Purple Menstrual Cup

7 Menstrual Cup Benefits You Need To Know

There are several menstrual cup benefits that you may not even be aware of. Sometimes we are apprehensive about trying something different because we do not understand their purpose or how they could make our life easier. Women spend hundreds of Rands every year on sanitary products. One of the main reasons why women invest in a menstrual cup is to avoid embarrassing leaks in public which is something that we all dealt with at some point.  Many women found menstrual cups to be a useful leak-proof substitute for traditional sanitary pads and tampons.

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7 Menstrual Cup Benefits you need to know

What Are Menstrual Cups?

Menstrual cups are made from rubber or silicon and are bell-shaped cups which are easily folded and inserted into your vagina. Once inside, they pop open and act as a seal against your vagina walls. When you have your period, the menstrual fluid stays trapped inside until the cup is emptied. I bet you did not know that menstrual cups have been in use since the 1860s.

They were not introduced and marketed however until American singer and actress, Leona Chalmers patented and promoted the catamenial receptor during the 1930s which is now recognised as the menstrual cup. These cups were not used frequently used due to the concern of the former rubber models being inserted and causing discomfort. Nowadays, they have become popular menstrual product because of the upgraded design and soft silicone material.

7 Menstrual Cup Benefits


You will be surprised to know that there are various benefits linked to using menstrual cups, the most prominent one being that they are reusable. Instead of having to spend money on buying sanitary products and tampons each and every month, you can rather invest in a menstrual cup that can be used over and over again. A menstrual cup can be worn for up to twelve hours before its needs emptying which is incredibly useful compared to the four or eight hours of a tampon.

Protection against infection

Menstrual cups do not dry out your vagina which is often the case with tampons. The healthy bacteria inside your vagina is preserved which protects you against vaginal infections. 

No risk of getting TSS

Menstrual cups are not linked with TSS (toxic shock syndrome) which is a rare, life-threatening condition associated with using tampons.

No chemical content

There are no harmful chemicals found in menstrual cups like dioxin and bleach which are usually present in pads and tampons. Some of the dioxins found in these products are known as cancer-causing substances.

No foul odor and reduced cramping

Several women reported experiencing less cramping during their period when using a menstrual cup, however, no clinical studies were performed to substantiate this.

Menstrual fluid gives off an odor as soon as it is exposed to air. With menstrual cups this issue is eliminated. 

They are comfortable.

Most women reported that they hardly feel the cup once it is inserted. Tampons can often feel uncomfortable, especially after wearing them for a few days. 


One of the most valuable benefits of menstrual cups, is their environmental friendliness. Every year millions of tampons, applicators, and sanitary pads are dumped at landfills.

Menstrual Cup Options

Choosing A Menstrual Cup

There are various brands of menstrual cups at your disposal. Nowadays, you can buy different brands at your local pharmacy that come with a handy cloth storage bag.  Most menstrual cups can be bought in two sizes.

The small size is suitable for teenagers or woman younger than thirty who have not given birth yet or that prefer a smaller size. 

The larger size (size 2) is suitable for women older than thirty. This size is also appropriate for women who have given birth or experience moderate to heavy flows during their periods. 

Introducing The Lula Cup

The Lula Cup was introduced as a more affordable alternative to tampons and sanitary pads. The cost of a Lula cup equals five packs of pads. Another useful benefit to consider is that you can use your Lula cup for up to seven years (when looked after appropriately). You no longer have to worry about adding sanitary products to your grocery list every month for years to come. 

How Do You Use A Menstrual Cup?

It can be a learning curve once you attempt to use the menstrual cup for the first time around. But there is nothing to be concerned about. It may take a couple of days or a few periods to begin feeling comfortable with wearing the cup. You can try experimenting with various folding and insertion techniques until you have found the ones that works best for you. 

See the Lula Cup website instructions on how to use a Lula Cup.

What Are The Risk Factors Of Using A Menstrual Cup?

For some, a menstrual cup is just not something they feel comfortable with. Always discuss any concerns you may have and your options with your physician, particularly if you suffer from uterine prolapse. This is a condition where the uterus enters the vagina as a result of supporting muscles and ligaments becoming stretched or weakened. This condition is commonplace in postmenopausal women who have had vaginal births. 

We recommend speaking to your doctor when:

  • You have any latex or rubber allergies.
  • You are using an intrauterine apparatus for birth control since in some cases, it is necessary to shorten the string attached to an IUD to make it easier to pull out once the menstrual cup is removed. 
  • You have had TSS before.
  • You have recently given birth, undergone gynecological surgery, or had a miscarriage. 
  • You currently have a vaginal infection.
  • You have never had sex before and are concerned about attaining your hymen. 


More and more women are converting to using menstrual cups and it comes at no surprise when you consider all the benefits linked to them mentioned herein. If you wish to have your period without having to use pads and tampons or have issues with leaks in public, why not consider using a menstrual cup? They are affordable, easy to use, more hygienic, and last a lot longer than other sanitary products. 

Win A Menstrual Cupe From Lula Cup

WIN A Menstrual Cup From Lula Cup

Win a menstrual cup from Lula Cup enter using the form below.

Lula Cup – Easy. Convenient. Just for you.
South Africas most affordable menstrual cup is now available in a variety of colours and sizes.
We make periods easy, convenient and life changing.

This competition is open for residents of South Africa.

This competition is open for entries from 11 January 2021 until 08 February 2021 – the winner will be announced on our competitions page.

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  1. I have used these cups a couple of years ago as recommended by my dr, they are super awesome. I’m very prone to infections during my period and with the cup I was infection free

    • I’ve heard that they are amazing Wendy! A lot of my friends are using menstrual cups and they rave about them. I would totally buy one but I’m supposed to be having a hysterectomy soon… but well covid! I had an appointment in February 2020 and we were about to start arranging it when lockdown happened.

    • How long did it take you to get use to the cup and how do you know what size to get? I have been looking at a few today and I am more confused then when I started.

      • Eme I believe it does take a little bit of practice to get used to it, but you can give it a go at home before venturing out with it. You can contact Megan at Lula Cup for guidance – info@lulacup.co.za – 0734359666

      • Hi Eme
        Some people get used to the cup straight away, other people take a few tries to get used to it. But you will get the hang of it and it will be so easy to use after that.
        We have 2 sizes, large and small. Large is recommended for women over 30 or women that have had children and small for women under 30 with no children.
        Please feel free to contact Lula Cup on facebook or instagram or email or whatsapp and we answer any questions you may have.

    • I would like you win this menstruation cup. I will be fungal infection free. I won’t have to change it over 1-2 hours

    • Would love to try it but not sure if it’ll work for me

  2. I so need to try this

  3. I have been wanting to try use a cup for ages!

  4. Yes please, would love this

  5. Used since the 1860s! OMG! Sure didn’t know that at all.
    The way u have explained it all, it seems that it is really worth a try. Thank u for introducing me to this very useful thing.

  6. OMG. I never knew such a thing existed. Luckily for me, I no longer get mine. Still, would I use a menstrual cup if I still got my period? I don’t think so. See, by the time I got to the end of my period days, I finally found the perfect tampons and kotex that didn’t leak. Yes, I know, I can’t believe we’re talking about this on the internet! The problem I have with the cup is that I have lots of allergies – especially with rubber, silicone and latex. Also, I can’t see how the liquid wouldn’t seep past the rim of the cup. Lastly, I’d be afraid I’d forget it was in my vagina. Also, how do you know when your cup runneth over? Still, this is a great article.

  7. This sounds awesome and like it can save a lot of money. I have not used it before. I don’t even use tampons just sanitary pads.

  8. Kerry Ten Hoorn Boer

    I have always been interested in using a menstrual cup. I like the idea that they are environmentally friendly and hygenic. I have stood before them in the aisle of pharmacies but I was confused by the sizing. Thanks for shedding light on that in this post!

  9. I’ve always wanted to try one of these!

  10. This would be great for girls in disadvanted communities. I have female family members who can’t afford pads so this would reduce costs a lot. Health wise i’ve heard pads have chemicals that can lead to certain diseases and this blog has confirmed that truth. Tampons can also cause toxic shock syndrome so this looks like a great option.

    • For sure I think the same! So much wasted money, so hard on the environment and so many girls that don’t have access to sanitary products! And this is why buying a menstruation cup from Lula Cup is so amazing, not only is it very cost effective but for every 10 cups that they sell they donate one cup to a girl in need! You can also donate a cup to an underprivileged girl through their website. Click here for that section on their website.

  11. Interesting, never knew there was something like a menstration cup…

  12. Kristilé Moolman

    Would love to win this. As a mom that needs to sit at school waiting for the kids to get out at different times it will make period time less frustrating.

  13. Cups for the win 🙂

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