The last few weeks have been just hectic. First my 18 month old girl got vomiting and diarrhoea for first time and what an experience that was – I have never before had anyone vomit in my face!
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I have also been feeling incredibly exhausted and scatter-brained so having to keep my girl home, keep up with all the nappy changing, cleaning vomit up all the time, washing all the clothing, working and feeling so drained was a strain. Then as soon as my daughter recovered from that she got croup and I had to keep her home again for another few days and nebulise her every hour. Then my husband also got sick. And as all moms probably know a sick man is like having another sick child! Having to get up at 3am to administer a Strepsil to a grown man… well enough said.
In the midst of all this going on I started noticing physical changes… my boobs have doubled in size and are sore, I feel slightly nauseas if I don’t eat….. and I am EXHAUSTED. Can it be? But I have the copper IUD! And the reason I have the copper IUD is because my 18 month old daughter was a huge surprise and I was on the pill so I decided to try something else, something “safer”.
That is something I love about my husband, he was very firm on the subject when I fell pregnant the first time. This is no mistake, it is a surprise.
I bought a test and sure enough there were 2 lines! Suddenly everything made sense, the strange mistakes I was making with work…. I hope nobody noticed all the mistakes I posted on my facebook page. Did anyone notice when I posted which companies were sponsoring the baby competition? Well half of them were in fact not sponsoring, and I left out the correct sponsors. On the bright side some of them decided to also be sponsors so not all was lost! And I am sure the rest enjoyed the extra promotion *embarrassed face*.
It took me a day or two to get over the shock and surprise and realise that I am going to have another little angel soon. Once again I have had no time to mentally prepare myself, I had to go off my Seroquel immediately. Good-bye sleep, Hello insomnia! I must also try and manage my moods without any pills again, Bipolar here we come! One of the ladies in the support group suggested I find out what sleeping pills are safe for pregnancy, and once again resentment creeps in – I am a recovering alcoholic and addict so I cannot take anything. I must just try my best to get through the next 7 months of pregnancy without pills and then hopefully a bit longer so I can breastfeed.
I have been so caught up now in thoughts of how I will manage with 2 children, I can barely cope with the one I have. How will I cope with work, with breastfeeding, with lack of sleep, with taking time off from my business to give birth and recover? How will my daughter adapt to being a big sister and not being the “star of the show” anymore?
I remember with dread how I hit over 90kgs in my last pregnancy and how I still looked ready to give birth after leaving the hospital with my girl. It was only in the last few months that I managed to lose the last of my pregnancy weight and started to feel a bit better about my body, now I will start all over again.
I keep thinking of the third trimester –the pelvic pain, the backache, the reflux, the heartburn and vomiting, the peeing in my pants…. the exhaustion. Then I think of the 42 hours posterior labour I went through and the emergency c-section. The fact I can’t have morphine in my drip or Myprodol for the pain like everyone else. I’m an addict – I get Panado! Then I think of the cracked, bleeding nipples and breastfeeding.
And then I remember the moment I first set eyes on my daughter and it brings tears to my eyes! I wonder whether I am having a girl or a boy, what will he/ she look like and what sort of personality will this little angel have? I can’t wait to meet my angel and find out who this little person is. I can’t wait for my belly to start growing and to feel that first kick.
Have you had a surprise? Were you on birth control?
Congratulations on the wonderful SURPRISE!!!
You know Lynne… Everything you just explained, is exactly how I am feeling. From the weight I haven’t lost yet from my first child birth (4 years ago), sleepless nights, exhaustion, breastfeeding, work etc. We planned to have a second child, so was thrilled to know we were expecting number 2! But you know what? Knowing that I am not the only person going through these emotions this time around, has made me realize that it is emotions that we, as mothers, all feel! I take off my hat too all mothers that go through these emotions and most of all to all mothers that do this 3, 4, 5 or 8 times. You (and we) are all awesome!
Best of luck for the weeks to come and remember.. you will be an amazing mother to number 2, just as you have been to number 1..
Wow congratz honey!!!!!! Am so excited for you, just remember we as moms are stronger than we think. I went through a state hospital C-section and having a 16 month toddler al by myself with no help ( my husband were in Congo) . I got through it just fine and def a lot stronger. If I can do it I believe everybody can. Can wait to see your little Kaboutjie cute little face:D <3
Wow congratulations! That is awesome! I hope you are going to have a great pregnancy and that you enjoy every minute of it!
hey there Lynne. CONGRATS!!! Dont worry,this is a gift from God,and God does NOT give you more than you can handle! Eish-those contraceptives lol.( I also fell pregnant whilst i was on the pill.)dont worry about the future.just focus on each day at a time. Oh and remember the kaboutjie mums are always there if you need us!
Thanks Farzaana
I am hugely grateful to the amazing Kaboutjie moms, they are always so understanding and supportive! And yes, this is definately a gift from God!
Cingratz Congratz Congratz!!!!
Fantastic news.
A blessing INDEED!!!
Your Strong and will cope.
CONGRATS!! Agree with Farzaanah, God doesnt give you more than you can handle. And even with the lack of pills, etc. you will do just fine. we all know you can do it 2nd time around. it will make the first time seem like a breeze, now that you can mentally prepare yourself. Good luck & lots of love and good karma
Oh Wowzer…congrats !!!!
Hi lynne
i know exactly how u feel, the two lines also nearly gave me a heart attack lol, the concerns u having is the same concerns im having bt only a bit worse bcoz my boy is only 7months and im 3months preggies, my son will be a year in october and the new baby will be born in november, shoo im scared, how will i feel wen the other on comes coz i already feel like a zombie lol, we definatel have our work cut out for us lol
Yes Taylia, I thought of you when I saw those 2 lines! At least my girl will be 2 when the baby comes!
my daughter was an awesome surprise too
Congrats Lynne awesome news really alot happening in your life its awesome wow…..
LOL this is an old post @lisaanderson my son is now 3 years old… and my baby making days are done. I have two perfect little angels, a girl and a boy. I had my tubes cut so no more!
Oh my sorry lynne only see now howdid i end up on thiis post
Might’ve been from Facebook
I share old posts but I am thinking of only sharing new posts soon now that things are starting to get really busy!
Wow what a story that’s a real surprise I never had a surprise like that all my three pregnancy was planned