Dad bottle feeding baby

Formula Feeding: How To Improve Newborns Digestion

Every parent wants to give the baby only the best nutrition. Because a newborn’s digestive system is entirely immature, they can only digest breast milk. In the first few months, the body of a newborn must constantly perform one basic task: digestion of breast milk and absorption of all the necessary nutrients for development. The infant’s digestive system is designed to do this as efficiently as possible. There is nothing better and healthier than breast milk for infants, but preserving natural feeding is sometimes impossible.

So parents have to switch their newborns to formula feeding. When transitioning to formula, the baby often suffers from colic, gas, diarrhea, and constipation, which is usually confirmed by crying and anxiety.

Let’s understand what worries your baby in the first months. And what is more important is how to provide safe nutrition on formula feeding?

Formula Feeding: How To Improve Newborn Digestion


In the first months of life, almost all babies hiccup, and, in fact, the baby begins to hiccup in the womb. Simply because the diaphragm that separates the abdomen from the chest cavity shrinks, the baby’s breathing is disturbed. As a result, it emits a characteristic loud sound. You should not worry. As a rule, the hiccups pass within 10 – 15 minutes.

Why Does My Baby Regurgitate A Lot?

Half-digested milk comes out of the baby’s mouth during or after a meal.

Suppose the milk has not had time to go down the esophagus. However, if it has reached the stomach, there is a clotting process, and it will exude a sour odor.

From 1 to 4 months, regurgitation is considered the norm after each meal. The intensity of regurgitation increases from about 20 to 30 days, when the mother’s milk becomes more mature. By 6 months of age, the baby usually stops regurgitating.

Constipation In Newborns

During the first month of life, the baby is able to empty the bowels after each feeding. However, by the 4th month, the frequency of bowel movements drops to 2-4 times a day. At the same time, the infant soils the diaper more often, as the breast milk is absorbed more quickly. However, it also happens that a breastfed baby defecates every other day or even less frequently. If the stools are soft and do not bother the baby, then there is no reason to worry. This means that the baby’s body absorbs the milk well.


Currently, there are two theories of colic in newborns. According to the first one, the baby’s immature digestive tract and swallowing air during feeding and crying results in spastic abdominal pain. An alternative theory states that the pain is not in the stomach, but in the head, due to fatigue, overexcitement, and nervous system overstrain.

According to the definition of the WHO, colic is a baby crying for no apparent reason, which lasts more than 3 hours in a row, usually in the evening. Such attacks often appear on the 2nd-3rd week of the baby’s life, intensify during the 2nd month and then go down, stopping by the 3rd – 4th month.

Bottle feeding

What Is The Best Kind Of Formula Milk For Your Baby?

Choosing a formula for a newborn baby suffering from constipation and colic is responsible. Here you should be guided by the recommendations of your pediatrician. It is also worth taking a small pack of mixes of several brands to try: in this way, you will be able to decide more quickly on the suitable food for your child. Colic and constipation commonly accompany breastfeeding. And they can occur even more often on formula feeding. If nothing else is bothering your newborn, it is enough to change the formula to deal with these unpleasant symptoms.

Many parents prefer goat’s milk-based formulas. Such products are relatively expensive, but the quality of this baby food is high.

Goat’s milk formulas have become very popular and are a suitable option for feeding the baby from the first days of life. Their distinctive feature in comparison with regular formulas is that goat’s milk is highly digestible and well-tolerated due to the peculiarities of its proteins and fats. But how to find the right one through the wide range of baby foods?

Is Goat’s Milk Better Than Cow’s Milk In Baby Food Production?

The fundamental difference between goat’s milk formulas and other formulas is that they do not contain cow’s milk proteins. Such proteins have different structures. Therefore, babies allergic to cow’s milk proteins can have goat’s milk formulas in their diet. In such children, changing the formula often results in the disappearance of the rash. But also the normalization of related digestive disorders (bloating, constipation, diarrhea).

But goat’s milk-based formula is not hypoallergenic. Such protein can also cause allergies. Therefore, the new formula must be introduced carefully and gradually, especially for children prone to allergies.

Quality And Safety Of Infant Formula

The quality of infant formula begins with the quality of the milk from which it is produced. That is why Holle baby formulas for many years have proven their quality by the number of happy parents who choose this baby food brand. Holle goat milk formula is made from high-quality milk from environmentally friendly farms and produced according to unified quality standards. The company pays special attention to the conditions under which the animals are bred and kept. In addition, Holle is very meticulous in its choice of animal feed. Animals give nutritious milk with a creamy taste and delicate aroma thanks to this diet. More information about the product on the website:

And what about safety? Besides quality brand and clean composition, it is undoubtedly necessary to pay attention to the expiration date of the formula. Carefully study the label – it has complete information about the product and its additional properties.

High-quality goat’s milk is becoming increasingly popular, especially as the basis for baby food for children from birth. At the same time, it is still an exclusive and quite niche product for those who know the value of healthy nutrition.

The most important thing is to visit your pediatrician beforehand, regardless of which type of milk in the formula you prefer. Newborns and babies in their first year of life have special nutritional needs that the formula must meet.

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  1. My baby hardly ever regurgitated. I was blessed with that, however we had hiccups after we had started mixing breastfeeding and formula. I am glad I chose the right formula for my princess

  2. We struggled with colic when l had my princess, l missed good night sleeps but she’s now 3 and doing just fine. She had Constipation when we changed from breastfeeding to formula.

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