Social Responsibility Givengain

Personal And Social Responsibility – The Onus Is On All Of Us

People traditionally look to their government in times of need because it has the capacity to bring about the most significant change. But even with the best of intentions, any government can fail its most vulnerable citizens by taking too long to do too little. Citizens are left to fend for themselves while they wait.

However, all the activity on the online fundraising platform GivenGain shows that South Africans don’t sit around and wait for help – they take matters into their own hands!

Throughout every year, local heroes swim, cycle and run great distances, and perform other remarkable feats. Backed by the power of online fundraising, they are able to support their favourite charities quickly, easily and effectively.

Here are some of the best examples of ordinary people doing extraordinary things for the sake of their community:

Personal and Social Responsibility

Taking The Plunge

Towards the end of last year, a team of 11 swimmers known as The Flying Mullets braved the choppy waters of the Zanzibar Channel with the goal of crossing the full 36 km distance. After 13 hours, they succeeded, breaking the previous record and raising R276 954 for HospiceWits in the process.

HospiceWits is a nonprofit that provides palliative care and support for South Africans with life-threatening illnesses and their families. The Flying Mullets have held several fundraising events for HospiceWits previously, but this year they decided to organise their efforts through free online fundraising platform GivenGain for the first time.

We’re excited to see what other daring fundraisers this team has planned for 2023.

One Man, One Bike, One Continent

Children with untreated cleft conditions can sometimes develop difficulties eating, speaking, hearing, and breathing. Like many others, Daniel Meyer and Ashley Verhulp, who helped organise the campaign, believe that every child deserves to lead a happy and healthy life.

“We found ourselves asking what the nature of our personal responsibilities to the world was,” says Daniel. “After much introspective reflection and hours of discussion, we found a simple answer to our question – we both love making people smile!”

That’s why, last July, Daniel cycled 3 000 km across Europe to raise R133 708 for Operation Smile South Africa, a nonprofit that provides free life-changing surgery to underprivileged children with cleft conditions. His dedication to the cause certainly brings a smile to everyone’s faces.

Dry January

Any talk of personal responsibility would be incomplete without highlighting Tribe Sober’s successful annual fundraiser. Every January, this sobriety support group comes together to encourage members and sponsors to give up alcohol for 30 days. With the R61 350 they raised in 2022, Tribe Sober could provide a year’s worth of mindfulness and yoga sessions for kids.

And just halfway through January 2023, they once again surpassed their goal! There’s still time to make a donation to Tribe Sober’s 2023 project or start your own fundraiser to help create a healthier, alcohol-free community.

Girls Supporting Girls

Too many students in South Africa don’t have access to quality private education. Last September, grade 9 student Amy Macaskill set out on a 90 km walk along the Klaserie River to change that.

Amy raised R107 748 in total. Those funds will allow the Eco Children Bursary Programme to send one underprivileged young girl to Southern Cross Schools in Hoedspruit so that she can have a chance to reach her full potential.

An investment in one girl’s education is an investment in the future of South Africa. Eco Children works to develop students’ sense of social responsibility so that they can one day give back to their community – like Amy.

Your Turn In 2023

Isn’t it comforting to know that your community has your back when the government can’t be relied upon? What if you could become the next local hero? There are infinite ways to do so – run a race, pledge your birthday, speedrun a video game, let donors pick your next hair colour – anything goes!

With one wide-reaching online fundraiser on GivenGain, you can contribute to something bigger than yourself. Simply create your online fundraising project for your favourite charity and you’re ready to start changing the world!

Contact the GivenGain team at with any fundraising queries and they’ll help you get started.

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About GivenGain

Founded in 2001, GivenGain is a non-profit foundation with offices in Switzerland, the United Kingdom, United States, Canada and South Africa. We started with a simple idea: to enable global philanthropy by providing a platform that simplifies global giving and fundraising. Since 2001, the platform has assisted donors and fundraisers in 194 countries to assist charities in 70 countries. The platform enables public events like running and cycling races and their participants to fundraise together for charities of their choice.

GivenGain is part of the Humanstate Group, an international private technology services group that combines state-of-the-art Web-based applications with on-demand payment processing. Working from offices in the UK, Switzerland, Canada, the US and South Africa, we are inspired and united by the drive to create great user experiences and delightful digital products. We like complex challenges, we like to do new things, and we like people who are excited by their work. We’re a small team with big responsibilities – the Humanstate Group employs around 150 professionals in 5 countries and processes more than one billion Pounds Sterling annually.

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  1. Amazing I take my hat off to all the people that go out of their way to help people in need. This review was inspiring and I thank you for that 🤗

  2. Monique Delcarme-Adams

    My grandmother was a giver…..her words and actions still resonate with all the grand children she raised. What I truly love is the feeling of seeing the gratefulness of your blessings on someone’s face. Exposing our children to this kind of lifestyle also opens their eyes to the other side of the world they take for granted. My gran always believed the Lord would provide, but that one should share and he certainly has

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