Parents adapt generation gap children

Parents Must Adapt To Bridge the Generation Gap with Children

Generation gap

The characteristics of the new generation of children are considerably different from their predecessors. In fact, parents cannot blame their children being different from the way parents grew up. In the changing times, moreover, with the fast evolving technologies, parents may feel overwhelmed with the choices their children make in their lives. Not surprisingly, previous generation or now possibly parents, in their formative years, could have different social and cultural norms compared to what is prevalent in the current times.

When parents stick to their own values and beliefs, conflicts may arise between parents and children. Either way, we cannot blame anyone in this situation. It is only circumstances have changed between two generations. This generation conflict existed for ages. Nonetheless, the gap between two generations in the modern times is only getting wider to say the least.

Generation gap technology

Understanding the new generation

Naturally, to understand the mindset of children, parents must stop thinking in their traditional ways. Instead, parents must learn and adopt the way the current generation thinks in general. Nevertheless, parents invariably find it difficult to accept the new social norms and may find the changes excruciating.  As parents, we must open our minds and stay practical to lead our lives in harmony with the current age.

Finding amicable path

Further, it is not worth trying to make children to adopt our age-old, perhaps, outdated, system. Notwithstanding, some values never changes such as honesty, discipline, punctuality, and integrity, to name  few, that parents must not ignore to inculcate in their children. Parents must balance between the old and new to find an amicable path between them and children

Socializing with children

When you are shopping for your kids, try not to force your own tastes on them. This is not fair to them and you must respect their individuality. Though you obviously do not want to get them something that is too mature for their age, you also do not want to do the opposite. Listen to them and try to reach a healthy compromise.

If you do not have a computer at home, you might want to think about buying a laptop or a smart computing device such as iPad. A laptop, for example, helps your child to get his or her homework done, and researching much easier. Buy one of the basic models on the market, since your kid probably will only be doing basic things such internet surfing, image editing, reading, and writing, for instance.

It is generally a good idea to purchase a watch for your each of your children. This will prevent them from being late for functions and curfews. It will also give them one less excuse for being late for things. A leather watch is generally a good buy, since they tend to last for a very long time. Alternatively, let your son or daughter choose the watch he or she likes. It is better to accompany them when going for shopping.

Every parent must understand that distancing from their children allowing to tread their own lifestyle may alienate children. Stay close to your children and help them to make decisions and teach them time tested, ageless practical lifestyle along with you understanding and adopting new cultural and social norms.

Understand the generational needs of your children and adopt changes in your life as well. When parents find a proper balance between old and new, children will not only find their parents flexible, but also learn to be flexible like their parents. One day they become parents too!

About The Author 

Alex Wise is a blog contributor and dating consultant for Loveawake free dating site which launched in July 2009 and has been providing original free dating services and relationship advices, tips, articles, reviews, and videos to readers ever since. He has been covering online dating, relationships, online and marriage niche since 2008. Follow him on the company site or on Facebook and Twitter


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One comment

  1. True @lynne this new generation kids knows almost everything about technology. My son is only 5 but he knows the smartphone like no body’s business.

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