Beautiful strong willed child

11 Tips for Parenting The Strong Willed Child

Strong willed children are courageous and lively. They prefer to learn things on their own rather than just accepting what is taught to them. It can be difficult to parent a child that prefers to be in charge or that has passionate feelings about things. Here are 11 tips for parenting the strong willed child in your household.

11 Tips for Parenting The Strong Willed Child

Parenting The Strong Willed Child

  1. Keep in mind that he is an experiential learner

This means he likes to see for himself if the stove really is hot.  Unless you are concerned about serious injury, sometimes instead of controlling him it is best to let him learn through experiencing it. It can be daunting at times because you will be tested repeatedly, often to your limits. But once you have worked out how to remain calm, your relationship can improve, and your nerves will stay intact. 

  1. Let him master things on his own

Give him opportunities to take charge by handling as many activities as possible. Instead of nagging him to brush his teeth, instead ask him what needs to be done before he leaves. Let him come up with the things on the list that needs to be ticked. Children who feel that they are in charge and have independence, are less likely to be oppositional, plus they learn to take responsibility at a young age.

  1. Try to steer clear from power struggles through using rules and routines

This way you are not the bad cop by telling him what to do. You can mention that the rule says you can only have a treat after finishing a meal or you can say that in your house  you always finish chores before you get screen time.

  1. Present him with choices

If you simply dish out orders, you are bound to get some resistance. If you present him with a choice, he feels that he is in charge of his destiny. But remember to provide choices that you feel you can live with and do not come up with ones that make you feel resentful by shifting the power to him. For instance, if he does not want to stop playing to go to bed, offer an alternative. Give him ten extra minutes to finish playing and then pack up without a fuss.

  1. Avoid driving him to oppose you

Being forceful almost always results in “push back” and this goes for humans of all age groups. Try not to push him into defiance just to prove a point. Stop for a second, take a nice big breath, and remind yourself that winning this battle might set you up for losing what is most essential, your relationship. Sometimes it is worth letting him decide for himself and meet his needs, but not in a situation where his safety or health is compromised.

Girl dressed as superhero

  1. Avoid power struggles by allowing him to save face

Sometimes you do not have to prove that you are right. It is best to set sensible expectations and impose them. But never force him to submit to your views or attempt to break his will. He must do what you ask of him but permit him to have feelings and opinions regarding it.

  1. Give him authorisation over his own body

It is hard for kids to imagine feeling cold when they are feeling warm inside the house. Instead of forcing him to put on his jacket rather give a reasonable explanation. You can say that you have heard that it is going to be a cold day today and that you are most certainly going to put on your jacket. If he does not want to put on the jacket right away, put it in his backpack and tell him that he could put it on if he feels cold later on.

  1. Try to see it from his viewpoint

If you promised to do something but could not live up to the promise for valid reasons, you know he is going to be upset with you. He might think that you are being hypocritical because he is not allowed to break his promises to you but now you have broken yours to him. The best way to handle this is by sincerely apologizing and reassuring him that you are going to try your hardest to always keep your promises to him. But you must try to do so and not just say so. Try to treat him the way you would want to be treated.

  1. Listen

Adults presume that they always know what is best. But remember that he probably has a strong will because of his sense of integrity. His viewpoint is making him hold fast to the position he is in and he feels that he is protecting what is important to him. Try to listen calmly and try to understand why he is opposing you. Try not to be judgmental and dig deeper to find out why he feels the way he does. You will often be surprised at what they come up with.

  1. Always discipline through your relationship, and not through punishment

Kids do not learn anything when they are stuck in the middle of a fight. Remember, just like you, their adrenaline sets in and the learning side shuts down. Children behave because they strive to please you. The more you resist and punish them, the more you are undermining his desire to please you.  When he is upset, rather help him to express his fear, hurt, or disappointment. He will be more ready to listen afterwards when you remind him that in your home everyone talks kindly to one another.

  1. Try to give show him empathy and respect

Most children who are strong willed are seeking respect. If you provide it to them, they will not have to battle to protect their stance. It helps if you let them feel like they are understood. If you try to see things through his perspective, it might make things a lot easier for both of you. This is not permissive parenting because you are still setting the limits. However, you set them with your child’s perspective in mind, which makes him more obliging.


We hope this post has been helpful to you and that it will give you some guidance for parenting the strong willed child in your home. Sometimes, they are not stubborn but simply need to be understood.

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  1. Thanks Lynne…im having a problem with my strong will 14 year old grand son..he thinks he is 20 years lol…but true…they want aknowledgement…respect and appreaciatin…thanks so much

  2. Thank you Lynne for you blog, somethings I don’t ask anymore I just go to the blog and will find answer.

  3. I have a feeling I will have to refer to this article very soooon haha

  4. Feeling lucky

  5. Great tips…… its never easy kids and their moods and parents not knowing what wrong we are doing

  6. Zoereena Matthews

    Thanks Lynne. These tips are very helpful. I have 2 strong-willed kids. Some days I lose focus and this read was exactly what the heart needed today.

  7. I ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ The Kaboutjie blog very informative and interesting. In parenting you learning everyday I absolutely love this community it’s helped me many times

  8. I love your blog. It reminds me that as mothers, we can all relate when facing these types of challenges or fears.

  9. Nthabiseng Sentle

    Thanks this is great information. Instead of yelling at them all the time, we should also listen to them and let them take charge

  10. Candace van Rensburg

    An interesting read, thank you!

  11. I love leather products.

    • My 2yr old drives me insane at times so these tips will definitely be something i will try out and hopefully mommy can get to win this cute little gift as I haven’t spoiled myself in ages. #WinwithKaboutjie#Fingerscrossed

    • Awesome information. Thank you
      Can use and learn allot
      This is an wonderful sight en n kief prys om te web

  12. Thank you for the tips, will definitely try it with my strong willed daughter

  13. Choice, choice, choice. I couldn’t agree more.

  14. Thanks for the tips. Great giveaway

  15. Estelle van Wilgen

    I have three strong willed children!

  16. Thank you so much about useful blog❤❤❤❤

  17. Lois Carol Wessels

    Having a strong willed child has taught me patience, developed my powers of observation & listening skills! Also not to respond too quickly.

  18. I love this article. I have 3 strong willed children. Life is tough!

  19. Hoping to win

  20. It’s important to be reminded every now and then.. thank you!

  21. Oh my!My 6 year old with the jacket thing,I had that happen so many times and I also resort to putting it in his backpack and telling him that he can put it on when he’s cold,or take it off when he’s hot..I also have a 2year old who insists on taking the milk out of the fridge when I make his porridge…I let him carry it and thank him for helping..

  22. Tshegofatso Bopape

    As a first time mom to a 10 month old baby girl, these tips will come a long way in giving me direction on how to handle her in the future.

  23. What an insightful article. My almost 8 year old is strong willed and left me defeated so many times. I feel better prepared now.

  24. Parenting is really not easy but with each other’s help as mothers it becomes easy

  25. Defnitief n moet save vir later vir my, aangesien ek n rooikop seuntjie groot maak

  26. Fantastic!
    Very informative and useful information. Thank you.

  27. Definitely going to keep this for later. As a reminder.

  28. Great article. Looks like I’m doing things right 🙂 I try to raise my 5 year old boy with more of a voice, as opposed to my upbringing. I was very shy in my pre-school days, and he is outspoken and social.

    • Lynne Huysamen

      My two are also very outspoken Stacey, and it is wonderful but it can be tiring and trying at times too!

  29. Very informative will definitely read this article again soon.

  30. I can totally relate to number 3. My mom let me master things on my own. She taught me how to be responsible at a very young age. I’m definitely going to apply these parenting skills to my own kids.

  31. Yvette Diane Van Der Berg

    Thank you for helpful article.

  32. Great tips, thanks for the read!

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