10 Foods You Can Use For Cleaning In Your Home

Cleaning products can work out expensive and they can have harsh chemicals that you might not like using in your home. Did you know that there are lots of foods for cleaning that work really well, are more cost effective and are safer to use? You probably always have these foods in your kitchen, making them a handy hack for those days you’ve forgotten to buy cleaning products and need to clean something quickly without having to race off to the shops.

10 Foods For Cleaning Your Home

Foods For Cleaning Your Home

  1. White Vinegar

Vinegar is top of the list when it comes to food you can clean your house with. Vinegar can remove stains, grease, and mold, clean glass and mirrors, and get rid of bed smells. If you need to get rid of smells like removing coffee odor from your car after spilling your morning cup of java vinegar is your best bet.

Keep a spray bottle of 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water on hand at home for cleaning purposes.

  1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is fantastic for removing bad smells and also works as an abrasive that can help you remove grease and gunk. You can use baking soda to clean your oven and shower, freshen your carpets, and even unblock your drain.

  1. Olive Oil

Olive oil is fantastic for cleaning paint from surfaces and your hands. Mix olive oil with some coarse salt to remove rust and scrub food build up from your pots and pans. You can also use it to polish your furniture and repair scratches on leather furniture.

  1. Tomato Sauce

We’ve all burnt food in our pots and pans, and getting that burnt layer off can be a real pain. Tomato sauce breaks down the copper oxide of the burnt layer making it easier to clean. You can also shine up your pots and pans using tomato sauce.

  1. Lemon Juice

The citric acid in lemons works well to fight bacteria and with removing alkaline stains. It can be used for general cleaning, as well as for cleaning your microwave and stove. If you cutting board is stained and dirty lemons are the best way to clean it as well as freshen up the smell.

Lemon cut

  1. Onions

Cleaning your braai grid can be a messy job. Getting rid of the greasy build up is so much easier with an onion. Cut it in half and rub it on your braai grid to get it clean and sparkling.

  1. Salt

When you combine salt with water it becomes saline which is fantastic for cleaning protein stains. It is brilliant for getting blood stains out of your clothing or your carpet.

Coarse salt is great to use for scrubbing.

  1. Potato Peels

Everyone loves an indoor fireplace, cleaning it though is not so much fun. Creosote build up (the sticky substance formed on your fireplace when wood is burnt) can be difficult to clean. Spread your potato peels on baking paper to dry for a few days then burn them in your fireplace to help dislodge the layers of creosote.

  1. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise can be used to remove crayon off walls, brighten up the leaves of your houseplants and to remove watermarks off your furniture or windowsills.

  1. Tea

Shine up your wooden furniture by dipping your cloth in cold tea. It will make your furniture smell great and look shiny.

These hacks using food for cleaning will make your life easier and keep your home looking great.

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One comment

  1. i love baking soda that works wonders

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