Mother Teaching Child Math

How To Explain Math Principles To Your Kids On Real-life Examples

Mathematics might be fascinating for many of us. We love the numbers and calculations. However, a few find it technical and complicated. They find it hard to solve some common problems. Even some adults are not comfortable with math. Just imagine what will happen if you try to teach math to your kids. They are not going to show interest. Moreover, if they find it complex at an early age, they will lose their interest in this subject.

Therefore, it is important for parents to use real-life examples to teach math to their kids. There are so many other reasons why you should give your kid a preschool knowledge of basic sciences. For example, 25% of at-risk children are more likely to drop out of high school if they do not get a preschool education, a study shows. So the least you can do is to use the tools used in everyday life to teach them to count, measure, sort, and analyze numbers. These are the principles of math. You are only adopting simple ways to make it easier for your kids.

How To Explain Math Principles To Your Child Using Real Life Examples

Explaining math principles with real-life examples

You will find math principles everywhere and in everything that you do in your day to day life. When it comes to the teaching, you will have to focus on the patterns, numbers, geometry, and analysis. For example, you want your kid to know to count. How will you do it? You will take a paper and pen and teach them to count numbers. Your kid will find it boring for sure.

Even if you try hard, you might not be able to succeed. However, you can make it simple by finding some easy and fun ways. For counting, your kid needs to know a multitude of concepts such as the numbers and small and big numbers. Once they will be familiar with the numbers and counting, the next step will be the addition and subtraction. You will start with counting.

Start with counting

You can use number objects to make them familiar with numbers. Before writing the numbers, they should first know how to count the numbers. They will find it fun and easier. You can use trees, books, fruit, buttons, toys, or any of your kid’s favorite things to help to learn to count. Everyday objects can be very helpful to teach your kid math.

It is not about the numbers only. You can use the objects to help them to learn shapes, even additions, and subtractions. It’s also really important to be supportive when your kid is making progress. First steps in math are important for your child, as they define a lot. According to WHO early education programs can improve children’s chances for success in later life.

Father and son talking

Use phone number as an example

Kids will be inspired if you try to make the things fun and attractive. For example, you can help your kids to remember the phone numbers. He will love to learn it. By the way, this exercise will help you in case of an emergency. If your kid has your phone number, he can tell it to someone when you lose contact with him in a crowded mall or theatre.

You can use it to show your kid how to find information about someone using reverse phone lookup, for example. In fact, you can use these numbers to get the details of your kid’s school, teacher, and any person whom you need to trust with your baby. You just have to give the cell phone or landline number, name, or location to know about the activities of that person or institution.

Play games

All the kids love games. You can find a plenty of fun games that also help to teach math. For example, you can play Hi Ho Cherry-O to teach addition. For counting, Chutes and Ladders will be perfect. You will also find advanced math games such as the PayDay, Yahtzee, and Monopoly. These games can be great for addition and subtraction. However, these are designed for older kids.

There is an even better way if you decide to team up with your kid and create your own game. It would be something special and memorable for your family, along with efficient math learning for your child.

Child Doing Schoolwork

Use surrounding objects

If you want to make math easy for kids, you can use things they see every day. You should not introduce the math tools (such as a calculator) in the first place. Instead, you can use the tools available at your home, garden, and even parks.

Furthermore, you want to teach them shapes. You can use the shapes available in your home. You can use rectangular windows, circular car tires, and eggs to help them learn different shapes.

Preschool kids develop a sense of shapes through the interaction with the objects. A playground is important to teach them concepts and vocabularies. Queuing in the mall or other public places will help them with counting.


You need to put math concepts into everyday life to make it easier for your kids to develop their skill and competence. Create your own game or a use well-known one. Make it a part of your routine. Try to find the math in everyday objects. Be patient and curious. Discover this science along with your child. More importantly, make this process gradual and effortless if you want your kid to love this subject in the future. And these simple tricks will not only be efficient for your kid’s future grades but also for the great childhood memories. Hope this article can be useful for you.

MarkAbout The Author

Mark Meyer works as the content manager at Spokeo, a service company that offers reverse number lookup. His field of expertise includes business, marketing, and self – improvement. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking with his family.


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  1. Cheron Hercules

    Love this

  2. This is fantastic! I never thought of teaching my kids maths like this and it totally makes sense!

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