Cherish Beauty By Nature

Cherish Beauty By Nature Review – Luxurious Essential Oils Skin Care PLUS Giveaway!

Cherish – Beauty by Nature is an all natural essential oils skin care range that is not tested on animals and that is without any toxic ingredients, additives and chemicals. They are endorsed by Beauty Without Cruelty which is always something I like to look out for when I choose my own skin care products.

***Full Disclosure – this is a sponsored post which means Cherish – Beauty By Nature has provided me with the products and I have received financial compensation for this review. However my views expressed here remain my own***

When Cheryl from Cherish – Beauty by Nature contacted me about a review I was a tad bit skeptical. Don’t get me wrong, I do love essential oils but the way that I saw it essential oils were for massages, aromatherapy and/ or for burning for the nice smells. I wasn’t sure how using cleansing products with essential oils would work. I was a bit concerned that it may leave my skin feeling greasy and strange.

Cheryl sent me the Cleansing Oil for combination skin, Face Serum for combination skin, Eye Serum for mature skin and Soothing Toner for all skin types, as well as samples of the Body Oil Sandalwood & Rose and Liquid Hand Soap Sandalwood & Rose.

When the delivery arrived my products were packed in a beautiful wooden box. Inside it all the products were packed neatly with a booklet about the products. The first thing I did is smell the products (yes I have a thing about smelling products) and they smell divine!

Cherish Beauty By Nature Review - Luxurious Essential Oils Skin Care

Luxurious And Effective

The first time I used the range it felt quite strange using oil on my face to cleanse and I expected my skin to be oily afterwards but I followed all the instructions and my skin felt great afterwards. No greasiness at all and I felt great. It felt luxurious like I am pampering myself.

On that note of pampering, it has come at the perfect time when I am really in need of being kind to myself so that I can heal and recover from my recent ordeal with my ectopic pregnancy.

I am nearly 40 which means my face is starting to get wrinkly and I am really starting to see the aging process kicking in. I have been taking more care over my skin care recently but I have never before indulged in face serum or eye serum.

I have been using this range for a week now and I have found that even in this short space of time my skin is softer and more supple, plus my wrinkles are not so noticeable. There is a huge difference around my eyes which I am very impressed with, I can barely see any wrinkles there at all.

I have started getting these wrinkles along the top of my lips which I detest. You know when you are young and pull a cute smooch pose? Well those days are long gone for me, my mouth looks like a dogs bum when I do that now. It is scary as can be. Those awful wrinkles have softened and I can’t wait to see how that improves with prolonged use!

My skin is also clearer. I had a bit of an outbreak due to the hormones of pregnancy and then losing my baby. This mostly cleared up a day or two after starting with the Cherish Beauty By Nature products.

Another thing that is huge for me is that the blackheads on my nose have diminished big time. I’ve never really had bad skin or lots of outbreaks, not even in my teens, but one thing that I have had a problem with for as long as I can remember is blackheads on my nose. I’ve tried all sorts of things without much success.  I am pleased to say that right at this moment my nose is looking clearer than I ever remember it being.

I also need to mention the toner – the face that it comes in a spray bottle is very appealing to me. It is certainly more cost effective to spray the product out, I am sure pour bottles make for a lot of wastage. With every other toner I have used before I have felt my skin tightening immediately when using it. I am not fond of that feeling at all. This is the first toner that left my skin feeling fresh with none of the tightening sensation.

Essential Oils Skin Care Range

Natural & Kind Beauty

Using Cherish Beauty By Nature will be kind on your body since the products are handmade using organic (wherever possible), vegan  ingredients that are free from additives and chemicals.

I don’t know if anyone is aware of the importance of being endorsed by Beauty Without Cruelty? In case you don’t I will explain it to you quickly. Lots of products may have things on their packaging stating “not tested on animals” or “animal friendly”. This makes you think that nothing in that product has had a negative impact on animals. This is really not the case at all.

Perhaps that end product has not been tested on animals but chances are incredibly high that the ingredients that they buy in have been tested on animals.

To be endorsed by Beauty Without Cruelty you have to undergo close scrutiny. Every ingredient that goes into your products must pass their testing, and every ingredient that goes into those ingredients and so on.

For guilt free beauty I highly recommend buying products approved by Beauty Without Cruelty!

Make Money As A Reseller

Included in the booklet is wholesale pricing information. I always love looking into opportunities that can make moms money from home and this looks like an amazing opportunity. There are minimum order quantities but with awesome discounts so you can make good money as a reseller, making 40% profit on your sales.

This is an excellent product that I believe will sell very well. All you need to do is get a few regular customers and you are well on your way.

My Final Verdict For Cherish Beauty By Nature

I absolutely love this range. There is nothing not to like about it. From the lovely packaging, the divine smell and the excellent results, to the fact it is kind to the environment.

Plus the bonus is that if you love it as much as I do you can recommend it to your friends and start a little side hustle to bring in some income from home!

To see more about Cherish Beauty By Nature click here.

Cherish – Beauty By Nature Giveaway

Win a Cleansing Oil and Face Serum to the value of over R500 – entering is simple, just join the discussion in the comments and tell us anything about your skin care routine – the products you use, the difficulties you have or anything else on topic!

The winner will be announced via blog post on the 05 March 2018.

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  1. My daily skin care routine involves a garnier face wash and moisturiser. Don’t really have time to do much else

  2. Look like lovely products. I have a lot of skin issues. I have hyper pigmentation as well as acne scars. I always try new products to see if it will make a difference.

  3. I am one of those people that seems to never have clear skin there is always a pimple that pops up out of no where and blackheads are inevitable. I have tried several products over the years and nothing seems to work no scrubs, masks, peels, nothing. I didn’t even have luck with a very well marketed Isabella Garcia range.

    I am currently trying Neutrogena. I have the Face Wash, the Toner and a Moisturizer.

  4. Im very early 40’s and I seriously need to get a better skin care routine going.. I don’t have much of a routine currently.. quick facewash in the morning with whatever is in the cupboard.. mornings are an insane rush getting my kids to school and getting myself ready that its really a total half job. But I must start doing it properly.

    • I’m also in the same position. Quick wash of my face with my daughter’s face wash and if I have time a dash of aqueous cream.

  5. So I must be honest… I didn’t have much of a skincare routine as of late. Usually, it is just a splash of water on the face and off I go.

    On my way to drop off my eldest at school one morning, my eyes met my face in the rear-view mirror. The sun fell just right at that moment and I noticed thin lines appearing on my forehead that wasn’t there before.

    That was when I realized how dry and neglected my skin actually is.

    Needless to say, I went to the nearest pharmacy to get me some skin products!

    I didn’t know where to start. I realized a cleanser is quite important! As well as toner. But the product I didn’t get was a moisturizer.

    Thank you for making me more skin savvy with this amazing review.

    I’d love to give Cherish Beauty by Nature a try!

  6. I am one of those lucky women that do not have any real skincare issues. I am currently using the Zo Phase 1 Skincare System only because I won it. LOL. These products are absolutely amazing & leaves my skin feeling soft, clean & refreshed.
    I love using Rose Water & Glycerine as a toner as well as a setting spray. Every fortnight I use Jojoba Oil instead of moisturiser, it leaves my skin feeling baby soft.
    To remove make up I rub coconut oil over my face & wipe off with a wet wipe, the makeup comes off so easily.
    When my Zo Phase 1 Skincare System Products are finished I will go back to using my Isabella Garcia Range, these products work so well for me too 🙂

  7. Great review as always @lynne.

    I am currently using Pond’s flawless radiance face wash/scrub & the day/night cream.

    My biggest concerns are mostly problems due to my age:

    * Fine lines and wrinkles especially around the eyes and my mouth area
    * Open pores
    * Dry and dull or glow-less skin
    * Breakouts on my nose and chin areas

    I would love to use a product that is affordable but also works to improve the condition of my skin. Something that would make me look a few years younger than I am.

  8. When I was younger, I had acne problems to the extend that I needed to take a contraceptive pill to balance the hormones. I’ve use so many product that I can’t even remember all the names.

    One particular product that I really loved is the Environ range. My skin really felt good after each wash and toner but with two kids and school fees etc, I just could not afford it anymore.

    I have used Elizabeth Arden and a lot of other “fancy” name brand products and every month or two I have to change product because my skin just don’t feel good. It either dries my skin out to the point where it looks like I had a bit of sunburn and now the skin is peeling off. It horrible and so not good for the self-esteem.

    The other products make my skin looks oily even though I’ve bought the “normal combination” skin products.

    For the last month I’m using Garnier BB cream and I must say that my skin feels great during the day and the foundation is not that much.

    This is a great review for the product and I will definitely give it a try. Maybe It will works wonders for me as well. To be quite honest, I will try anything to help make my skin look more softer and maybe help with the bags under my eyes. I know I sleep will also help. LOL

    Will definitely look for this in a store.

  9. I have rather dry skin, I am using the Elizabeth Garcia range, it helped me a lot initially in mositurizing my skin, the products is rather expensive though, I use the face wash and scrub, toner and moisturizer. I also have the make up remover and the gel firmer. if I work it out on a monthly basis based on my consumption would cost approximately R450 a month.
    cost is not the only factor it also is time consuming, I allow 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night, I used use the masks daily and then went to weekly and ultimately just stopped.
    I will be glad to try a new product, mainly since it has such a great review 🙂

  10. I have been using natural products for both my kids and myself and I must say I can see a huge difference. My hair and skin are not so dried out any more from using commercial products and my kid’s hair and skin are also vibrant. Using natural products and essential oils has also helped quite a bit with my youngest’s eczema. I am trying to focus on organic foods and snacks as well now, it is very expensive though!

  11. I love pure oils. I am currently pregnant and mix up my own stretch mark prevention cream using a good aqua scream with a bottle of apricot kernel oil and a bottle of rosehip oil.

    Both these oils also work wonders on your face and hands.

  12. So sorry to hear about your etopic pregnancy! Hope you are recovering well and taking it easy. I’m sure this product came just at the right time for you… When i was younger i just bought products that had a good smell. For me as well, i like something that will smell good or look good, like you mentioned the beautiful wooden box it came in. That makes the product interesting and attractive. I’ve always suffered from big pores. I’ve tried all sorts of products, even the expensive products did not help. It is not something that can just easily heal. You have to wear some type of concealer to hide it. I’m a mommy and i really don’t feel like walking around with a thick base on my face all day long. Do you have anything in this range that will minimise the pores? Nowadays, I will use the exfoliating brush once a week and every morning and night i will use a facial wash or cleanser(Aqueous). I don’t really like the toner because i find that it is a bit harsh on my skin and my skin becomes a bit too oily. I’ve always had a combination skin. I moisturise only with aqueous cream. When I go out in the sun, I use the Cethaphil SPF30 or 50. I would love to try these natural products because i like all things NATURAL.

  13. I admire women who have an actual skincare routine! I rinse and go and only use a moisturizer in winter, am ready to be converted!

  14. I exfoliate my skin twice a week. Everyday routine is washing my face with a facewash and putting on daycream, evening the same, but put on nightcream.

  15. I had problems with acne untill I started with contraceptives. I discontinued it when I wanted to get pregnant. Eversince I have acne again. I started contraceptives again,but I had the worst side effects. So I discontinued it again. Now I am still struggling with acne. This is really bad for the selfconfidence of a 32 year old mother! I use eucerin for blemish prone skin. I have almost all their products in this range,but my skin do not improve.
    Before my skinproblems started I used organic Rooibos products. I really do prefer to use organic products as far as possible.

  16. I am 36 weeks pregnant and all of a sudden I look like a teenager again!! My skin keeps breaking out on my chin…

  17. Great review! I have had an acne problem since high school. when I started to use my contraceptive pill it got better, but it is as if my body got used to it and after the birth of my second son about 4 years ago, the acne started all over again. I feel very ashamed of myself! I have to use a lot of concealer and undercoat to cover myself, I do not like it at all! When I try a new face product my skin get worse! was at a skin doctor but he only gave me antibiotics and some ointment. It helped for a while but when its done, my skin get outburst again! Am so tired of this. I face all of this on my own but I believe that it will get better.

    • I’m so sorry to hear that @ntasha19 🙁 Having an outbreak is just no fun at all… plus having to use concealer probably adds to the problem long term, as would antibiotics I’m sure. You can’t be on antibiotics forever.

      I hope you come right!

      • So true! But since last month it looks like it gets better, still have acne but not that much. So I try to stay positive about this. It looks like if the antibiotics started to work after I finished it.

  18. Lynne, I must say that I am every grateful you allowed me to come and smell these products. They truly do smell amazing and one awesome quality about EOs is that the smell is also very good for us vibrationally.

    My skincare routine involves Ecologic’s range which is vegan, free from harmful chemicals and also contains a few essential oils.
    I went for a facial many moons ago and the therapist used their products on my face. I can’t say that my face has ever felt as good as it does using their range. That was why I started using their products.
    They also do believe in the powers of crystal healing for the face which is a HUGE bonus in my eyes, but that is not the only reason I love their products.

    • I’m happy to share my goodies with you and have you try them out @vonimoller 🙂

      The smell is just heavenly isn’t it? I haven’t heard of Ecologic before, I’ll have a look for them too. I love anything vegan and animal friendly.

      And you are so right, essential oils have so many added benefits that we may not think about.

  19. @Lynne, these products sound wonderful! At the moment I am still using the African Extracts Rooibos Products. Now I feel like I have been flung back in time about fifteen years or so to the out breaks you prepare yourself for when you’re a teenager. I was extremely lucky and never suffered with breakouts at all when I was a teenager. My skin seems to be making up for it now and my forehead at the start of my hairline looks terrible. I am also battling in the middle of my eyebrows with a red line, which does not seem to want to go away. It has been there for months and I have tried everything. What makes it worse is its right on top of my frown line which seems to make people notice it even more and feel inclined to tell me about it! I have become so self-conscious it is ridiculous.

  20. stephanie videira

    my current routine i use the garnier face water to take off my make-up ( works wonders with removing eye make-up and then i put on a night cream, short and sweet 🙂 but i do struggle with break outs before my menstrual time my skin seems to go hay-wire

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