How to choose the best baby walker

How To Choose The Best Baby Walker For Your Home

The days when the babies are growing are some of the most memorable days in any parent’s life. Every moment brings joy and their doing new things is worth capturing. So, once the baby can sit and shows some interest towards crawling, the parent feels compelled to buy a toddler walker. This device has garnered lots of interest amongst the parents as well as counselors and has received flak and felicitation alike. Some consider it a must-have to help baby learn walking, while others call it a potential source of injury. Well, the Best baby walker review suggests that the walkers are good, but it is the erroneous way of using it that makes the toddler walker a thing of distress rather than comfort.

How To Choose The Best Baby Walker For Your Home

Keeping babies tucked into the carriers all the time is not as easy as it sounds. The mother needs some hours hands-free and her personal space to borrow some moments of relief from this 24 * 7 job and to do her jobs quickly. A full hands-on mother finds very limited time for herself and is always in search of ways to keep her baby busy as well as on its own. Baby walker offers a reliable way to make a child sit and move independently. But, the catch is you cannot leave the baby alone with the walker. How to select the baby walker that suits the demographics of your house? Let’s find out.Sturdy wheel design: Since the baby walker is required to run on the flooring of the house, its wheel should complement this house feature sufficiently. The sturdy wheel design keeps the walker from toppling over and is fit for all types of floors such as tiles, wood, mosaic, Also, the wheels should move freely and must not get stuck when the baby tries to walk while sitting on the walker.

  • Ergonomic model: Babies require making an effort to push the walker to roam around. Adjustable height and better support to the back can help them adjust to the model beautifully and do not over tire the kids.
  • Baby walker with automatic gripping and brake mechanism: The idea is to make Walker completely safe for the baby. Automatic grip and brake mechanism make the walker step-proof. The baby is usually safer while using the walker in a house that spreads over two separate floors.
  • Walkers with broad tray and sides: It is necessary to take a look at the sides of the walker. These should be broad enough to keep the baby confined to secured Of various types, rectangular walkers are better options. These don’t have a tendency to topple over, and the baby cannot get access to dangling wires or electrical sockets due to broad boundaries.
  • Walkers with wide tray: If you have limited space in the house, wide tray in the Walker serves as the feeding table for babies. Some can be used as an alternative to the high seat that can be used in limited dining space.
  • Walkers with hanging rattles: It is a common observation that the babies are attracted to things hung from a height. And, if they make some sounds, they are bound to be left spell-bound. They find it more amusing when they can handle this hung rattle all by themselves. Walkers with sound making rattles and other electronics help the mothers divert the attention of the babies from dangerous things around, and offer them a safe and interesting play option.

Baby walking ring

Important points to keep in mind to make baby walkers safe

In addition to looking for the features mentioned above in the walker, it is essential to make some changes in the house to enable secure use of walkers by the babies. For example, it is necessary to keep the sharp objects away from the path of the walker. Mind it, the baby may go in any direction, and with practice, he may catch up with speed too, while pushing the toddler walker around. Thus, it is wise not to use walkers on the upper floors of the building. There should be no way that the baby can approach the stairway while using the walkers.

Be cautious and watchful

Secondly, never leave the baby alone with the walker. The Best baby walker review suggests that you need to make the home ready for an active baby whose activities are going to be far more than crawling merely.

Gentle reminder for the caring parents

Just a gentle reminder! The walkers do not assist babies in learning to walk. It is a mere misconception that the babies need walkers to get assistance in walking. In fact, at the start, babies may not be able to maintain their posture in the Walker, leave aside walking like a pro. Thus, parents need to be very patient as well as watchful with the babies put in walkers.

Baby walkers come with a wide range of attachments these days. These can be adjusted according to the baby height too. While sitting on the walker, the baby’s feet should reach the floor. Sound and light features offer ways to keep babies engaged as well as amused. A broader seat, speed control, and anti-slipping pads are some of the features that can make the walkers safe to use and fit for the homes.

So, do give your baby the best walker that can help enjoy the new phase of learning. Still, be aware of the fact that no device or gadget can replace the parental assistance; thus, give your time and care that your baby deserves, even when you have got him parched onto the walker.

Choose best baby walker

A word of caution while buying baby walkers

The price tag should not be the deciding factor for buying baby walkers. While buying the Walker, ensure that it has surpassed all the safety and quality tests. Second-hand baby walker is a big no as it may have been put on sale after breaking down. Such products may cause injury and pose a threat to the safety of the apple of your eye.

About The Author

I am Marina Bosworth owner of & proud mother of a darling baby who has just introduced me to the world of parenting. Every day with him has been a learning time, and the badge of blogger has given me a chance to share with the world my new found wisdom. When I am not with my kid, I love to read and write. Follow me on Twitter.


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  1. Choosing the right walker is definitely a must. I had an old one that my little girl used to use and then a Disney one for my boy. She preferred the old one because when she jumps in it, it was literally jumping, so she liked that one, until the one day she almost fell over with that one, so even though she liked it, it was not safe, so we got another one for her, and so far….both our kids just love their walking rings, and we know they are safe in it. So no matter how it is enjoyed, it must also be safe….they eventually get to love their new walking rings

    • Lynne Huysamen

      I just loved the look on my babies faces when they suddenly realized they were totally mobile. It was so gorgeous and of course then you really have to be on your toes because they can reach higher then they can when crawling!

      • For sure Lynne, and then the table cloths are also not where they should be anymore. They just love pulling on them, I suppose it’s because everything on it also moves, and that excites them. Oh yes and doors must be checked too, because that too, is different. My little girl does not want to crawl at all, she wants to hold your hand and walk, whereas her brother just crawls everywhere.

      • Lynne Huysamen

        Yes the difference between girls and boys is huge and also all babies are different too. My daughter was always on a mission to get around, even from just a few months old she wanted to be active. She started walking (running) at 10 months old and my son was content to just sit. He only started crawling at about 11 months old and only started walking at 13 months. And he had to get everything right first. He practiced standing up and sitting down over and over again without even attempting a step. My daughter was running before she could stand and balance properly LOL.
        I just loved watching them.

  2. Khomotso Chosen

    I always see the precious look on my baby’s face every time when I put her in a walker she loves it so much…she is 11 months n she’s crawling but she doesn’t seem to be interested in learning to stand. I sometimes think that maybe the walker is delaying her development as some people say that a walker is wasting time for babies to walk it takes time till they can learn to walk.

    But I am not worried as I got important facts from this website.

    • I don’t think the walker is delaying her development, I think they help them to balance and get the confidence to one day stand and walk on their own Khomotso. Our kids just do have that precious looks on their faces, just want to eat them up. Wait until they start to lift the walking to get onto little surface changes.

  3. Mine didn’t like his walker at first at all, the noises it made scared him. But as time went on and he developed more, he loved it. Some of the walkers they sell today (those plastic ones) is so light and unsafe. Its so easy for baby to fall forward or sideways with it.

    • Yes I do have to agree with you on that. The ones we got for our babies were heavy and sturdy, it was not easy for theirs to fall over at all!

  4. If you do some research you will notice that a baby walker can be very detrimental to the development of your babies foot and leg muscles and also very dangerous. A baby needs to go through the process of crawling to standing and finally walking on their own. My two-year-old daughter still walks on her toes which were a side effect of using a walker. A push walker is a much better option. I chose to stay clear of walking rings with my second child, she is standing now at nine months and crawling everywhere.

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