Happy Event Creams

Happy Event Firming Cream Review

When Happy Event offered to send me their new firming cream I jumped at the chance. Happy Event is a well known and very much loved brand for women to use during pregnancy and after birth. I’m sure plenty of women that aren’t moms love it too. I used Happy Event Antenatal Massage Lotion with both my pregnancies.

The Happy Event firming cream is specially formulated for moms for after pregnancy, to help with all those lumps, bumps and stretch marks. I know that I have plenty of those and I am sure every mother does too. I was so keen to get hold of the firming cream to give it a go, especially since I am at the heaviest I’ve ever been at the moment. Becoming a mother and then quitting smoking has lead to weight gain.

When it arrived the first thing I did is open it up and smell it. This is what I do with every new beauty product, playing a huge part in my first impression. The smell is heavenly, it is not a strong overwhelming scent and the feeling that comes across is fresh.

I didn’t use the cream immediately when it arrived. I love to put my cream on at night after my bath or shower just before I go to bed. It’s one way that I pamper myself every day.

Happy Event Firming Cream Review

What’s In Happy Event Firming Cream?

Happy Event Firming Cream is made with natural ingredients including Olive Oil, Shea Butter and Centella Extract which soften and moisturize the skin.

The winning ingredient that is in the firming cream is Pink Pepperslim extract. Pink Pepperslim is an oil found in pink berries. It is a fat-burning agent that has a pre-lipolytic quality so it breaks down large lipid droplets (fat) .

Pink Pepperslim also incites micro-circulation which helps further with the slimming process. Together with Collaplus they firm the skin.

What The Cream Did For Me Personally

The first that was noticeable using the Happy Event Firming Cream is that it is luxurious. I love the fresh smell and the feel of it on my skin. The consistency is great, it is not too thick or too runny. When I use the firming cream it gets absorbed beautifully into my skin without leaving my skin feeling oily. It leaves my skin feeling soft and moisturized, as well smelling divine.

When I climb into bed after using this firming cream I feel pampered.

After using it every night for a week I started to notice that my skin was looking and feeling better, especially around the bits I am self conscious about – yes my tummy. I have stretch marks and flabby bits that hopefully one day will disappear.

My skin tone appears more even and not quite as wobbly as before. I am so excited to see how the firming cream helps me even more in the coming months. It is getting warmer now so I am about to start picking up my exercise again every morning. I’m ashamed to say that once again all my good habits and intentions went out the window in winter!

I also used this cream for two other uses recently. One night after my shower I couldn’t find the cream I use for my feet – I get cracked heels so easily so I have to use cream every night. I used the Happy Event firming cream on my feet and it worked beautifully to prevent my cracked heels too.

My 4 year old son has just started with a terrible habit of licking his mouth and it forms red, dry skin around his mouth. I think all kids go through this stage because I remember my daughter doing it for while too. I applied the Happy Event Firming Cream to his face too after he had his bath and it cleared up the irritated skin overnight.

So the Happy Event Firming Cream can be used for a variety of things, not just for slimming and firming your wobbly bits.

I highly recommend that you try out Happy Event Firming Cream for yourself, enter the giveaway below and you could win one!

Happy Event Firming Cream Giveaway

Happy Event Firming CreamStand a chance to win a one of two Happy Event firming creams by entering your details into the form below.

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  1. Apply your Happy Event Firming Cream or Tissue oil that you can afford and make sure you apply it in the affected areas and massage until it covered the affected area well do this not once but every time you take a bath..

  2. What i love about the cream is that it get to leave you confident and firm apply in throughout your pregnancy and after for best results

  3. Use Happy Event Firming Cream it is made with natural ingredients including Olive Oil, Shea Butter and Centella Extract which soften and moisturize the skin.

  4. Keep your skin moisture and apply all the creams while pregnant to avoid it apply coconut oils

  5. ‘happy event is a very old cream where many mothers to b used it on tummy to keep stretch marks away n I was one of thm n it did wonders….. Nw that I’m gone older taut it might work on my face to keep it firm n clear the marks… Wid love too try it out

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