Exercising during pregnancy

5 Health Tips To Exercise During Pregnancy

The nine months of pregnancy can seem like the perfect time to relax. After all, you have extra weight to carry. Sitting around and avoiding any physical activity can reduce backaches, right? Surprisingly, No. In fact, according to recent studies, working out during pregnancy releases endorphins in your body that help mitigate pain. Releasing endorphins is one of the many benefits exercises during pregnancy can overcome.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only 40% of pregnant women exercise regularly throughout their pregnancy. The other 60% miss out on the great benefits exercising brings. To ensure you are not amongst the 60%, you need a recommended 150-minute exercise weekly. You can make your workout routine easy and effective with the following tips, so let’s jump right into it.

5 Health Tips To Exercise During Pregnancy

  1. Keep Your Doctor On Board

Generally, exercise is a great way to stay healthy. However, if you have a weak cervix, any form of lung or heart disease, or persistent vaginal bleeding, your doctor might advise you to rest instead. Getting your health provider’s permission is crucial to avoid causing any complications. Contact your doctor as your pregnancy progresses and regularly ask for their medical opinion on the intensity and duration of exercises suitable for you.

  1. Engage Mind And Body – Do Mindfulness Yoga

According to research, mindful yoga meditation controls blood cortisol levels. Cortisol is the primary stress hormone in humans. Reducing its concentration decreases prenatal stress and lowers the chances of preterm labour. As premature babies are weak and underweight, they have a high risk of birth injuries, including cerebral palsy.

There is still a possibility of cerebral palsy malpractice affecting your baby after birth, for which you can seek justice through attorneys specializing in cerebral palsy medical malpractice. On the other hand, you can significantly minimize the risk of congenital cerebral palsy by doing yoga daily. With yoga, you can also keep your blood pressure within the normal range, ensuring your heart stays healthy, and your fetus is never oxygen-starved. Moreover, prenatal yoga classes can teach you good positions for labour too.

Rule number one of pregnancy is to be cautious even while doing yoga. You must be careful about how much pressure you put on your abdomen. Avoid any pose which can stress your lower body or restrict blood circulation to the womb. Lying flat on your stomach might be okay at the start of pregnancy, but you should avoid it near the middle of the second trimester. Moreover, as your pregnancy progresses, your center of gravity will shift, making it hard to maintain your balance. Remember to use a chair for support then.

  1. Start Pelvic Floor Exercise

All your organs are trying to make room for the little guest during pregnancy. During this time, the pelvic muscles, between the vagina and rectum, contribute by stretching. However, unlike most muscles, the pelvic becomes weak and loses its elasticity. Because of this, it becomes harder to control the bladder during pregnancy. You might have already noticed it. During labour, whether the birth is vaginal or a C-section, pelvic muscles play a part in the delivery and get further stretched. After childbirth, a weak pelvic floor often results in urine leakage and delayed recovery.

Thus, taking care of the pelvic floor is essential, and you can set off your ‘healthy pelvic floor journey’ by doing some simple pelvic exercises daily. Pelvic Tilts are a great way to start. You must begin on your knees and hands and pull your abdomen while tilting your hips forward. Hold the position for ten seconds, then drop your back slowly. Repeat this several times, and you’ll also be relieved from back pains. Or, you can try Kegel exercises. These are popular and effective; Kegel exercises usually show results within a month. Squatting is another pelvis exercise that you can incorporate into your daily timetable. It might help ease the pelvis during childbirth.

Pregnancy exercise group

  1. Try Water Aerobics

Water aerobics is fun, effective, and something you can do at all stages of your pregnancy. According to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, water workouts are one of the safest exercise routines for pregnant women. Even non-swimmers can participate in it safely.

Water has high resistance compared to air, allowing a broader range of traditional land workout movements without the risk of falling. Water buoyancy decreases your weight by about 50 to 90%, which means your stressed joints, aching muscles, and swollen ankles can get a break too. Water is gentle on the spine and pelvis and supports the belly. Pregnant women usually have higher core temperatures. If water is in the appropriate temperature range, it can help women cool off effectively.

Additionally, research shows water improves blood circulation too. Water’s hydrostatic force increases the blood flowing through the uterus. It provides more blood to the baby through the placenta, so the baby can get all the required nutrients and thrive.

Most community pools and fitness facilities have aerobic classes specially designed for moms-to-be. However, you can also take a regular aqua-aerobics class. Inform your instructor of your pregnancy to avoid any tricky moves. You can also design and follow a personal routine in your pool or spa. Just remember to take care of the temperature. Your body’s temperature should not exceed 102.2°F, as prolonged high temperatures can result in birth abnormalities or even miscarriage.

  1. Know When To Stop

Even after getting a green light from your doctor, you might have to stop or pause your workout if you become unwell. Your body is susceptible during pregnancy, and it is crucial to ensure you are not overexerting yourself. Unlike pre-pregnancy routines, you might get tired just by anything more than elementary exercises. However, that’s fine, as long as you get enough safe workouts to stay healthy.

Your body tries to communicate to you when it is not safe to exercise more. For most pregnant women, overheating is a significant risk. Suppose you overwork and end up increasing your core temperature. In that case, you might feel dizzy, have minor headaches, or have difficulty conversing due to breathlessness. If you experience these symptoms, listen to your body and take a step back.

Pushing yourself too hard can result in any pregnancy complication. It is why you should immediately call your doctor if you experience any of the following signs:

  • Tightening or pain in your belly
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Pain in the pelvis
  • Weak muscles affecting balance
  • Limited movement in the fetus
  • Irregular or rapid heart rate
  • Muscle cramps
  • Uterine contractions even after resting
  • Trouble breathing

In conclusion

Pregnancy can make you lazy and gain a few extra pounds quickly. It is why you should try to be physically active and stay fit. Mindfulness yoga is a great start. You can reduce stress and improve your heart by using simple poses and clearing your mind.

You can also try water aerobics and let the water assist your workout by reducing friction. At the same time, it will relieve your pregnancy backaches. Starting pelvic floor exercise, you can ensure your third trimester isn’t a run-to-toilet marathon. It can also help with labour by increasing your pelvic flexibility.

Workouts can make the pregnancy healthy and happy but remember to consult your doctor before starting a routine. And always look out for your body’s signals that indicate when it has reached its limit. Only by being vigilant and taking care of yourself can you ensure your baby is healthy.

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  1. I would recommend this to any pregnant woman not only is it good for you and the baby but it also have great benefits for delivery and post delivery.
    Definitely worth it.
    Thanks for sharing this vital information.

  2. Tshegofatso Washington

    Thank you for these tips, will surely share them with friends because I don’t plan on being pregnant again anytime soon LOL.

    I didn’t necessarily exercise during my pregnancy, but I was such a busy body! Hardly ever got sick or got backache, but the few times i did, it was awful!
    I did do pelvic floor exercises though , haha.

  3. yes i agree these help so much during pregnancy and pelvic exercises are very important.

  4. So very imporrant and also good for our health .lov this very helpfull too.our bodies changes alot and exercise is one of tge best oprions during pregnancies

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