Happy Gold Retriever Dog

Allergy-Friendly Dog Breeds

Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for dog lovers to be allergic to their four-legged friends, and these problems can be exacerbated even further depending on the dog breed. This also means that there are some dog breeds that are a bit more friendly in the allergy department, which means that dog lovers who might have otherwise discarded their dreams of pet ownership have a few great options to choose from. In this article, we take a look at what a few of these breeds are and what hypoallergenic dogs mean for people with allergies. 

What it means for dogs to be hypoallergenic

Although pet insurance reviews will often be an important bit of research to help inform what kind of breed you might end up with, how the breed affects your own health is something that is often overlooked. When it comes to hypoallergenic dog breeds, this shouldn’t indicate that there are any dogs that don’t induce allergies – they can all cause allergic reactions to some extent, but some of the traits of certain dog breeds mean that this is less possible. This is because all dogs shed, but some dogs shed less than others. Shedding in this case can mean hair, but it’s not actually the hair that causes allergies, it’s the dog’s skin, which is called dander. Hypoallergenic dogs are less likely to shed, so while they can still cause some negative reactions in people with allergies, this happens much less than with regular dog breeds, and for dog lovers, this is usually more than enough! If you do have very serious reactions, it is still not advised that you get a dog – you should be fine with at least tolerating being around a non-hypoallergenic dog if the situation ever came up before you committed to your own hypoallergenic pet. 

Working out if you’re suited to a hypoallergenic dog

Before you work out whether to get a hypoallergenic dog, make sure to take some steps to work out if you’ll be ok – the last thing you want to do after getting a dog is to immediately give it up for adoption. The first thing you should do to work out if you’re ok around dogs for long periods is visiting either friends or family who you know have a dog, especially those who might have the same breed as you’re looking to get. If it’s possible, try and dog-sit for the same person at some stage to develop an even better understanding of how simple or difficult it might be to live with a dog. Not everyone knows someone with a dog, however, and if you’re in this boat it might be worth visiting a hypoallergenic dog that is currently up for adoption, such as one at a local dog shelter. Dog fostering is also another excellent way to live with a dog for a short period of time without any serious long-term commitment. 

Ready to adopt a dog?

If you think that a hypoallergenic dog is the right choice for you, you might be surprised to learn how many dog breeds you have the option to choose from. Poodles and poodle crosses are some of the best options due to their woolly coats, with the latter providing countless options for all sorts of dog owners. 

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  1. I liked this atricle we have 2 dogs already pure breeds a boerboel and a weimaraner thier very good with my kids

  2. Antonette Harypursat

    Thanks for this article. It really helps to understand the difference. My 5 yr old struggles with Allergic Rhinitis and he really wants a pup.

  3. We all suffer from allergies in our house hold, but getting a terrier mix helped a lot as they don’t tend to shed as much as other breeds.

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