Covid has changed how we go on holiday

How COVID Has Changed How We Go On Holiday Now

Holidays used to have their own kind of stress and anticipation as we planned to travel, gather, feast, exchange gifts, and even fight about the same-old-same-old… But then the pandemic happened and for 2 years, we’ve had to stay home more, be more careful with how we spend our money, and re-evaluate what it means to recharge our batteries.

Ultimately, even the way we travel has changed as a result, with some tourism experts claiming that it’s unlikely travel will ever be the same again as a result of the effects of COVID-19.

Seeing as it’s that time of year, let’s take a look at the latest holiday trends. You never know, it could inspire you to do something different and find a new outlet for all the pressure that this time has put on you!

Here are the different types of holidays that are more popular as a result of the pandemic.

How COVID Has Changed How We Go On Holiday Now

Mindful Rest And Relaxation

It’s no small wonder that this kind of holiday has become more popular, given everything we’ve gone through these last few years. It’s been a tough time and for many of us, now more than ever before, we need to use our time off to look after our mental and physical health. While this means different things to different people, the main example here is embarking on local retreats or experiences that enrich your soul and body with peaceful surroundings and mindful activities, like a yoga retreat.


In the beginning of the pandemic, when we were all stuck home so much, we imagined jetting off and getting out. But then something strange happened. We started to enjoy sticking around, not travelling to far-off destinations, and pottering between a few home improvement jobs and resting in the place that we’re comfortable in: Our own homes. Not to forget the fact that staycations leave more room in your budget to spend on experiences and treats, which many of us have discovered is really nice.

Train Travel

Train travel has become more popular recently, with holiday makers seeking out something different than the usual beach cottage or camping trip. They’re not wrong, there’s something suitably relaxing and mind opening about a luxury train trip that caters to your need for comfort and shows you the world from a different perspective. The train experiences that you could look into if you’re after the nostalgia and romance of train travel are the Blue Train and Rovos Rail.

Family Hiking Trip

Solitude And Nature Trips

Maybe the last thing you want is to stay home. Maybe you just want to get away from your usual routine and all the people around you. We get that and it makes perfect sense why solitary trips into nature have become an increasingly popular holiday choice. Experts are seeing a rise in the number of holiday makers who are booking hiking weekends and family camping trips that take them out of the buzz and hum of society.

The Complete Package

These ‘fly and flop’ holidays allow you to combine your airfare, accommodation, transfer fees, and (depending on your package) a few extras into a single package to places like Mauritius, Zanzibar, and Mozambique. While these trips have always been popular, experts are noticing an increase in bookings to resorts with shorter flight times, especially those offering special deals to encourage bookings.

However you choose to spend your time off during the festive season, please just keep in mind that December is also a time when crime rates increase. Criminals aren’t just targeting homes where occupants are going away for more than a few days, they’re also watching to see when you leave the house for a few hours. So please, take extra care and make sure you’ve done what you can to secure your home?

For example, always lock up when you leave the house (even if it’s just to pop into the shops for a few minutes). You could also consider hiring house sitters or asking friends to look in on your property. That sort of thing. Something else that’s worth considering is getting home contents insurance.

This way, if something does happen and your home is broken into, you can claim from your policy and avoid paying for the cost of repairs or replacing your valuables. It’s really worth it in these situations, and home contents isn’t super expensive if you shop around.

Just click here for a super cheap home contents insurance quote to see for yourself.

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  1. Agree thank you

  2. I think solitude and nature trips are definitely a thing now. I have decided to to take my family on one and I k ow they will enjoy. And Lynne it will definitely be in the WC 😊😊

    • I’m with you on that Kamo – we usually prefer nature trips anyway but with covid that is the only type of getaway we are considering.

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