Children playing in forest

10 Gift Ideas for Outdoor Kids

Playing outdoors and being active in nature is essential for the health and general well-being of your kids. Anything that you can do to encourage your child to spend more time in nature is well worth looking at.

If you are looking for a super special gift for a child that loves the outdoors there are some amazing gifts that you can consider.

Here are our top gift ideas for outdoor kids:

10 Gift Ideas for Outdoor Kids

  1. Kids Binoculars

Whether your child loves watching birds, scouting for other animals, checking out the lay of the land or is a lover of outdoor imaginary play, kids binoculars will come in handy.

Binoculars for kids are not only a super fun and exciting gift that they will treasure and enjoy, they can also be used in an educational way. This gift can be paired beautifully with a bird guide book for birds in your local habitat.

Keep in mind to buy a pair of binoculars that is specially made for kids. They need to be hardy to withstand falls, as well as lightweight and easy to carry. You also want the size to be right to match their eyes.

  1. Tent

If your child is an avid camper then a tent will be the ultimate gift. Your child will love the thrill of having his own tent when you go camping, plus he can set it up at home in the garden for sleepovers with friends or just for playing in.

You may want to start of with a tent that is very simple to set up and take down to start with if your child is still quite young. Always remember that half the fun is in setting it up!

  1. Fishing Rod

Learning how to fish is something that a lot of kids dream about. This is a great opportunity not only to teach your child some survival skills and patience, it is also a chance to spend some one on one time bonding while you teach your child how to fish.

Make sure to get a fishing rod that is a good size for your child so that he can handle it easily.

Kid fishing

  1. Backpack & Sleeping Bag Set

If your child loves camping, hiking and exploring then getting a good quality backpack and sleeping bag set will be a super useful gift that your child will get many years of use out of.

  1. Bicycle

Every child needs a bicycle, especially those that love being outdoors. Regular exercise is essential to the healthy development of children and learning how to ride a bike will give your child just the thing to keep active while also helping your child to develop balance and coordination skills.

Depending on your child’s age his bicycle can be a great mode of transport to get to school, the library, the shops or to visit friends.

Don’t forget to include a safety helmet in your gift – it is an important safety safeguard and it may also be a legal requirement depending on the country you live in.

Kid boy riding bicycle

  1. Multitool Knife

A multitool knife will be a very exciting gift for a child that is old enough and responsible. It is the ultimate in survival items and will always come in handy while camping or hiking outdoors.

There are many different makes and models available and each one will have different uses and options so do your research into which one will best suit your child’s needs.

You can pair this gift up with a fire starter kit for the survival enthusiast.

Flying kites

  1. Kite

A kite is another thing that every child should own at least once in his life. Flying a kite will give your child a not to be missed experience. If your child loves being outdoors but is not too adventurous then a kite is lovely option to entertain him.

  1. Slingshot

This is another item that every kid needs to experience. Make sure that your child has a safe place to practice that is far enough away not to break any windows and secluded enough not to be dangerous to anyone that may be walking around.

This will keep your child entertained for hours on end as he masters the techniques needed to hit his targets.

  1. Camping Crockery and Cutlery

Kids just love utensils and gear for camping, so giving their own eating utensils set is sure to be a winner. Make sure that the set has a plate, bowl, cup and a knife and fork. If it comes in its own carry case that will be a great feature that makes it easy to pack, store and carry.

  1. Variety of Flash Lights

A hand held flash light is a camping essential that you just can’t go without. There are also other flash lights that come in handy while camping, such as a head torch and a clip on light which can be attached to your tent, onto a tree or even your back pack.

Kids love flash lights so they are sure to love a variety of them for camping.

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