
Birthing In Trance: The Complete Guide To An Intervention Free Birth

Women have been having intervention-free births for as long as humanity has existed. If they were not able to successfully give birth, none of us would be here. So why is it that in today’s world, we are taught that birth is something to be feared? I’m sure you have heard the stories of traumatic births, of doctors swooping in with all kinds of interventions from induction to c-section, and of babies needing intensive care immediately upon being born.

Birthing In Trance: The Complete Guide To An Intervention Free Birth

Is There A Better Way?

What if you could tap into the knowledge of a seasoned midwife and leave the fear of birth behind? What if you could have a calm, intervention-free birth? What if you could actually invite the sensations of labour instead of fear them?

While traditional hypnobirthing promises a relaxed and even pain-free birth experience, many expectant parents are overwhelmed by the cost and time commitment of these courses. Especially if you are a parent already, finding the time to practice daily and involve your birth partner can be a challenge.

Birthing in Trance is an affordable, accessible course created by experienced midwife and hypnotherapist Michelle Brain. In 13 short sessions, you will learn mindset and trance techniques that work immediately to shift your focus from fear and pain to calm and relaxation.

Who Is Michelle Brain?

Michelle Brain is the creator and instructor of Birthing in Trance. Her extensive experience in the fields of nursing, midwifery, and clinical hypnotherapy will provide you with both valuable insights and practical tools for self-hypnosis and intervention-free birth.

As a mother, grandmother, and midwife, Michelle has seen firsthand how mindset affects labour outcomes. She believes that induction is becoming an epidemic and that the interventions that inevitably follow are often an unnecessary by-product of the fear that we hold around birth.

Michelle’s passion for hypnosis and intervention-free birth have led to a desire to share her knowledge with women all over the world so they can access and utilize the tools she has seen work over and over again with her clients.

Getting ready for baby

Why Would I Want An Intervention Free Birth?

In a world where induction and c-sections are being performed at epidemic levels, you might be wondering why an intervention-free birth is something to be desired.

The reality that many experienced midwives like Michelle know firsthand is that inductions and interventions almost always lead to complications. Too often, the first intervention leads to another, and another, and another. This unfortunate series of events is often seen as perfectly acceptable and even necessary in order to “save” the woman and baby from the perils of birth.

While birth is not without risk in any context, an intervention-free birth where the mother is encouraged to listen to her body is, more often than not, a smooth and empowering experience. An uncomplicated natural birth will also provide for a smoother postpartum experience for both mother and baby, by promoting uninterrupted bonding and optimal breastfeeding conditions.

How Can I Avoid An induction And Have A Natural Birth?

As unnecessary inductions are becoming more and more commonplace, it is important to arm yourself with the knowledge you need to confidently carry your baby until they are ready to be born. This can include all sorts of birth education, from learning how labour begins to what interventions you will be offered throughout the labour process.

Perhaps even more important, however, is cultivating a mindset of trust. Trusting that your body and baby will know when to start labour and that you will be able to birth your baby without unnecessary interference is key to an intervention-free birth.

Once your labour does begin, being able to shift your focus away from pain and fear and quickly slip into a place of inner calm is an invaluable tool that can be easily learned with the right training.

All of these topics are addressed by Michelle in Birthing in Trance. She will guide you through what to expect, give her insight into how your body is already equipped for the task of birth, and provide 13 trance audios that will teach you how to use self-hypnosis to manage pain and relax in labour.

Giving birth

What Makes Birthing In Trance Different To Traditional Hypnobirthing?

While traditional hypnobirthing can be an effective way to manage pain during labour, the classes are often expensive and sometimes confusing. In order to be effective, you need to spend time nearly every day practicing, and your partner needs to be committed to learning with you in order to help keep you focused during labour.

In contrast, Birthing in Trance is a simple, straightforward course that can be completed online. With 24/7 access to the modules as well as a private Facebook group led by Michelle, the class is easy to complete in your own time, while still giving you the opportunity to ask questions and get support from others in the group.

The Birthing in Trance method for self-hypnosis is all about finding and quickly accessing the inner place of peace that you already have within yourself. It will guide you to shift your mindset and discover the internal birthing wisdom that women throughout history have accessed in order to bring their babies into the world calmly and fearlessly.

What Is Included In The Birthing In Trance Online Course?

  • 13 Easy to Follow Videos: Learn how simple and easy it is to go into trance.
  • Trance Audios and MP3s: Listen at your leisure and easily share with your partner.
  • Private Facebook Group: Join Michelle and other mothers on the same journey.
  • Lifetime Access and Support: Enjoy access to these resources for life.

How Do I Find Out More About The Course And Michelle Brain’s Work?

If you would like to learn more about Birthing in Trance and its unique approach to having an intervention-free birth, you can visit the Birthing in Trance website. There you will find a Free Natural Birth Video Guide by Michelle that you can access immediately!

In this free guide, you will learn to discover your own birth intuition, quickly access your latent inner resources that will help you achieve a natural birth, and shift the focus of fear. You will also learn about some common misconceptions about labour and birth, and finally be guided through a relaxing trance experience.

You already have everything you need to give birth your way, on your own terms. Birthing in Trance will simply teach you to quickly and easily access that deep inner wisdom that mothers everywhere already contain within themselves. Remember, birth works! None of us would be here without it.

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