Teaching kids

7 Important Life Skills To Start Teaching Your Children

Parents can be exceedingly protective of their children. As much as possible, they don’t want their kids to experience hardships, sickness, or any bad things the world has to offer. Alas, it’s just impossible. Parents know that they can’t keep their kids in a bubble, spared from the reality around them.

As a parent, the best thing you can do is equip your child with the essential life skills like strength in character, confidence, resilience, people skills, and problem-solving abilities to help them deal with and manage everyday challenges independently.

If you have a young one who has learning difficulties or feels you need help imparting these basic life skills to your child, don’t be afraid to seek help. For example, if you are from Australia, you can search online for organizations that offer services to help young children in Sydney. By doing so, you will know how best to manage your situation.

With that said, here are the important life skills to start teaching your children:

7 Important Life Skills To Start Teaching Your Children

  1. Personal Hygiene And Health

There’s nothing cuter than to see a toddler eating chocolate cake with their hands. Many social media platforms have viral memes and photos showing adorable dirty children. However, parents should eventually instruct their kids about personal hygiene, table manners, and cleanliness.

A messy appearance thanks to spaghetti sauce and chocolate no longer looks adorable with kids past the age of four or five. Besides, teaching your little ones to wash their hands before eating, after using the potty, or after playing outside will not only keep them clean. But it will also be a good foundation to keep them healthy.

Other personal hygiene skills to impart to your kids as early as possible include brushing their teeth after eating and taking a bath regularly. Also, through your example, you can teach your kids to eat healthily and exercise or engage in physical activities regularly.

  1. Money Management

Teach your children that money doesn’t grow on trees. If you want your kids to grow up independent and become financially savvy individuals in the future, you ought to consider imparting real-life finance lessons for your kids.

Budgeting and managing finances are some of the things you can teach them. So, you can include them in your weekly budget planning. Getting their input on how your family can maximize your cash for your food and hygiene essentials will not only help them learn about the value of money but will also boost their decision-making skills.

  1. Value Of Responsibility

In many movies, children are usually depicted as reliant on their parents for everything, including looking for their lost toys or preparing clothes to wear for school. Although such scenes may look sweet and endearing on-screen, parents are doing their children a disservice by performing everything for them in real life. If you want your kids to learn the value of work, responsibility, and independence, you should teach them basic skills to take care of themselves and the family.

Some of the cleaning jobs for kids include making their bed, putting their toys and art materials in their proper place, bringing their used plates to the kitchen sink, putting their soiled clothes in the hamper, and tidying up their room. As they grow older, their responsibilities at home should also increase slightly. For example, you can ask them to help you clean the dishes, do the laundry, or even assist you with washing the car. You can make these activities fun by incorporating songs, stories, or jokes.

Life skills

  1. Survival And Self-Defense

You cannot always be hovering around your kids and making sure they are okay and cared for. If you want your kids to grow up strong and ready to face the challenges of the world, you ought to consider teaching them life skills that will prepare them for emergencies and other fortuitous events.

Even at an early age, you can teach your kids how to prepare food on their own. Teach them how to use appliances so they can safely prepare simple meals properly. Asking them to help you out in the kitchen is also a good opportunity to teach them how to be self-reliant and remind them about safety to prevent fire, electrocution, burn, and injuries. Teaching them what to do to care for minor wounds, scrapes, and bruises are essential skills that they will need even when they become adults or parents themselves.

Parents also must teach their kids skills to protect themselves in certain situations. For example, teaching your kids to call 911 or not to talk to strangers are basic skills that they should know for their protection. Once your kid starts going to school, you can also discuss how to respond to bullies and how to assess their surroundings so they can easily identify possibly dangerous or unsafe situations and how to handle them.

  1. Time Management

Unstructured play is necessary for children to discover things on their own and learn at their own pace. But as toddlers grow, it would be helpful to slowly introduce their time management skills through their activities and playtime. You can start by teaching them about the difference between urgent and important tasks so they can learn how to prioritize activities. This skill will help them handle schoolwork and responsibilities when they start to go to school.

  1. Coping With Disappointments

Children do not have the innate ability to handle failures and disappointments. Since life is not all rosy and dandy, teaching your kid to deal with loss, stress, and failures is crucial. You can start by not letting your kid win a game all the time. Although it’s vital to let your kid feel the value of winning, you must also teach them about failure being a part of life and how to use that event to learn life lessons.

  1. Caring For Pets

Giving your kids a chance to have pets is an effective way to teach about empathy and responsibility. Let your kids feed, walk, and take care of their pets, which includes cleaning the pet’s cage or properly disposing of their pet’s poop, especially if your child is the one who begged you to have the pet.

Bottom Line

The abovementioned life skills are fundamental in the development and growth of your children. These life lessons are necessary to help them succeed in life and hone their potential.

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  1. I think as parents some thing we teach our children indirectly. And we forget to sit down and explain why do we have to do what we do and when. Some of these life hacks are like daily bread in my home. I will just have to make time and instil them through talking or having conversations about them. Mothers are super humans.

  2. Very important. Kids need to learn basic life skills and independence. Makes them stronger and more resilient.

  3. The way we talk, our responses, attitude, mannerisms and a whole lot of things are actually teachings we are giving to our kids, so we should be very mindful of that. Kids learn by watching as well so let’s be careful o how we carry ourselves. There’s no formula though but let’s do our best.

    • You are so spot on with that Simphiwe – the most important lessons we teach our kids is from the things that we do ourselves!

  4. These are super informative and very helpful.
    I pray that what I teach him now and in the future will help him be a good person.

  5. Monique Delcarme-Adams

    Thank you for being this up. It is really important that our kids grasp the fundamentals mentioned above for them to reach their true potential and also to allow them to have an upper hand on some of their peers. By them having this,they will be able to pass it on to their friends who might not have the support they need

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