Manage Your Child's Fever

Home Care Tips To Manage Your Child’s Fever

Loving our kids is easy… keeping pain and fever at bay? That’s harder. But here’s the secret: It doesn’t have to be! When your baby or infant has a fever, turn to conveniently packaged Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Peppermint 5 ml Sachets.

Parenting is a rollercoaster. One minute you’re pacing from room to room in the wee hours with a crying baby – the next, you’re at their bedside, waiting anxiously for them to wake up. Your concern level can rise when you add a fever to the mix. Feeling your child’s forehead, looking for a thermometer, and seeking advice from relatives and friends can be daunting.

Fever and pain occur together frequently in childhood conditions.1 If you’re a new parent, it can be scary when your child is burning up with a fever. Even if you’re not a rookie parent, fevers can still cause worry for parents of older kids.

Pain can be hard for a child to describe, especially for children under two whose vocab is limited to “mama”, “dada”, “woof”, and “nana”. It’s often up to parents to watch their child for signs of distress, such as behaviour changes, facial expressions, and body movements.1

The good news is that Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Peppermint 5 ml Sachets, contain paracetamol, which is an effective option for treatment of pain and fever in children.2

Panado sachets

How Do You Know Your Child Has A Fever?

Fever is one of the most frequently cited reasons parents or caregivers seek medical help for their children. It is often a source of concern for parents and healthcare practitioners, who believe it may be linked to a greater risk of morbidity.3

Additionally, there is often uncertainty regarding how to manage fever. A fever is defined as a body temperature of more than 38 degrees Celsius.3

A child’s temperature should be taken using an infrared thermometer placed in the ear or with a standard thermometer placed under the arm (in the armpit or axilla). A child’s temperature should not be taken in their mouth with a thermometer.3

Home Care Tips To Manage A Fever

Just like adults, babies, toddlers, and children can suffer fever or pain associated with a common cold and symptoms can include a sore throat, running nose, body aches and headaches.4

Here are a few easy-to-digest tips for treating your child’s pain and fever at home3:

  • Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Peppermint  5 ml Sachets, which are conveniently packaged,  can be safely administered to infants and children to relieve pain and fever. Always administer using a medicine measure or a syringe
  • Do not over-dress or underdress your child or wrap your child in heavy blankets
  • Check your child during the night, but do not wake your child up just to administer medication for a fever
  • Encourage your child to drink fluids regularly (breast milk is best for breastfeeding children)
  • Seek medical advice if the fever does not get better within 48 hours or if your child’s condition worsens
  • Always give the dose written on the bottle or sachet according to your child’s weight to ensure that you are using the correct medication at the right dose. If you’re unsure, speak to your doctor or pharmacist before administering medicines for fever.

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Other Panado® Products Suitable For Your Child

In addition to Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Peppermint 5 ml Sachets, Panado’s range for children includes Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Strawberry (50 ml | 100 ml),5 Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Peppermint Alcohol and Sugar-Free (50 ml | 100 ml),6 and Panado® Infant Drops 20 ml.7

Make pain and fever care easy by shopping for Panado products from independent pharmacies and selected Clicks, Dis-Chem, and Pick ‘n Pay stores. For more information, visit and join the conversations on Facebook. #Panado #ADoseOfCare


  • Clinch J, Dale S. Managing childhood fever and pain – the comfort loop. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health. 2007; 1:7. [Internet]. 2015 [Cited 2022 March 29]; Available from :
  • Acharya B, Thapa K. Indoor staying during winter season makes people more susceptible to fu. J Nepal Health Res Counc. 2016 Jan; 14(32):69-70. PMID: 27426715. [Cited 2022 March 29]; Available from :
  • Green R, Jeena P, Kotze S, Lewis H. Webb D, Wells M. Management of acute fever in children: Guideline for community healthcare providers and pharmacists. S Afr Med J.  2013;103(12):948-954. DOI:10.7196/SAMJ.7207
  • CDC Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. Common Colds: Protect Yourself and Others [Internet]. 2021 [Cited 2022 March 29]; Available from :
  • Panado® Paediatric Syrup Strawberry (Syrup). Approved package insert, March 2002.
  • Panado® Paediatric Syrup Alcohol and Sugar-Free / Panado® Paediatric Syrup. Approved package insert, April 2010.
  • Panado® Infant Drops (Drops). Approved package insert, August 1990.

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  1. Tshegofatso Washington

    I’m definitely a PANADO mama. Been using it since my son was 3 months and was teething and safe to say that his teething was a breeze!
    I also administer 5ml to him an hour after he falls and bangs his head(which is ALWAYS traumatic) aswell as when he has fever, which seemed to be often after he turned one and it works like a charm!

    Thanks for these handy fever tips!

    How did you find the experience of using the Peppermint sachets Lynne?

    • Lynne Huysamen

      I’m also a Panado mom all the way! Tshegofatso thankfully we have not needed to use the Panado sachets yet – my kids have not gotten sick yet this winter which is amazing. However, knowing I have them in my bag while we are out and about really makes me feel happy knowing they are on me if we need them!

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