
Alternative Stress Relief Sources Busy Moms Should Consider

Motherhood is a high-stakes, constant job and stress is inevitable when juggling so many different roles at once. Alternative stress relief sources busy moms should consider to help manage these burdens will go a long way toward easing the tension. Whether you prefer quiet time alone or exercising to relieve the tension, something a little bit extra help can go a long way!

Everyone is familiar with the tried and true remedies for relieving stress, and mothers have often utilized many of them in their daily routines. Meditation and yoga are both the first things you hear mentioned when someone is looking for stress relief. With the busy schedules, most mothers have to maintain, it can often be quite hard to fit these things into the schedule.

Alternative stress relief sources busy moms should consider are those tailored to fit easily into their daily routines. When you can easily fit something new into your hectic schedule and reap the reward of less tension and stress, you will find it is easier to maintain these new habits and benefits. New and unique ways to relieve some of the burdens will undoubtedly leave you feeling better in the long run, so be sure to find something that works for you!

Alternative Stress Relief Sources Busy Moms Should Consider

Stay Informed

One of the most stress-inducing things in today’s modern world is the uncertainty that prevails throughout every area of life. For busy moms, this wealth of information and options can be overwhelming and lead to even more uncertainty. With so many different perspectives and viewpoints in the ever-changing world of parenthood, it can be quite difficult to decide what works for you and your family’s unique needs.

To stay well informed and remain stress-free, you should always try to find practical information and stay ahead of the seemingly endless perspectives. One of the best things you can do is find a trusted resource for information and knowledge online, so you always have a place to turn to when things become overwhelming and stressful. Knowledge is a powerful weapon against the stressors of life, but most especially when it comes to navigating the tricky road of parenthood.

Change your Perspective

Sometimes, big changes to your routine are impossible to maintain, especially when your schedule is already hectic as it is. A lot of recent studies have found that the one best solution for managing stress is to change the way you think about stress. This is one of the alternative stress relief sources that busy moms should consider because all you need is a bit of mindfulness.

Changing the way you perceive the effects of stress can drastically reduce how you feel during stressful moments. The physical effects stress and anxiety have on people can be overwhelming and exhausting, but finding a way to embrace those feelings will give you the power to overcome them. Another added benefit is that this practice can be done quickly and easily at the moment without needing to make huge alterations to your schedule or daily routine!

Mother reading to daughters

Try Natural Supplements like CBD

There has been a lot of buzz around the internet lately about the benefits of natural supplements and oils for their health and wellness attributes. The most recent craze is CBD oil, touted for a wealth of health and relaxation benefits. Some advocate the use of CBD oil in pets and children as well for the benefits as well as how safe this product is to use!

While the studies are still relatively new about just how beneficial CBD oil is, a lot of anecdotal evidence has come out to support its use as an anti-anxiety supplement that helps with relaxation. For a comprehensive overview of all the information there is about CBD oil, Daily CBD Mag’s Go-To Guide to CBD Oil is a wellspring of knowledge. It covers all the reported benefits as well as several different ways to incorporate this supplement into your daily routine.

CBD tinctures are another one of the most popular ways to incorporate CBD as one of the alternative stress relief resources busy moms should consider.  Tinctures are generally more potent than oils and they can be used in a multitude of ways, from simply a few drops under the tongue to adding them to drinks or cocktails. Kyro has created an Ultimate CBD Tincture Guide to answer all the questions anyone could have about CBD as well as how to use tinctures.

Therapy at your Fingertips

Another new resource that has become available in recent years is the advent of text therapy and counseling. While traditional talk therapy has always been a beneficial source of stress relief for those experiencing the tension of today’s hectic lifestyle, it can often be difficult to work it into one’s daily schedule. Text therapy is a perfect option for those who are too busy to schedule weekly sessions or simply need someone to help them navigate the stressors of life in between sessions.

In today’s fast-paced world, almost everyone has a cell phone readily available to handle business, stay in touch, or simply unwind. This tool is an indispensable resource for so many and being able to use it for something as stress-relieving as on-the-go counseling and therapy can make it an even better option for many. Alternative stress relief resources busy moms should consider have to fit into their already chaotic lives without causing more stress or adding even more to their already hectic schedules.

Be sure to research ahead of time to see if this option is a good fit for your specific needs. One of the biggest benefits is how cost-effective it can be when compared to traditional face-to-face therapy. From free resources to paid options, there is a wealth of information to be found online. No matter which option you do settle on, having such a remarkable resource that wasn’t so readily available just a few years ago will go a long way toward helping you take control of the stress in your busy life!

About The Author

Marina Turea works as content manager at Digital Authority Partners, and is a huge fan of all things CBD.

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  1. Having a full time job demanding job I start at 6am till 16h30 and then coming home to a very demanding almost 2 year old. Is quite straining on one’s brain never mind your body and mental mental health. I often find myself feeling very overwhelmed,tired and drained. Even on a weekend not having enough time or hours in the day. Like I haven’t finished everything or like I can get nothing done. And it’s put quite a bit of stress on me and sometimes I’m irritable and miserable cause I feel under pressure and anxiety. I definitely need to find an alternative stress reliever as this is becoming unhealthy

    • The busier you are the important it is to find the time to for self-care, looking after your mental health and relieving stress. It is very hard.

  2. when I was working full-time, had kids then also and come home and do housework, cooking ect. It was not so tough or stressed out for me. Now that I’m am a not working any it’s so stressed out big time and I get more emotional too. Your post make me take more control about it love this and I also realise I was never like the way I’m now it’s tough yes but I always occupied my mind not to let it control me thank you so much

  3. I dont even know where to begin, my hubby and i run our business together and it is not easy when you have a toddler, she always wants me around her and makes the loudest noise when i make phone calls, i always drop what i am doing if she needs me but still i find it hectic like i am not spending enough time with her. this week was much quieter so i made up for it by taking her out

  4. I have started taking Bio Stress it helps with stress, irritability and a few others as I have been so not myself for awhile and I found that after 2 weeks of taking it it helps a bit but I would also love to try other methods that do not include taking medication.

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