Fun Birthday Surprises

Fun Ways to Surprise Your Child on Their Birthday

A birthday is a special occasion that comes just once a year. Kids and family alike wait the entire year to celebrate that special day with family, friends, and relatives. As the big day nears, the excitement of receiving gifts becomes unbearable for the little one!

But besides gifts, why not try to make the day even more special with a few fun surprises? Feel free to use some of the following surprises to make the birthday of your child an even more awe-inspiring one.

Have a surprise character show up at your party

What else can be greater than a surprise visit from your child’s favorite character? If you have dogs, make sure that they make an unannounced special secret visit.

Even better yet, if your guests have doggies, have them bring them along as well.

Dog Birthday Guest

If pets are out of the question, make sure to have your child’s favorite character make a surprise impromptu visit. Your child can enter the world of their favorite cartoon character, sports figure or celebrity with all their friends.

This will make your child enjoy their party to the fullest as they will feel as special as the party entertainers playing the characters!

Make a countdown chain

You can easily make a celebration countdown chain with construction paper say 30 days before the big day. To do this, make 30 links in the chain and each day simply rip off one of the links.

Kids love to watch the chain get smaller because they know that when the chain is gone, their big day will have arrived!

Leave chalk messages on Your child’s belongings

When your child gets home from school, surprise them with chalk messages a few days or weeks before their party.

You can decorate whatever toys they might have with a chalk written birthday message. It can be the bat your child plays with, their dolls or action figures, a trampoline or any other surface that chalk can write on.

You can even leave a chalk message on the sidewalk when they come home that says “your birthday is coming in 3 days!” Be creative with ideas. Secret surprise messages will excite your child with anticipation of the big day.

Mention their age everywhere

Children love aging and the number of their age is something very close to their hearts. You can wear the number on your face with face paints (but beware of the kisses you may get in return).

You can also mention their age on balloons, on the tile in the tub, on a cupcake, or on the walls of the house. You can also create their giant birthday number in the yard.

Have a surprise sleepover party the night before their birthday

How about surprising them by inviting their friends over to your house the night before their birthday and have a celebration at midnight to kick off the big day! A night like that could potentially be the most fun night of your child’s entire life.

Fill Their Rooms with surprise Balloons

Balloons are a colorful and attractive way to make your child enjoy and rejoice all the fun of their birthday. Balloons are not very expensive but the impact they can create is out of this world. On the birthday of your child, you can fill their room with dozens of beautiful balloons.

Each corner of the room should have balloons so that your child can jump around in the balloons and enjoy every moment of their birthday.

Hide their gifts

How about a new tradition where the birthday child gets a surprise gift the night before their birthday? Imagine the smile on their face when you notify them of this special surprise. The only caveat is that the present is hidden and it must be found.

You can give your child clues or tell them if they are hot or cold when searching for the gift. You can also additionally have the birthday guests that come to the party the next day hide their gifts around the house.

Anticipation is sometimes better than the actual present!

Birthday Bear with FlowersLeave a Stuffed Bear in their room with flowers

Need we say more?

These are some simple fun ways to surprise your child on their birthday. Remember, it is not what you do to make them feel special on their birthday, it is how you do it.

Every gesture of yours should reflect the love for your child. We hope these ways can help you make your child happy on their special occasion.

Fun surprises will aid in making the actual day as distinctive as possible and they surely will make their birthday a most memorable one for your child. is an exhaustive birthday party directory for parents to help them find fun local entertainment services, party entertainers, party venues as well as unique birthday party ideas.



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  1. Every year i say to myself that i am going to do something different and make it a tradition. Every year i leave everything to the last minute and we do the same, woken up with a cupcake in the morning, sing and then presents. Thanks for the ideas Lynne 🙂

    • Tamara but that’s the thing I find too. I have so much going on that I struggle to get to everything…but these ideas are just awesome because it is not a huge expense and some of these things we may even have at home anyway.

      • I agree, it all comes down to the time on our hands 😛
        THIS year i’m definitely going to do something different. Even if i have to plan it 6 months ahead of time 🙂

  2. Cant wait for Sept.
    Tx for this post!!!

  3. Well waking up to this blog as a first time mom with a special needs child has been exhilarating because I’m always looking for something interesting, exciting and fun for my lil’ one. I have learned plenty that its the best part of my day except when I see the lil’ one smile! 🙂 #she is defenitely going to have the best birthdays in future.

    • Ayesha I take my hat off to you dealing with special needs parenting. I am so glad that my blogs are making things a little easier with you. You should check out this guest post by Tanja that is also a special needs parent. I went to school with her many years back and she has now started blogging and has just written a book.

  4. This is great we have the big first birthday in september on a weekend so he will actually have his birhday in the week and the party on the weekend but this is nice ideas he wont really be able to be excited about the countdown chain or when i hide his gifts to small but sure 2018 will be excitement from he realize till his birthday i like the idea also of a surprise character

    • You will love it @lisaanderson 🙂 I personally think the 1st Birthday celebration is more for the mother anyway! My kids can’t remember their first birthdays but I do 🙂

      • i have to agree 100% i have chosen a theme Cars and booked for his big caked, cupcakes and smach cake already have all the ideas and venue and all he wont remember but i will and he will see the photos at least when his older. im so excited its like having my own party LOL…1st birhday are just a big thing and must get done properly.

  5. Wow i will try to do it,but is it okay even when the kid is 4year old?

  6. Thanks for the tips it’s wish I find this post before my son’s birthday but I will definitely save this post for next year

  7. I love hiding gifts and having a treasure hunt. Last year mine was for my 11 year old, he loved it and so did my daughter. She ran after her brother around the house (inside and out). It was indeed a funfilled morning!
    And it doesn’t require much of a budget as it is only the gifts (some which were just little trinkets like badges, marbles etc).
    Maybe a bit off-topic but I am sure this will resonate with some moms. My hubby and I like to get in a few extra minutes sleep in the morning and kiddies always wake up too early…birthdays are worse because of the excitement … so what I did with the treasure hunt was to give a few clues around the house (The first would be on mom and dads closed door) for stuff to keep them excited and busy while we got that extra sleep. After the activities are done the following clue would say ‘now you can wake mom and dad to get your next clue’… for what its worth 😉
    Disclaimer – the kids are safe being awake without mom and dad as granny is normally awake and ready to be with them 🙂

  8. What great ideas, thank you! I love the balloon idea. I had it planned out last year, but I forgot to buy the balloons.. This year I’m doing it!!! We have this tradition of waking her up with kisses and a burning cupcake while singing happy birthday. Then it’s time for presents.. Needles to say, I take a video of her reaction, nothing ever more precious than seeing her face lit up.

  9. I can just imagine the look on my son’s face when he wakes up in a room filled with balloons.

    The thing about mentioning his age everywhere… he usually argues that he is older than he actually is! 🙂

    He loves surprises, so I will definitely pull one or more of these out of my sleeve.

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