Can A Wireless Dog Fence Keep Your Fur Baby Safe? Is it Safe for Your Pet?

Wireless fencing is a popular option for many pet parents, but some people still have their concerns. Many are unsure about the safety of a wireless fencing option versus a traditional fence. Are you looking into wireless fencing, but feel that you need more information?

In the following paragraphs, we will answer a list of common questions so that you can make the best decisions for you and your fur-family.

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Can A Wireless Dog Fence Keep Your Dog Safe

How does a wireless fence work?

Wireless fencing systems come with a wire that is to line the perimeter of the yard and a collar for your pet to wear. When your pet is too close to the wireless fence, a buzzing sound will alert it to the approaching electric boundary. If your pet crosses the invisible fence, an electrical correction will be released through the collar to let your pet know that it is out of bounds.

The slight jolt caused by the electric collar is meant to be uncomfortable enough to train your pet to stay within the designated area, but not painful. With enough time and proper training, your pet will learn to avoid the area that is off-limits. Because the fence works in conjunction with the collar, only your pet will receive a jolt if the boundaries of the wireless fence are crossed. This means that the wireless fence cannot affect any people or other animals that cross it.

What are the pros of wireless fencing?

Wireless fencing is cost effective, easy to use and install, works easily in most yards regardless of dimensions or terrain, works well for both dogs and cats, and effectively prevents your pet from running into the road or roaming around your neighborhood without altering the aesthetic of your home and yard.

This makes it a great choice for pet owners living in neighborhoods with a homeowner’s association, since you won’t have to worry about whether the color, material or size of the fence will be approved. As a bonus, wireless fencing protects pets from dangers that are due to human error, such as absent-mindedly leaving a gate open.

What are the cons of wireless fencing?

Many pet owners dislike the amount of training required to allow your pet to adapt to this new method of enforcing boundaries. For those who also have jobs and human babies to take care of, this can be a major drawback. Another issue is that wireless fencing does not prevent dangers from reaching your pet.

The electric fence only works for the animal wearing the corresponding electric collar, which means that people or other animals can easily approach your pet even when they are within the fenced area. This is especially problematic for those who live near pets that have aggressive tendencies towards other animals.

It is also an issue for those whose pets have not been neutered or spayed. If you can’t keep out other neighborhood pets, you may just have an unwanted litter of puppies or kittens on your hands! Discomfort caused by the jolt when your pet goes out of bounds can also be a problem. Even if the collar doesn’t cause pain, no one wants to see their fur baby deal with too much discomfort.

Small white dog lying in grass

  1. How much does a wireless fencing system cost and where can I buy one?

The average price for a wireless fence less than a thousand dollars. The collar and invisible wiring cost around $50 each, and all-in-one packages are usually in the $100-$400 range. Keep in mind that this in not including installation. Chargers are typically anywhere from $50-$300. Wireless fencing packages and individual components are available on many online stores, such as Amazon.

  1. How do you install a wireless fence?

The most important thing to remember is to read all safety precautions and installation instructions outlined by the manufacturer before attempting to install an electric fence. This will ensure a safe, successful installation experience. Most fence kits come with two types of wire.

One is used for sending a signal to the training collar, and the other is a twisted wire that carries the signal from the fence to the transmitter box without jolting your pet. Most kits contain approximately 500 feet of regular wire and 100 feet of twisted wire.

The regular wire must be buried around the perimeter of the area that is to be contained, and the twisted wire is used for communication between the transmitter box and the fence. Be sure to install the transmitter box in a sound structure, such as your home or barn.

It is important that the transmitter box is kept away from damaging elements, such as rain, snow, or other harsh conditions. Once the transmitter box is installed and working properly, it is time to determine the exact place to lay the wire. Mark the designated area so that you will know where to bury the wire.

It is recommended that you lay the wire when the soil is soft to make the digging process quicker and easier. The wire should only be buried a few inches underground, so there’s no need for lots of strenuous digging. Once the fence has been installed and the underground wire has been covered with dirt, you are ready to begin using your electric fence.

  1. How long will it take for my pet to adapt to the electric fence?

Training is said to take about two weeks on average. As with any type of training, it is important to remain consistent and patient with your pet as it learns its new boundaries. Remember that there is a bit of a learning curve for your pet, and it may take a while for your fur baby to get used to this new type of fencing.

With the information given above, you are now ready to make an informed decision about whether a wireless fence is right for you. While there are some downsides to an electric fence, remembering to follow all safety instructions and do lots of research will help you understand how to keep your fur-family as safe and happy as possible. Remember to research any other questions as they come to you and always do what you feel will be safest for your pet’s individual needs.

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