Getting pregnant while breastfeeding

Six Tips to Getting Pregnant While Breastfeeding

If you faced challenges while trying to get your last baby, it might be more challenging if you’re attempting another pregnancy, especially if you’re still breastfeeding. Maybe you didn’t struggle to have your past baby, but you should bear in mind that getting pregnant while breastfeeding might not be as easy as you imagined.

Six Tips To Getting Pregnant While Breastfeeding

Get pregnant while breastfeedingThe truth is, when you’re breastfeeding, you’re producing hormones that can suppress ovulation. While exclusive breastfeeding can serve as a form of birth control, this might not be the case in all women. Some are not able to ovulate even when they do not practice exclusive breastfeeding. Consequently, it might be a big challenge for them to get pregnant while breastfeeding.

Given the changes that occur to your body during pregnancy and after delivery, it is logical to allow time for your body to recover. If you’re still breastfeeding and contemplating another pregnancy, it would help to wait until your baby is at least one year old before embarking on a pregnancy journey.

Two case scenarios: (1) Your cycles are back and (2) You haven’t had a period since delivery. In the first case, some women get their period approximately three months after delivery. This is usually the case in women who practice mixed feeding. Although you may have periods while breastfeeding, these are probably not yet regular and maybe anovulatory. This would therefore make it difficult for you to determine your fertile periods. In the second case, if you’re not getting your periods at all, your body hasn’t become fertile yet, especially if you’re breastfeeding exclusively. You will gradually become fertile if you start breastfeeding your baby less often, say about two to four times per day.

What Happens to Your Body When You’re Breastfeeding?

One of the hormones that stimulates milk production, prolactin, also inhibits the release of hormones that cause follicles to mature in your ovaries. In the absence of follicle maturation, no mature egg would be released from your ovary. Thus, even with frequent intercourse, your chances of getting pregnant would be decreased. Further, the levels of progesterone in breastfeeding mothers tend to be low, implying that even if you did get pregnant, the odds of sustaining a pregnancy are low.

Progesterone, also called pregnancy hormone, is produced by maturing follicles. Since prolactin suppresses estrogen, which causes the maturation of ovarian follicles, progesterone production is consequently decreased. At low levels, progesterone cannot cause the growth of the uterine lining to favor the implantation of a fertilized egg or ovum. In addition, the third phase of the cycle (luteal phase) is shorter than normal (< 10 days) and the embryo does not have enough time to implant into the uterine wall before the next expected menstruation.

Get Pregnant

What Should You Do to Conceive While Nursing?

I could say relax, but you won’t, will you? In fact, with a few changes, you could achieve your aim of getting pregnant while nursing your baby. Here are a few things you could do.

  1. Decrease the frequency of breastfeeding. In general, most babies prefer solid food by the age of 12 months, after they’ve tasted several food types. By this age, a baby can already drink from a cup. So, your baby might not need breast milk as many as 10 to 12 times per day if you introduce them to solid food by this age. As you breastfeed your baby less frequently, your body will slowly become fertile again.
  1. Track your cycles. Yes, you need to know what’s going on within your body so that you can take the right steps to prepare for your pregnancy. You need a sensitive thermometer to track your basal body temperature. A shift in your temperature (about 0.2 to 0.4 degrees higher) that persists for three days or more would indicate that you ovulated. After two or more cycles, you may be able to determine your fertile window and have intercourse frequently (every day, if possible!). You also need to track your cervical mucus, position and texture. During your fertile period, your cervical mucus would be clear and slimy like egg white. Your cervix would be open and feel soft during ovulation. You may also experience mild abdominal cramping, which is typically localized to the side where the egg has been released.

  1. Ovulation predictor kits and fertility monitors might help you, but they are not a must. You can cut down on cost by buying cheap ovulation tests (such as Wondfo) and start testing based on the length of your cycles minus 17. Thus, a woman who has a 28-day cycle should start testing on day 11. Some women prefer to switch to a more expensive ovulation test brand once a cheaper one shows a faint positive. But I believe even the cheaper brands can do the trick. Always remember to read the instruction manual of the manufacturer so that you perform the test at the recommended time of the day and do not miss your ovulation surge.
  1. Watch out for any signs and symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea/vomiting, tiredness, cramping, etc. I could list them all, but that won’t be necessary since you’ve been pregnant at least once.

  1. Eat healthy. Avoid refined sugar and processed food and eat lots of vegetables, protein-rich foods, and fruits. Some women believe fertility tea blends and cranberry juice helped improve their fertility. You can also try supplements or fertility herbs. A fertility supplement known as monk’s herb (marketed as Vitex®) can help normalize your cycles and increase the length of the luteal phase. It might also help to start taking prenatal vitamins so that you and your baby get all the nutrients that you need when you subsequently get pregnant.
  1. If there are no signs that you’re ovulating, you may choose to wait for a few more months—you will eventually ovulate. Continue trying the points above. If these fail to help, acupuncture might help. But, the rule is to always talk to your doctor for the best possible advice.

Are you a breastfeeding mom? Are you planning to have another baby anytime soon? If yes, what are your main concerns about getting pregnant while breastfeeding?

About The Author

Princila is a self-proclaimed “science geek” and proud mom of two adorable kids. She works in the medical publishing industry and devotes much of her time to writing and creating helpful resources (newsletters, articles, abstracts, etc.) for physicians. She also writes about issues related to reproduction and pregnancy at and wants her website to be a judgment-free, fun place for women looking for practical tips and resources on fertility. You can follow her on Twitter and Pinterest.

Medical Disclaimer: The information provided here is intended to supplement, not substitute for, the expertise and judgment of your doctor or pharmacist. The information is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, drug interactions or adverse effects, nor should it be interpreted to indicate that the use of any drug is safe, appropriate or effective for you or anyone else. Always consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking any drug, making modifications to your diet or starting a treatment.

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  1. I know of two women that fell pregnant while breastfeeding but that was by accident! They thought they couldn’t fall pregnant while breastfeeding and then found out that actually it is possible. My one friend fell pregnant when her baby was 3 months old. It was quite a shocker for her and her second baby was born at 8 months so they were very close in age.

    I am sure though that if you plan on trying to fall pregnant while breastfeeding it comes with its challenges. I totally agree that you should wait until your first baby is at least a year old since your body also needs to time to recover, also dealing with two babies so young will also take its toll on you.

    These are great tips, and yes I can agree that it does take a while for your system to get back to normal with your cycle while exclusively breastfeeding.

    • ” also dealing with two babies so young will also take its toll on you.” – I can definitely attest to this. Although my babies, who are now 11 and 10 are as close as you could wish siblings to be, I wouldn’t relive that first year after Emma was born for all the tea in china. I had no idea where I was, what time of day it was .. I didn’t even know which was was up most of the time.

      The biggest issue, though, was that I struggled terribly to bond with my second because of the guilt over my first. Every time I went to feed her, he would toddle round the house crying because he wasn’t the centre of the universe any more. Fourteen months is a bit young to find that out and I felt like the worst mother ever.

      Basically, it’s doable but not ideal to have your kids this close together. I’ve known a lot of families since then and it seems to me the ideal age for the arrival of a sibling is about two.

      • Lynne Huysamen

        OMW @lisabennett I have 2 years and 2 months in between my two kids and it was still terribly tough. I can only imagine how much harder it would be having only 14 months in between children.

        It was manageable, but only just, for me. At the time I thought having a larger age gap between them would be great but now that they are a little older I can see that their bond is so strong and they are so close so it was all worth it and now I think it is the perfect age gap!

  2. I like this article and all the tips and tricks in it. I would add one more tip though – In order to fall pregnant while breastfeeding, simply believe that it isn’t possible. Someone told me while I was still pregnant with my first that breastfeeding was a brilliant contraceptive and so, not wanting to contaminate my milk with actual contraceptives, I went blithely on … breastfeeding and having regular sex.

    Well, when my son was seven months, he just rejected my milk outright. He was done. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong and my boobs hurt like crazy so I went off to the doctor who informed me I was two months pregnant! What a shocker that turned out to be. John and Emma are fourteen months apart and, to this day, I call Emma my little contraceptive mishap (never to her face, obviously :D)

    • Lynne Huysamen

      Oh yes @lisabennett … here comes a mommy that believed breastfeeding was a good contraceptive! LOL

      Well just remember Lisa that according to me the pill and the IUD were good contraceptives… until they both failed me, so don’t be too hard on yourself.

      That’s interesting so he rejected your milk! I never knew that happened to you but I did hear that because of hormonal changes when you are pregnant if you are breastfeeding while pregnant your baby might refuse to feed.

    • “In order to fall pregnant while breastfeeding, simply believe that it isn’t possible.”

      I saw this one coming, Lisa. 🙂

      One fun fact is that this usually happens in women who don’t wish to get pregnant while breastfeeding–at least in my experience and those of my colleagues.

      At one of the maternal and child health clinics where I worked in my home country, many, if not all, of the women who got pregnant while breastfeeding admitted their pregnancy was unplanned. Even here in Saudi Arabia, where modern contraceptives are largely discouraged, I have encountered many moms who presented with unexpected pregnancies. Saudi women are encouraged to breastfeed their babies until they are two years old, so you can imagine the number of women who wound up at the clinics complaining that exclusive breastfeeding was not a ‘good enough’ contraceptive method. The opposite is true for women who desire another child within two years after the first birth; they struggle to get pregnant while breastfeeding.

      I’m not sure why this happens, but some of my colleagues suggested that women who desired a pregnancy tended to be anxious and somewhat ‘under pressure’. And since stress interferes with fertility, this explanation seems to make sense. However, this hypothesis would be hard to investigate due to the difficulty in selecting a reliable instrument to measure “stress” or “perceived stress.”

      • Lynne Huysamen

        Yes I am sure that is the case @princila. I never fell pregnant while breastfeeding but I did fall pregnant on the pill with my first baby. With my second baby I had the copper IUD and it fell out. While both pregnancies were surprises and it was a bit tough to handle I was still happy I was pregnant, if scared.

        Then I read about women that struggle to fall pregnant and I feel awful for them. It must be terribly hard to keep trying and not fall pregnant. Two of my aunts struggled to fall pregnant and had a number of miscarriages when they did get pregnant.

        So from that I have a bit of an idea of how hard it is for some women to get pregnant.

        Thanks for all these great tips, I am sure they will help some women understand what steps they can take to fall pregnant when breastfeeding.

  3. Great tipsfor woman who want to fall pregnant while breastfeeding, for my side i wouldn’t concider it

  4. i fell pregnant while breastfeeding. not a nice experience as i felt guilty the whole time as my first one was still a baby. i stopped breastfeeding as my breasts were very very tender and constantly hurting. with the second pregnancy i had more complications cause i fell pregnant too soon after my first one.
    so now i avoid my ovulating days and take every precaution not to fall pregnant!!!

  5. I loved the tip about Monk’s herb. There seem to be so many ways to improve fertility naturally, but I must say that using a supplement whose name refers to a religious man who has taken a vow of celibacy appeals to my sense of humour. A friend of mine recently fell pregnant while breastfeeding – about a month before, she mentioned to me that her cycles were anovulatory, so hormonal changes can happen quite quickly and unexpectedly!

  6. We have been breastfeeding our children for almost 8 years.
    went through 3 pregnancies
    Six beautiful girls
    (3 pairs of female twins)
    Sofia and Jojo
    7 years 9 months
    Anna and Elsa
    4 years 3 months
    Maddy and Olife
    1 year 1 week
    My husband and I relied on each other to breastfeed as natural birth control at the same time.
    This has produced very effective results for our family.
    I never returned to menstruation after giving birth throughout the entire breastfeeding period.

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