Aam papad

Is Aam Papad Safe During Pregnancy?

Aam papad, also called mango leather, is a popular dish that has been made and consumed for generations in Indian households. It is incredibly easy to make and contains few ingredients. If you are curious to know if aam papad is safe during pregnancy, and looking for an easy homemade aam papad recipe, keep reading because we will be telling you all you need to know. 

Is Aam Papad Safe During Pregnancy?

What Is Aam Papad?

Aam Papad looks similar to dried fruit roles but is referred to as mango fruit leather. Thin layers of mango pulp are oven dried or sundried until it is dehydrated and peeled off like leather. It is served cut into thin slices and rolled up or cut into small rectangles before serving. Aam papad is an excellent healthy snack for kids because it does not contain any artificial flavours. Traditional aam sotto is sweet, however it is made in different varieties. It is a popular dish during off season since it can be preserved for months on end. 

Other Names For Aam Papad

Aam papad is known under various names which include:

  • Sadhaa (Odia)
  • Amawat (Hindi)
  • Aamta (Assamese)
  • Mamidi Tandra (Telugu)
  • Maanga Thera (Malayalam)
  • Aam Sotto (Bengali)
  • Amba Vadi (Marathi)

Aaam Papad Ingredients

Making mango fruit leather is super easy and takes little effort or ingredients to make yourself. It does require a lot of time for the fruit to dehydrate though. The two primary ingredients are sugar and mango pulp. The more basic you keep the recipe, the more pronounced the mango taste is. Different varieties can be made. Some people add a touch of salt and lemon to elevate the taste, while others add cardamom powder for flavour. You can also add a few strands of saffron for colour. 

Using store bought mango puree as an alternative

If mangoes are out of season but you have a craving for aam papad fruit rolls, you can use store bought mango pulp puree as an alternative. It usually contains just the right amount of sugar.

Mango papad

Is Aam Papad Safe During Pregnancy?

Mango is a summer fruit and used in various forms like aam panna, mango pickle, aam papad, mango pudding, and simply raw. Before eating mangoes during pregnancy, you might have been warned to not eat them or only eat it in moderation. Mangoes must be consumed in moderation during pregnancy because of the following reasons:

  • It contains a lot of calories – mangoes have a high carbohydrate content and may result in increased weight gain during pregnancy.
  • Artificially ripened mangoes should be avoided – because they could cause certain side effects. Mangoes that are ripened artificially with chemicals have lost some of their nutritional value which may result in hives, stomach upset, dizziness, mouth ulcers, and headaches.
  • Mango allergy – the skin of a mango and the area near the stalk could cause a food allergy when coming in contact with the skin.
  • High in sugar – mangoes contain a lot of sugar and if you have gestational diabetes, it is recommended to steer clear from eating mangoes. Women that have high blood pressure should also avoid it. 

Any processed foods like ketchups, pickles, papads, chocolates, jams, chips, jellies and farsans should be avoided, unless you have spoken to your gynaecologist or doctor, and he has given you the go ahead. The rule of thumb during pregnancy is to rather avoid something that you are not sure of. If your body is craving it and you simply must have it, be sure to eat it in moderation.

However, if you make your own aam papaad recipe, it should be safe to eat it since you know what ingredients you are putting into it. 


Unripe Or Ripe Mangoes During Pregnancy

Both unripe and ripe mangoes are safe to eat during pregnancy because it contains natural sugars and is an excellent alternative to foods that contain artificial sugars. Mangoes have various health benefits including:

  • Boosting digestion
  • Stimulating appetite
  • Improving complexion

Unripe mangoes have a high vitamin content and can help with curbing morning sickness since they combat against acidity and help with avoiding constipation. Mangoes are also effective for boosting immunity due to their high antioxidant content and Vitamin C that helps with fighting infections and keeping your liver healthy. 

Unripe Mangoes During the Last Trimester

Indian elders believe that its best to steer clear from unripe mangoes, including dishes that contain them like aam panna and mango achaar since they could cause miscarriage. Eating too many unripe mangoes can cause bleeding since it is thought of as a warm fruit. However, if you have questions about any foods that should or should not be eaten during your last trimester, rather discuss it with your doctor or gynaecologist.

How To Make Aam Papad At Home

As mentioned before, making aam papad is amazingly simple.

How to Make Sweet and Tangy Aam Papad (Sundried)


  • 2 Cups of Mango Pulp
  • 2 Tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon cardamom powder
  • 1 teaspoon ghee


  • Add the mango pulp and sugar to a blending jar and blend until you get a smooth paste. Do not add water.
  • Add the mixture to pan with a thick bottom and cook it on medium heat.
  • Stir continuously until the mixture has thickened and you notice a slight colour change. 
  • Add the cardamom powder and mix well.
  • After thirty seconds, turn down the heat.
  • Grease a flat tray with ghee and transfer the puree onto the plate and spread it evenly with a greased spatula. 
  • Sun dry the aam papad for about 48 hours or until it has turned translucent.
  • Peel it gently and cut it into your desired shape.

Tips to Keep in Mind

You can use a plastic sheet for spreading the pulp instead of a flat tray since it is easier to peel it from a plastic sheet. To give your aam papad a bit of a kick, when you add the cardamom, you can also add black pepper and a tad of rock salt. 

How To Serve Aam Papad

Most people prefer eating it raw, while others sprinkle it with pepper, chat masala, chilli powder, black salt, or cumin and a pinch of lemon.

Homemade aam papad

How To Make Oven Baked Aam Papad

When making your aam papad recipe using fresh mango, be sure to blend it into a pulp and add sugar to taste. You can strain it afterwards to ensure there is no big chunks or fiber before spreading it onto a cookie sheet with baking silpat or parchment paper. The layer must be even and thin.


  • Mango pulp from fresh mangoes or store-bought mango puree (30 ounce can)
  • Sugar (to add if you are using fresh mangoes)


  • Blend the mango with sugar (if using) and blend
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Spread the mixture thinly and evenly over a cookie sheet with baking silpat or parchment paper
  • Place it in the oven and allow to set for four to five hours (until the top does not feel wet anymore). Cooking time can differ depending on the liquid consistency of your puree or how thin you have layered it. 
  • Remove it from the oven and allow it to cool. It should peel off easily.
  • Slice the mango leather into one-inch-thick strips and roll or cut it into bit-size squares.
  • Store in a sealed, airtight container.

Useful Tips:

  • Tap the cookie sheet a couple of times to help the puree spread evenly.
  • Be sure to store the mango leather in the refrigerator in an airtight container.
  • When the aam papad is ready it will have a smooth leather-like consistency and it peels easily from the sheet or baking tray. If it sticks to your fingers, it is not yet ready.

Helpful Video You Can Watch On How To Make Aam Papad at Home

This homemade aam papad recipe will show you how to make the perfect aam papad at home. If you want to make mango aampad here’s what you need to know:

2 Reasons To Make Aam Papad At Home

It is a Healthy and Tasty Snack Alternative

The traditional aam papad that has been made by mothers and grandmothers for generations, do no contain chemicals. They did not dilute the mango flavour and kept the recipe as basic as possible. Mango leather is made with organic ingredients like cardamom and desi ghee which is actually beneficial for you. It is a healthy snack alternative to foods with artificial flavour and sugars.

You Can Enjoy Mango Throughout The Year

One of the best things about making your own homemade aam papad recipe is that it can be preserved for months. You can enjoy mango throughout the year whenever you have a craving and do not have to wait for it to be in season. Make an entire batch at home and keep it refrigerated. 


We hope you have found this post about whether aam papad is safe to eat during pregnancy useful, and it has given you all the information you needed. The aam papad recipe is super quick and easy to make, uses very few ingredients, and is a healthy snack alternative for kids, adults, and even pregnant women to enjoy in moderation. 

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  1. Elize Swanepoel

    This is such an interesting topic. When I heard the term aam papad for the first time, I had no idea what it was. And surprisingly enough there are not many informative and well written content pieces out there. I was really happy when I came across your post that had so much information. I was very surprised to learn that it is basically mango leather and incredibly easy to make. I’m always looking for healthy snacks for my little one and I think he might really like this. It reminded me of good old fashion dried fruit rolls which is another hit in our home.

  2. Wow this was an interesting article thank you for sharing. Mango is delicious and oh so yummy.

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