hormonal level, it may last up to two to six days, so be prepared for this by stocking your bathroom with sufficient quantity of maxi pads. Also, Ice pads will provide you relaxation from soreness and swelling which you may get from the delivery.

Know what to do when labor pain starts

Before you feel the first labor pain, you will want a secured plan regarding whom to call, in which hospital to go and when to leave.

Get a clear set of guidelines from your healthcare provider on what to do when you experience labor pain. Decide who will go with you to the hospital and when to head for the birth center.

Plan a route in advance that will help you get to the hospital faster. Also, look for the parking space and the entrance which you will use at the time of check-in. Learn about the hospital’s policies and guidelines regarding delivery, and check the nursery and labor rooms.


By keeping a check on these things, you will be ready to be a mom. Pack all the essential baby items with you so that your partner does not need to have multiple trips to the store to buy these things. Keep yourself hydrated and avoid eating types of food which are not good for baby’s health.

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